To my way of thinking, I want a treatment that corrects the root cause of the problem. Or as close to the root cause as possible. This requires that I understand the root cause, or the most likely root cause of the disease. In addition to that, I want the treatment to have a minimum of side effects and treat various aspects of the disease at the same time.
My determination of the root primary cause was the immune system dysfunction. This dysfunction makes the immune system ineffective in eliminating certain bacteria.
Low Dose Naltrexone takes care of this aspect of the disease, or helps it to some degree.
The secondary cause of symptoms of the disease is the bad bacteria that resides in our body.
I used an unapproved, experimental, alternative treatment for this problem. It is the chemical Chlorine Dioxide. This product is sold under the name Miracle Mineral Supplement. It is an overhyped, and unproven treatment for any disease.
I do not care about that part. It is the properties of Chlorine Dioxide that indicated that it should work for killing acidic bacteria that I was interested in. This is how I initially rid myself of the few symptoms I had. I have not used it much since my initial six weeks of use. I rely on the LDN to keep the bacteria under control.
I could find no evidence that this use of Chlorine Dioxide posed any danger to me, but it certainly has not been tested nearly enough. The risk posed by the disease was greater, in my mind, than the remote chance of an adverse event from the chemical treatment.
Since I am temporarily out of LDN, I am using this opportunity to use MMS again to clean out any bad bacteria that may be present. I will stop using it when my prescription for LDN gets here.
I also take 500 mg of Turmeric, Ginger and a normal dose of Krill Oil in addition to magnesium, vitamin D-3 in the winter, and a multivitamin.
I eat a high protein diet.
This satisfies all the aspects of what constitutes the safest and most effective treatment program from the information I have. It may not be in agreement with everyone's ideas on treatment, but I have to satisfy myself.
If I modify it any way in the future, it will probably be to incorporate a good probiotic to my daily supplements. That largely based on the success of probiotics in some people. I personally had no effect from prior use of probiotics, but I cannot deny that they has helped quite a few people. I would be using them as a preventative treatment.
Good Luck