My father have hade IBD for a long time(probably 20 years), today he is 55 years old.
He was going to regular checkups(endoscopy) every year and from time to time thay found infection and polyps, the polyps was burned away. Thay was never sure if it was Crohn´s or Ulcerative colitis, thay did never find any trace in the small intestine.
He have been on diffrent IBD medicins like cortisone and asacol.
For littel more then a year ago he started taking blood pressure medecin. About 1/2 year later he began to get problems in his body, he was vary tired and got pain all over the body(Most of the pain was in armpits). There was also a sign in the blood test that he got some kind of infection but thay did not find anything.
He hade hade problem with the prostate before and was thinking that this might be the same but more seriously. Even if the prostata was slitly bigger(felt like sitting on tennis ball) they did not think that this was the problem.
He was on diffrent antibiotics but nothing helped.
a couple of month later thay did CT scan and found a black area on the colon. The followed up with a endoscopy and found cancer!
A operations was done where thay removed the entire colon(removed as many glands as possible that later showed signs of cancer). This was a hard blow to his psyche, he become depressed, most about the bag on the stomack.
He was set on cytotoxin to remove any cancer that might be left in his body.
The problem is that his symtoms : vary tired and pain in body(sometimes like needles) is still there? He have to rest alot.
Yes he got some extra symtoms from the cytotoxin but the wors part is still the former symtoms(vary tired, pain in body). Thanks to this he cant do much and this is also vary frustrating for him(he use to be active).
He have tried to go back to work but he can only be there for about an hour.
Cancer in the colon is a big thing, but it would have been ALOT easier to handle if he did not have this other symtoms. The doctors do not find what could cause these problems.
Have anyone of you heard of these symtoms? Maybe anyone here knows what it could be?
My father have hade IBD for a long time(probably 20 years), today he is 55 years old.
He was going to regular checkups(endoscopy) every year and from time to time thay found infection and polyps, the polyps was burned away. Thay was never sure if it was Crohn´s or Ulcerative colitis, thay did never find any trace in the small intestine.
He have been on diffrent IBD medicins like cortisone and asacol.
For littel more then a year ago he started taking blood pressure medecin. About 1/2 year later he began to get problems in his body, he was vary tired and got pain all over the body(Most of the pain was in armpits). There was also a sign in the blood test that he got some kind of infection but thay did not find anything.
He hade hade problem with the prostate before and was thinking that this might be the same but more seriously. Even if the prostata was slitly bigger(felt like sitting on tennis ball) they did not think that this was the problem.
He was on diffrent antibiotics but nothing helped.
a couple of month later thay did CT scan and found a black area on the colon. The followed up with a endoscopy and found cancer!
A operations was done where thay removed the entire colon(removed as many glands as possible that later showed signs of cancer). This was a hard blow to his psyche, he become depressed, most about the bag on the stomack.
He was set on cytotoxin to remove any cancer that might be left in his body.
The problem is that his symtoms : vary tired and pain in body(sometimes like needles) is still there? He have to rest alot.
Yes he got some extra symtoms from the cytotoxin but the wors part is still the former symtoms(vary tired, pain in body). Thanks to this he cant do much and this is also vary frustrating for him(he use to be active).
He have tried to go back to work but he can only be there for about an hour.
Cancer in the colon is a big thing, but it would have been ALOT easier to handle if he did not have this other symtoms. The doctors do not find what could cause these problems.
Have anyone of you heard of these symtoms? Maybe anyone here knows what it could be?