Is this crohns? On the dr roundabout..

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Nov 14, 2013
Hi all, I am here asking this question after being
Sick for over a year with digestive problems.
I have never stopped before to consider my toilet habits! Now, it seems to rule my life and conversation.

I have high frequency dirreah, and at best, mushy stools. I have been to gastro specialists and had a colonoscopy , gastroscope and more recently a capsule endoscopy. All found nothing.

I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2009 but this all just went away. (Joint pains and sacroiliac inflammation).
I wasn't convinced of the diagnosis.

My esr and crp levels are elevated. My bilirubin is also up. After having high iron my whole life, I now am borderline anaemic. I dare say if i was tested again now I would be very low in iron as previous test was months ago.

I have had in the last 12 months also, iritis. I have psoraisis. I am otherwise at my fittest (and lightest- due to the dirreah) that I have ever been. I am 30 with 3 young children. I feel faint and weak when experiencing dirreah, which for the last 2 months has been almost every day.

I have also had a ct. nothing found.
My GI believes I have crohns and wants to trial me on steroids even though he can't find it. I would love some opinions and thoughts.. I don't know what else to do. Thank u kindly in advance.
Sorry you have all these tests and still don't know what's going on. Are you on any meds for your other conditions? I'm curious if it's possible your GI symptoms are side effects of those drugs. Steroids aren't a joke so id be hesitant to go on them without a clear indication. Is encourage you to seek another gastro for a second opinion.
Thank you for your reply .
I am highly suspicious that the hormonal contraceptive pill intake (Yasmin) may have something to do with my symptoms and as such have stopped taking it a few days ago. No change yet but am hoping to see some improvement.

I wasn't keen to take the steroids after reading the side effects, and after having a read on the side effects of Yasmin, it seems possible it could be worth trying that first as a cause.

I have unexplained inflammation, eye involvement, and psoraisis.. It all sounds like it adds up yet they can't see inflammation in the bowel. I don't know if I have had bowel biopsies to check for microscopic colitis. It wasn't mentioned.
They generally take several biopsies during a colonoscopy. I would inquire about whether microscopic colitis was ruled out. Unfortunately some symptoms can be the cause of multiple illnesses and are hard to pinpoint. I wouldn't hesitate to seek more opinions because there must be an answer and proper treatment plan for you out there.
An update.. I have been off the contraceptive pill, Yasmin, for a month almost a sky symptoms (dirreah) worsened. I talked to my GP and very trusted pharmacist about the steroids and both believed a 5 day 50mg dose, followed by 6 days at 40mg would be fairly safe and side effects kept to a minimum. I am desperate to get better, having 3 young children to take care of.. I couldn't just wait it out anymore so have started the steroids.

2 days in and I'm not experiencing dirreah. In the last 3 months I have been having dirreah very single day, with only two days free from it..I'm feeling positive! But.. What will happen when I taper or stop? Any ideas on the tapering schedule prescribed as mentioned above?

My doctors and specialists want to diagnose me with crohns and seem as frustrated as I am that they can't see it in the scopes. Is it possible to not see any evidence in the presence of active disease?
Thanks in advance :)
I would get a faecal calprotection done, that's how mine has been diagnosed even though scopes and scans show nothing. Calprotectin shows inflammation in the gut but can't say what or where.

I also did a steroid trial and it worked beautifully. Gave me the relief I needed to not lose my mind as I wasn't sleeping or anything.

Also have you seen a rheumatologist for your joint problems? They can be extremely useful doctors to have on board.
I am feeling so swollen and sick today. I haven't taken my steroids yet but am trying to have a sustagen drink so i can take the tablets afterwards. I am having sharp pains and aching on my left abdomin and have the dreaded dirreah again. Feeling very unwell!

I saw a rheumatologist back when I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. He diagnosed me based on the fact that sulfasalazine helped with my joit pains to the point of healing me. I fell pregnant and all my joint problems vanished so I stopped the sulfasalazine at that time.

It's like my inflammation is back but now in my gut. I will see my gp today and ask about the fecal calprotectin test. Thank u.
I really would have thought the dirreah wouldn't have started while still on the steroids. Is it possible that I am having it again as I'm due to take my next dose?

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