I apologize for entering this forum without having any official diagnosis of Crohns, but I am very curious as to know some of your opinions. This past summer I ended up having some uncomfortable rectal sensation; thought it might've been a hemerrhoid, maybe a fissure. My PCP did a rectal examination (always fun!), it was sore, but not painful. No blood, but he did say I might have an infected hemerrhoid. It was so bad that I couldn't get comfortable, at least. So, he sends me home with an antibiotic, which ends up giving me epic diarrhea, but I was still also somewhat constipated. Weird stringy BMs, but still tough to get out. I would've love to have been gassy, but it just wasn't my luck, I guess. Within a week, it wasn't any better, and I just could not function like that so I went back to my PCP, when I insisted that he do something more about whatever this "thing" is in there. So, that day, he gets me in to see one if the best Proctologists in RI. This gentleman gives me the mother of all rectal examinations (and didn't even offer to buy me dinner!) and concludes that everything looks perfect - perfect! I asked him if he thought this could be something like Crohns or UC, cancer even and replays, "No, no, that is not what's going on with you." So, he orders an MRI, instead. The MRI was the following week, but in the meantime I had to go on with my life, but I ended up going to the RI Hospital ER, and two MDs each perform a rectal examination, and also take CT scan of my abdominal and pelvic region, as well as take some blood work. Everything comes back normal, with the exception that they discover diverticulosis (which I didn't have any prior knowledge of). So, four rectal examinations by four different MDs, a CT scan, an MRI, and blood work - everything normal. So far, okay. So, it took most of the summer for me to get back to normal, but once I did, I was fine. Psychologically, though, I still wasn't satisfied, so I went to my GI, who I see for GERD. A couple of years ago he performed an upper endoscopy on me, and that was normal. So, I see him, tell him what has been going on, that I saw a Proctologist, had tests done, and he entertains the possibility of lactose intolerance or bacterial overgrowth. I ask him about Celiacs. He agrees to test for all three. Sooooo....I do some blood work to check my antibody levels for Celiacs, and I also do a breathing test for the bacterial overgrowth and lactose intolerance. I just saw him last week, and he tells me all the tests were negative. Now, up to this point, since the end if the summer, my BMs are regular, once a day, pretty firm and easy to pass. Last week, however, I start with explosive gas and loose stool! Also, there is some rectal bleeding, not a lot, but enough for this paranoid fella to take notice. The gas causes some abdominal discomfort, but I wouldn't say that I have belly pain, and I am not going to the bathroom more than once a day still, even though the BMs are loose and fall apart in the toilet. The bleeding is bright red little specks on the toilet paper, more so along the periphery of the tissue, rather than mixed with the stool. And there is no blood in the toilet, either, and the stool is normal colored. Anyhow, he is going to perform a colonoscopy. I mean, how many tests left for me to get? So, with this small tirade, what are the opinions out there? I would greatly appreciate any insights. I should also add that I have had on and off issues with hemerrhoids since high school...