Is this linked to my AZA?

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Oct 27, 2012
So il get straight to it, I started 75mg of Azathioprine on the 14th of January, its now the 24th and i have (since i woke up today) an uncontrollable sickness feeling that keeps coming and going (about 5 mins between going and coming back again). It makes me feel like i need to lay down and/or sleep. The latter of those never happens though as my Pred keeps me awake at long periods all night haha.

At the moment i just feel very hot (which im used to) and feel uneasily sick throughout my lower abdomen.

I hope someone has an answer or can make me feel better :pale:
Hi Josh, it probably is the Azathioprine, you could try splitting the dose, perhaps 25mg three times per day, or check your metabolite levels to ensure you're not a shunter which will make you feel rubbish, or change to mercaptopurine which is much better tolerated.

Best wishes.
i heard that splitting the dosage is to be advised by your doctor? hmmm il see if i can book in an appointment. As for being a shunter, that word means something completely different over here im afraid id never say im a shunter to anyone! ;)

thanks a lot!
Shunter is another term for hypermethylator, so most of your AZA is "shunted" towards TGN rather than other metabolites, you can check for shunting (ask for 6TGN and 6MMP levels) within a week of starting AZA. Easy to fix by dropping dose and adding allopurinol.
I've also found by personal experience and talking to others that a horrible feeling of just being sick, like really bad flu, is common in the first couple of weeks of taking Aza. I got it and my parents were so concerned they took me to the hospital and I had to hang around all day waiting for blood test results! But nothing was wrong and it was pretty much gone within a week. Hope it's the same kind of thing for you and it's nothing serious! :D
I agree with the others about discussing this with your GI doctor. Maybe he will agree with the idea of splitting the dosage or perhaps it would work out better for you if you took the pills in the evening instead of the morning. Also, take it with food, not on an empty stomach.