If this website was really about helping people, I think it would give me a platform to discuss the disease. Instead, it is constantly promoting drugs and operations that destroy people's insides for profit? I know a lot of the moderators and senior members don't have IBD, but are instead employees of the medical industry. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? The fact that I have to try to message people and make constant new accounts, just to help them understand that IBD is manmade and that they are being exploited. Sure, I've cured myself and I can walk away, but I actually care about others. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer like I did, but the medical industrial employees on this site have no conscience. I challenge any of them that my cure isn't real. I challenge any of them. The cure is simple:
1. 2 tsp Slippery elm bark powder in water.
2. A green drink of fruit and vegetables every morning. You can use water kefir in these smoothies.
3. Stop eating gluten and dairy.
4. Use marijuana to relax your intestinal nervous system if you have gotten that bad.
5. Practice self control, so you can slowly limit the number of bathroom visits.
All of these in combination cured me of IBD. My stools are perfectly blonde and amazing. All bleeding and intestinal pain is gone.
The triggers for IBD are many, but the environmental factors that all line up for everyone that gets some form is the same. We live in a GLUTEN and DAIRY world with limitless stress. All the doctors and medical industry want to do is to profit and exploit. Is there a reason they only get 2 hours of nutrition education? Imagine that? Only 2 hours dedicated to nutrition? Come on now and they want us to believe that they understand the intestinal microflora and fauna and relationship to food? Besides that, do they have any understanding of the pesticides, hormones, gmos, chemicals, and other irritants in our food supply?
Anyway, I challenge the moderators to not delete this post. If you do, it will give me the proof that you are paid for by the medical industry.
1. 2 tsp Slippery elm bark powder in water.
2. A green drink of fruit and vegetables every morning. You can use water kefir in these smoothies.
3. Stop eating gluten and dairy.
4. Use marijuana to relax your intestinal nervous system if you have gotten that bad.
5. Practice self control, so you can slowly limit the number of bathroom visits.
All of these in combination cured me of IBD. My stools are perfectly blonde and amazing. All bleeding and intestinal pain is gone.
The triggers for IBD are many, but the environmental factors that all line up for everyone that gets some form is the same. We live in a GLUTEN and DAIRY world with limitless stress. All the doctors and medical industry want to do is to profit and exploit. Is there a reason they only get 2 hours of nutrition education? Imagine that? Only 2 hours dedicated to nutrition? Come on now and they want us to believe that they understand the intestinal microflora and fauna and relationship to food? Besides that, do they have any understanding of the pesticides, hormones, gmos, chemicals, and other irritants in our food supply?
Anyway, I challenge the moderators to not delete this post. If you do, it will give me the proof that you are paid for by the medical industry.
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