Is this website really for helping people with IBD?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jul 27, 2014
If this website was really about helping people, I think it would give me a platform to discuss the disease. Instead, it is constantly promoting drugs and operations that destroy people's insides for profit? I know a lot of the moderators and senior members don't have IBD, but are instead employees of the medical industry. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? The fact that I have to try to message people and make constant new accounts, just to help them understand that IBD is manmade and that they are being exploited. Sure, I've cured myself and I can walk away, but I actually care about others. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer like I did, but the medical industrial employees on this site have no conscience. I challenge any of them that my cure isn't real. I challenge any of them. The cure is simple:

1. 2 tsp Slippery elm bark powder in water.
2. A green drink of fruit and vegetables every morning. You can use water kefir in these smoothies.
3. Stop eating gluten and dairy.
4. Use marijuana to relax your intestinal nervous system if you have gotten that bad.
5. Practice self control, so you can slowly limit the number of bathroom visits.

All of these in combination cured me of IBD. My stools are perfectly blonde and amazing. All bleeding and intestinal pain is gone.

The triggers for IBD are many, but the environmental factors that all line up for everyone that gets some form is the same. We live in a GLUTEN and DAIRY world with limitless stress. All the doctors and medical industry want to do is to profit and exploit. Is there a reason they only get 2 hours of nutrition education? Imagine that? Only 2 hours dedicated to nutrition? Come on now and they want us to believe that they understand the intestinal microflora and fauna and relationship to food? Besides that, do they have any understanding of the pesticides, hormones, gmos, chemicals, and other irritants in our food supply?

Anyway, I challenge the moderators to not delete this post. If you do, it will give me the proof that you are paid for by the medical industry.
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You know, what works for you works for you. It may not work for my body. Marijuana is illegal in my country, how will I be able to self medicate when I will become a criminal?
How you are going about this is really strange.
I stopped both gluten and dairy with no luck. I stopped with fiber and that helped a lot.
There are always people like you who have the "cure", however, no matter how many cures I try based on others "experiences" I dont get better, only worse.
Stop telling people what to do and have understanding that people are different and what works for different people are different, not one size fit all.
Sad journey much of what you says has some truth to it. You are correct about the pharmaceutical industry. The docs in a corp HC environment work closely with big pharma and are a big part of the marketing for drugs like humira.
I have been at UCLA for awhile my GI for 20 yrs retired and I have been through several already one more to try and then I move on. The MO is centralized treatment protocols FOCUSED ON THE LATEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE DRUGS.
If they don't work then surgery which solves nothing in crohns.
Many people myself included have achieved symptomatic remission via diet and other natural healing and lifestyle modifications,
Unfortunately they don't last forever, but the longer you keep to them the longer they will last. They also help to tolerate the mainstream drugs and avoid bad reactions and side effects,
May I ask how old you are and how long ago you were DX with crohns and where your disease is located and how bad it got for you.
I congratulate you on your success. Let's hope you remain in remission and can be an inspiration to others.
If this website was really about helping people, I think it would give me a platform to discuss the disease. Instead, it is constantly promoting drugs and operations that destroy people's insides for profit? I know a lot of the moderators and senior members don't have IBD, but are instead employees of the medical industry. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? The fact that I have to try to message people and make constant new accounts, just to help them understand that IBD is manmade and that they are being exploited. Sure, I've cured myself and I can walk away, but I actually care about others. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer like I did, but the medical industrial employees on this site have no conscience. I challenge any of them that my cure isn't real. I challenge any of them. The cure is simple:

1. 2 tsp Slippery elm bark powder in water.
2. A green drink of fruit and vegetables every morning. You can use water kefir in these smoothies.
3. Stop eating gluten and dairy.
4. Use marijuana to relax your intestinal nervous system if you have gotten that bad.
5. Practice self control, so you can slowly limit the number of bathroom visits.

All of these in combination cured me of IBD. My stools are perfectly blonde and amazing. All bleeding and intestinal pain is gone.

The triggers for IBD are many, but the environmental factors that all line up for everyone that gets some form is the same. We live in a GLUTEN and DAIRY world with limitless stress. All the doctors and medical industry want to do is to profit and exploit. Is there a reason they only get 2 hours of nutrition education? Imagine that? Only 2 hours dedicated to nutrition? Come on now and they want us to believe that they understand the intestinal microflora and fauna and relationship to food? Besides that, do they have any understanding of the pesticides, hormones, gmos, chemicals, and other irritants in our food supply?

Anyway, I challenge the moderators to not delete this post. If you do, it will give me the proof that you are paid for by the medical industry.

You know the senior members and moderators don't have IBD. :eek2::eek2:

Question: how do we know YOU have/had IBD?

And we also have another miracle cure. This post sound very familiar.

Another conspiracy theorist no doubt.
I do not believe the moderators here are shills for Big Pharma. Now the folks over at the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation are something else again -- check out their list of supporters.

Sadjourney, there are a number of subforums here that address other means of treating Crohn's. The SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) group and the LDN (low-dose naltrexone) are two examples.
I'll scan my medical records and link them. I have countless papers with medical determinations. A ridiculous amount of medical documentation. The doctors told me this condition was chronic, that I would need to cut out my intestines, that there was no cure. They gave me every drug they could and it destroyed me faster than nothing. The whole argument, what works for you? In my instructable, which is considered SPAM, I state that marijuana is only when the situation is beyond control, when your system is so spent because of the urgency and pain, that is useful to help calm your nerves. It also lets you sleep, which I couldn't do when I was suffering from this. That is real medicine. Marijuana doesn't make anyone a criminal. The only reason it is outlawed is because it takes the place of all those poison pills they sell to you. Big pharma makes marijuana a crime. The plant itself has a lot of applications, which is suddenly being embraced more and more by western society. Besides the maryjane, the first 3 steps will help you no matter what. Questioning my IBD? Why would I go out of my way to help other people with things that cost nothing? Question that rationale, which points to what? Green fruit vegetable smoothies? Criminal? Slippery elm bark for bleeding? I must have a lot of slippery elms in my backyard, right? Don't eat gluten and dairy? I'm a secretly a corn farmer and a cow, so I want to protect my monetary source of income? So, the next time you see moderators pushing drugs and surgery, just think about it? Why? Why are they doing it? Why are they so eager to chime in about big pharma drugs? I'm a real person that lost 2 years of his life because there is no money for cures. Chronic disease is big business, so again, I state, my techniques are real and effective. Sure, they take discipline. I used to be Mr. Pizza maker with extra gluten flour and lots of cheese. Heck, I made my own cheese. I loved milk. I loved all those things and it irks me to think my well-being means staying away from those foods, but you know what, I'm healthy, and I'm not suffering, so it is worth it. Good luck and spread the word. You have more power than you think.
I've got no problem at all with medical marijuana. I'm looking into it myself. I also firmly believe in diet.
Gluten free and lactose free. No processed food. I had 20 years remission with NO drugs. No big pharma company making a dime off of me.

I also know that 20 years remission doesn't mean cured. I have tried alternative therapies when first diagnosed. From supplements to diet. No success unfortunately.

You want to hear how I found out my remission was over? My bowel perforated and I needed emergency surgery. I also spent 5 weeks in hospital including time in the ICU.

When people start talking 'cures' I don't get concerned for me. I get concerned for people newly diagnosed. For parents who's 3 year old has just been told their child has crohns. They are new to it and overwhelmed. Scared. Now the have a choice. Major (frightening) meds or someone touting a simple cure. Who wouldn't go for the simple cure. It would actually be foolish not to.

BUT...symptom free does not mean no inflammation. Even in the presents of normal bloods. I have live through the reality of under treated and untreated inflammation. The truth is it CAN be fatal.

Drugs like remicade, humira and such are clinically prove to effectively treat inflammation and give patients a chance at life again. Because inflammation is treated the chances of serious complication can be reduced.

So when you come hear and say that the moderators and senior members don't have IBD and are actually working for big's quite frankly a load of CRAP!!
Sad journey much of what you says has some truth to it. You are correct about the pharmaceutical industry. The docs in a corp HC environment work closely with big pharma and are a big part of the marketing for drugs like humira.
I have been at UCLA for awhile my GI for 20 yrs retired and I have been through several already one more to try and then I move on. The MO is centralized treatment protocols FOCUSED ON THE LATEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE DRUGS.
If they don't work then surgery which solves nothing in crohns.
Many people myself included have achieved symptomatic remission via diet and other natural healing and lifestyle modifications,
Unfortunately they don't last forever, but the longer you keep to them the longer they will last. They also help to tolerate the mainstream drugs and avoid bad reactions and side effects,
May I ask how old you are and how long ago you were DX with crohns and where your disease is located and how bad it got for you.
I congratulate you on your success. Let's hope you remain in remission and can be an inspiration to others.

I was 33 when it hit during some extreme stress in my life. At first it started as simple bleeding, but then it started to know ball. I went to the emergency room and the first doctor told me Crohns, but without any test. I thought this was unusual, so I didn't believe him at this point. I was really sick. It started in my colon, which makes you believe it is just some physical tear. I thought I ripped something, but as it started to escalate sharper pains started to appear at the top of the large intestine and stomach. After almost bleeding to death, I found myself in the emergency room again. Blood transfusions and more tests. I thought the doctors would save me at that point, but they told me the biggest lie. They told me I could eat anything I wanted. These doctors told me that I had IBD, but didn't specify. They settled on ulcerative colitis and started drugging me. At that point, I believed they had good intentions, but the way the doctors acted was strange. They all gave me dire predictions of the disease and that eventually I would have to cut parts of my intestines. They told what I was eating had nothing to do with it. What? So, after thinking they helped me, I used their drugs at home, but my condition worsened. I didn't understand what was happening. I thought the doctors were trying to help me. Blood would gush from me like a fountain. It was endless. 20 times a day I'm sure. I was helpless and every time I went back to them, I asked them, why am I not getting better? They just prescribed more drugs. I knew something was wrong. A friend of mine got me connected with a friend who had IBD, so he told me a different drug, which was an older drug. Again, I believed this, and found myself back at the doctors trying to get this older drug. I was convinced if I just followed their protocol, that my body was going to heal. Sadly, the steroids and other drugs weakened me. I got down to 121, my gums receding, my mouth bleeding, my body shriveling. At my worst, I was projectile vomiting and diarrhea triggering at the same time. My brother told me that I should make a youtube video and show people what was going on. I had never been weak in my life. I was always strong. I didn't want to throw a pity party. So, after that, I decided, I would figure it out. I decided that gluten and dairy were no bueno, after doing some tests. I would watch for the reactions. The green drink idea was just a common sense approach to my intestines like a car engine. Every day, I made improvements, but the bleeding. That was the hardest to figure. Finally, after going through forums and forums, someone mentioned slippery elm bark. I was skeptical, but the mention seemed benign, so I ordered a pound bag. I added that to my routine and sure enough, the blood started to lessen. It was a slow road to recovery because of how long my body was under attack, but every day I improved. The marijuana helped a lot during the painful days, but it now sits locked away in a cabinet. I've been blanketing this site with messages to people in pain, because I really would feel guilty if I walked away. It would mean that all my suffering was for nothing, but if I help people, that means my suffering had a purpose. Lastly, my half sister came down with it at 20. She got the food poisoning brand of IBD and then instant blood and guts. I was able to fix her quickly, which set her back on track. We have different fathers and our age gap, so I saw no genetic correlation. The thing we share the most was our western diet and lifestyle of stress. I hope that answers your questions.
I've got no problem at all with medical marijuana. I'm looking into it myself. I also firmly believe in diet.
Gluten free and lactose free. No processed food. I had 20 years remission with NO drugs. No big pharma company making a dime off of me.

I also know that 20 years remission doesn't mean cured. I have tried alternative therapies when first diagnosed. From supplements to diet. No success unfortunately.

You want to hear how I found out my remission was over? My bowel perforated and I needed emergency surgery. I also spent 5 weeks in hospital including time in the ICU.

When people start talking 'cures' I don't get concerned for me. I get concerned for people newly diagnosed. For parents who's 3 year old has just been told their child has crohns. They are new to it and overwhelmed. Scared. Now the have a choice. Major (frightening) meds or someone touting a simple cure. Who wouldn't go for the simple cure. It would actually be foolish not to.

BUT...symptom free does not mean no inflammation. Even in the presents of normal bloods. I have live through the reality of under treated and untreated inflammation. The truth is it CAN be fatal.

Drugs like remicade, humira and such are clinically prove to effectively treat inflammation and give patients a chance at life again. Because inflammation is treated the chances of serious complication can be reduced.

So when you come hear and say that the moderators and senior members don't have IBD and are actually working for big's quite frankly a load of CRAP!!

I'm telling you right now that your immune system isn't attacking itself. That is the big lie they are selling you with the drugs. Your system is reacting to irritants. Do you know what is in your food supply? None of us really know what we put in our bodies. Cockroach dna and bacteria dna in our corn? Pesticides built into the corn? Wheat bred to have more gluten, to create breads with more structure? All this stuff is man-made. The reason I believe that big pharma/the medical industry probably fund this site, is because I see the responses of moderators towards positive big pharma drug reviews. I see them promoting surgeries. I see a lot of suspicious behavior, including banning me, when I'm a real IBD person, that is trying to help. Why wouldn't I question moderator and senior members motives? If you really want to help people, then you would leave me be, rather than trying to censor me. Censorship is the biggest sign of corruption. Transparency is the only bridge to truth.
Have you got you're own blog and website? They are completely free to set up.
You won't be censored on your site. You can help people directly.

Do you think I work for big Pharma?
If this website was really about helping people, I think it would give me a platform to discuss the disease. Instead, it is constantly promoting drugs and operations that destroy people's insides for profit? I know a lot of the moderators and senior members don't have IBD, but are instead employees of the medical industry. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? The fact that I have to try to message people and make constant new accounts, just to help them understand that IBD is manmade and that they are being exploited. Sure, I've cured myself and I can walk away, but I actually care about others. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer like I did, but the medical industrial employees on this site have no conscience. I challenge any of them that my cure isn't real. I challenge any of them. The cure is simple:
1. 2 tsp Slippery elm bark powder in water.
2. A green drink of fruit and vegetables every morning. You can use water kefir in these smoothies.
3. Stop eating gluten and dairy.
4. Use marijuana to relax your intestinal nervous system if you have gotten that bad.
5. Practice self control, so you can slowly limit the number of bathroom visits.

All of these in combination cured me of IBD. My stools are perfectly blonde and amazing. All bleeding and intestinal pain is gone. ....
Sadjourney, I appreciate your point of view & am happy that your approach has worked for you. I have common interests with respect to your nutritional approach & have eliminated gluten & diary. I have also incorporated more fruit & vegetable smoothies into my dietary intake. Thanks for sharing an interesting perspective : )