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- Dec 29, 2011
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It all started out with Acne...
^I realize this is more of a rant than an introductory post but I needed to vent somehow Thanks for your patience
Before I begin I probably should warn you that my post will be long, not particularly because I have a lot to say, but because I tend to story-tell and anything I write takes a story tone. If anything I feel like I only have myself to blame. My lifestyle had changed drastically this year. In the fall I moved out of my parents house to live closer to the university that I recently got accepted to. My first year in my masters degree program. I moved in with my cousin (pre-med student) and we tried to make a cozy little student life for ourselves.
It started with stress. Stress from classes, stress from deadlines, stress from work, stress from paying bills and to tell the truth my lifestyle changed in such a way that I was constantly stressing and never devoting any time to keeping myself in good health (mentally or physically). I started having D. Considering the fact that my daily schedule was as follows..Go to Uni in the a.m. (usually running late) eat lunch in the cafe, rush to work after classes, go back to uni after 7 till about 2 a.m. go home eat something, sleep for about 5 hours then start over again
Results: fevers (up to a few times per week), exhaustion, D, Acne. It was the acne that gave me away. My mom saw my skin and insisted that I go with her to the dermatologist. Also, the nails on my thumbs have been growing strangely for almost a year and she thought it wouldn't hurt for them to take a look at that too. We went, and after a few months of treatment we saw it wasn't really getting better (and all the while I had D). The dermatologist suggested I go see a doctor for my intestines, as acne is a sign of bad digestion, since I had bad digestion I figured it made sense. We went to a doctor, explained the situation, he said you have to stay in the hospital for about a week. A week in the hospital for some acne and D? Madness!! What about work? What about classes? Forget this! So I ignored it... Till other problems started creeping up. I started bleeding... Turned out I had a hemorrhoid but a colonoscopy was in order to double check.
That's when they found it. It looks like Crohn's disease they told me. You should get more testing done. Thankfully I was on vacation both from classes and work let me go (they didn't really have much of a choice). I'm now hospitalized, and while they keep saying "it looks like Crohn's" they still don't know for sure, and while I've been here (for about 2 nights, I'm on my way to my third night now) I've been given IV's, pills, medipred (a lighter form of prednisone, or so I've been told), they found out that I'm anemic, that I have low blood pressure, that my heart beats too fast, and at this point I just feel like I'm falling apart. After my colonoscopy I started feeling pain. Pain then the sudden urge to go to the broom for another glorious pain relieving bout of D.
So now what? I'm not too thrilled about going on any form of hormonal treatment. I'd rather get treated NOW while I'm on vacation than in a week when my classes start for my second quarter :/ *sigh* I've decided to be more zealous with my diet, though I don't know how to change the lifestyle I've had. Work school work school, I WANT to take yoga, treat myself better, cook food at home to take with me to school/work, but that takes time, precious time that I don't feel like I have. Health before everything, I know, but it's going to be tough making that kind of a transition.
Anyways, I don't know what to say at this point. One more night at the hospital then they'll let me go home and celebrate New Years Eve at home with my family. It's later on that I'm worried about, when the stress comes back at me in full blast. I've been reading some of your posts and it has been both relieving and horrifying at the same time. I wish you all good health and healing for the coming New Year
^I realize this is more of a rant than an introductory post but I needed to vent somehow Thanks for your patience
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