I always inspect my bm after I go, because i've been making white mucus and found it was all orangey/red. I asked mum is she had any fancy red coloured bleach for the toilet or put anything red there. No one else uses that particular toilet except for me. I'm not on my period at the moment and it was clean before I used it. Our toilet paper is white. Blood from my bottom is the only explanation and my tummy hurts so much and I feel so bad right now. I don't really know what the purpose of this post is to be honest. I'm seeing my doctor in a few days and going to see my specialist soon hopefully. I just need some reassurance. Nothing is stopping the pain. I've tried everything - hot water bottles and that kind of pain relief. I can't take the pain killers they've put me on because it's ibuprofen! I'm kind of scared at the moment because i'm 16 and i'm supposed to be going to parties and things this week if I was healthy, but instead i'm bleeding from my bum. That's totally not cool. I need help for this pain and i'm not getting it and I know what I need to do - change doctors until I find someone but what do I do in the mean time? How do I cope whilst being told it's in my head. I don't know what to do anymore and i'm on the verge of tears (i've toughened up since being ill, so don't cry much anymore - no point.) It's getting too much and I don't know what to do and i'm scared and this is frustrating. I know we have all been or going through this together, and that's half good but half bad. I know I shouldn't moan about this but I am. I don't know what to do. I've been doing everything you've all been telling me and i'm trying so hard to get better and i've been going for walks and gone back to college and doing coursework, i've been chilling, sleeping, listening to my body. I'm doing everything I can and it's not good enough and i'm really scared and I need help and i'm getting worse all the time and it's terrifying and I really need a hug.