First of all, apologies if this is a duplicate post - I have limited wifi at the moment and don't have time to read through all the threads.
I am 23 and have suffered with Crohns since I was 9.
I've had Infliximab (Remicade) before but this was at least 4 years ago. I recently had a bad relapse and had to start the treatment again.
It has been just over a week since the infusion and I have just started to get horrendous joint pain in my jaw - so much so it's hard to open and close it fully. Pain is also in my wrists, shoulder, knee and some of my fingers.
I have never had this reaction to it before and I was wondering if other people have experienced the same?
More importantly, what do you do to relieve the pain? How long does it last?
I am on holiday at the moment so am having to rely on pain killers.
I'm hoping it goes away soon as I don't want to ruin the holiday!
Thanks for reading, hopefully some if you will be able to help
bc* x
I am 23 and have suffered with Crohns since I was 9.
I've had Infliximab (Remicade) before but this was at least 4 years ago. I recently had a bad relapse and had to start the treatment again.
It has been just over a week since the infusion and I have just started to get horrendous joint pain in my jaw - so much so it's hard to open and close it fully. Pain is also in my wrists, shoulder, knee and some of my fingers.
I have never had this reaction to it before and I was wondering if other people have experienced the same?
More importantly, what do you do to relieve the pain? How long does it last?
I am on holiday at the moment so am having to rely on pain killers.
I'm hoping it goes away soon as I don't want to ruin the holiday!
Thanks for reading, hopefully some if you will be able to help
bc* x