Joint pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 21, 2009
First of all, apologies if this is a duplicate post - I have limited wifi at the moment and don't have time to read through all the threads.
I am 23 and have suffered with Crohns since I was 9.
I've had Infliximab (Remicade) before but this was at least 4 years ago. I recently had a bad relapse and had to start the treatment again.
It has been just over a week since the infusion and I have just started to get horrendous joint pain in my jaw - so much so it's hard to open and close it fully. Pain is also in my wrists, shoulder, knee and some of my fingers.
I have never had this reaction to it before and I was wondering if other people have experienced the same?

More importantly, what do you do to relieve the pain? How long does it last?
I am on holiday at the moment so am having to rely on pain killers.
I'm hoping it goes away soon as I don't want to ruin the holiday!

Thanks for reading, hopefully some if you will be able to help :)

bc* x
I've had a few infusions myself but I've never experienced the joint pain you described though I've read posts from others who have. Here's to hoping someone posts some good advice for you!
I get minor joint pain for about 2-3 days after my infusion. It does go away for me though, and its not severe.
i have the same problem but no one will give me any answers!! hope you find out something soon
Hi I have very mild pain in my fingers, but when I had my last infusion there was a guy there that was telling the nurses that he had serve joint pain, they booked him into see the doc, however, when he started his infusion (it was his 5th) he had a reaction and it had to be stopped, the nurses were saying they should have known because of his joint paint, dont know if this helps x
I have had 3 infusions so far and my joint/muscle pain is AWFUL. It's been in my hands, fingers, feet, toes but mostly my legs. Pains shoot down my shins, hamstrings ache and now both my knees hurt terribly, to the point of not walking normal. To me it feels like there is tons of inflammation in each knee. I'm calling my GI Dr. tomorrow, so I will let you know what he says.