Jpouch surgery to cure nasty version of UC

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Mar 9, 2010
Hello all so it's been a long time I have posted. After that last major flare I had in beginning of March I decided to go with the surgeons and get the jpouch surgery done. I had my colon removed and the used part of the iliuem to create a new colon pretty amazing. The did it all lathroscopicly also. I am week 4 post op and I am up and doing a lot just trying not to lift anything heavy. I already have had several bowel movements with my new colon because of the ilioloop that the set up with a bag. I am lucky man that they were able to pull this off. 4 more weeks and I get the stoma loop reversed and taken down then all poo will go Turku the new pouch. I will have to train it a bit but how awesome is that. They saw no signs of disease in my small intestines only in my large. It's been a bit of a challenge but small bean compared to the last 3 years feeling like death the UC. I just pray to god that this truly is a cure and it all works out. Any and all comments are welcome you all have been so great since I started blogging here I that you all for everything your great words of wisdom. Thanks.
I am going to have my reversal this thursday on the 4th and so I will be functionally using my jpouch and no longer have to wear a bag. Its been quite the 8 weeks and a learning one. Its amazing i have learned so much being a patient wearing a bag instead of the nurses role like i am used. I guess alot of what you learn in life is experience and not only textbook, right? Anyways....a little nervous about the frequent trips i will be having to the bathroom following all of this but I definately wont be missing the ulcerative colitis flareups one bit! Good luck with your jpouch!
I'm glad to hear your small intestine was clear. I hope this keeps you feeling good. :)

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