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Feb 11, 2009
Do any of you use a juicer to add fresh juice to your diet? I just got a juicer, thinking that if I juiced some of the things I can't eat raw, maybe I would live a little longer, and have more energy.

So far, I have been drinking one apple, a handful or kale, and a couple sprigs of cilantro. It makes about five ounces of juice, I think. It makes my belly so bloated, though. I am wondering if my body will get used to it. I am taking a break for a while, because I hate that bloated feeling so much.

Have any of you tried fresh juice?
Fresh juice is especially nice when you have to eat a bland diet! Since Kale is part of the cabbage family it can be a bit troublesome (gas wise.) Try leaving it out...and then experiment carefully with some other fruits, one at a time maybe. There is still some fibre left in the juice. Good luck.
I cannot live without my juice twice a day. What a godsend it has been! My favorite juice is beet, apple, celery, and ginger. I've never felt bloated from it but maybe you should try something else. Also, you should not eat for an hour before or after you juice, perhaps that is causing the bloating?

I try to limit the amount of fruits since they are so high in sugars but I do use it occasionaly to add sweetness. Instead of Cilantro, you might want to give Parsley a try. It works well for settling the stomach. I have Kale all the time and it does not have that effect on me but everyone is different. There really isn't anything I won't juice LOL.

Just be sure to sip your juice, never gulp it. I have heard that you should take it easy at first so you can get used to it. Best of luck to you, hope you keep with it! It has helped me soooooooooooooo much!
yeh i love my juicer. I normally have fruit ones (apples, blackberries and strawberries in different combinations) I find carrots and celery work well.

With fruit i try not drink any of the seeds as i find some cause me troubles

If you search for smoothies it may give you some more info
Try this page http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=17478

Maybe we should have a thread in "cooking with crohns" for juice recipes
Thanks, you guys! I'm going to keep trying it. I will just keep trying different combinations, until I find some that work well for me. I'm pretty excited!
Hi Jenny - There have been tons of juicing threads over the past couple of years. If you search this section, you can read about others experiences and maybe get some good ideas of different concoctions that might not be so gas producing.

I used the juice wheatgrass twice a day. Now I can't even drive past a freshly mown feild without gagging!

I still bust out my juicer upon occassion, but don't use it nearly as much as I should.

Enjoy!! - Amy
As everyone said before, start slow and small. My standby is 3 carrots and one apple. Good for start in the morning. Kale is the most vile tasting and smelling weed on the planet. They say its very nutritious but the smell even drives my dogs outside.