Junk Food is my friend!!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 17, 2014
I can eat any kind of junk food and my stomach doesn't hurt; but the minute I eat fruits, veggies or protein, UGH, to the point, I almost hate eating. Most people probably think I'm saying this but it's true. I love fruits and veggies, cooked or raw! I love salads too but that's always a gamble. I admit, I love sweets. I'm probably addicted to sugar and always have been but now I wonder if that addiction was caused in part to the fact that it doesn't hurt my tummy.

I am overweight. Okay, so actually, I'm classified as obese. Even though I do tend to eat junk food, I don't eat a big amount of any kind of food but yet here I am, obese! My family doesn't understand. I eat less than anyone in the family.

Most of us crohnie's are skinny. I actually had a doctor tell I couldn't have crohn's because of my weight (idiot!). Is there something about crohn's that makes some of us intolerant to good, healthy food? If so, please enlighten me!
One of the few fruits I can tolerate is bananas. If I eat veggies, they have to be well cooked. I think everyone is different. Be careful with too much sugar. I think there are others on this forum who are overweight.
I understand what you say. Over the first 20 years or so of my disease it was continually active. I had to eat obscene amounts of junk food (chocolate and chips) to keep a sufficiently high calorie intake and that kept me 30 pounds below my good weight. Try explaining that to a workplace full of women! Now that my health has improved, I have had to seriously reduce my intake. My weight is back to a good level now.
When you lose weight because of the disease have you tried protein shakes? If this is repetition , forgive me.
You are exactly the same as me. I can eat the famous chicken takeaway and its no pain, no bloating, no acid etc but hell hath no fury when I eat something 'healthy'. I told my GI about it and he laughed and said yes this is because a lot of people are intolerable to fibre and many vitamins in foods. So a greasy, easy to digest, no vitamined junk is fine on your system. He also said 'but we dont like to advertise that fact, but we do know'. I ate half a strawberry and suffered horrendously for 2 weeks, a bucket or burger:fine! Settles me infact. Everyone says I have a 'childs appetite' so I dont ever eat a lot and I miss a lot of meals as im not hungry but still very big. They also think I have endometriosis or PO tho. Ive never been able to lose weight. So dont feel bad, im a slave to my stomach. I miss veg and fruit so bad but its not worth more strictures.
If it works for you,then go for it.
I'm all for healthy eating,but veggies are not for me.I would advise cutting down on sugar / chocolate though.You really don't want diabetes added to the list.I was borderline diabetic last year but I'm normal now.I was really scared.I still eat chocolate though.
As long as chocolate is seen as a treat and not a normal part of a diet, why not! I personally dont have choc as im lactose intolerant and not a huge fan of sweet stuff anyway. Ive been told my cholesterol is perfect, always has, same with blood pressure just am bigger than id/theyd like. Im sure being housebound/bedbound a lot doesnt help also.
My son does okay with a mixture..nutritious cooked vegetables, fruit smoothies with nut milks, white rice, bread and pasta. Nothing too spicy. He quit dairy about a month ago and that seems to have helped him a little.