Just a little bothered...in need of vent!

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Aug 6, 2010
just a little bothered...in need of vent!

Well I'm 24 years old and was just diagnosed w crohns 2 weeks ago. Slight symptoms for about 8 months prior. I've been on asacort and entocort for those 2 weeks w little change if not symptoms getting worse-its a little unnerving to say the least! At first it was just stomache cramps and poos...now I'm starting to get sores underneath my skin. Mainly on my feet and ankles but a few have popped up on the inside of my arms. Very painful!! Also have had some ulcers/sores pop up on my gums. Joints are hurting along w it. Ohhh and don't get me started on the eyes being inflamed. It comes and goes and its starting to really yank my nerves! I'm pretty sure all these symtoms go along w it...but the one that concerns me is that I've been having a pain in my chest since I woke up...anyone know if it could be connected? I'm just plain irratable as most of u can probably relate. I know that I'm not the only one going thru this but I guess I just wanted to have my one moment of complaining all by myself. Not seeming to get as much support from my hubby as I would have hoped. He sympathizes but in the same sense seems as if I'm being "silly" when I start to complain. Feeling a little lonely in all this...even tho I'm not alone here! Any words of wisdom or funny mumbles would be greatly appreciated! :confused2:
:welcome: Hi and welcome to the forum, Sounds like you are having a rough time
I can't answer your questions but someone else who can will come along soon I am sure and help you out.

Im sorry for what you are going through and you will get lots of support here at the forum.

Good luck hun
Hello and welcome to the Forum!!
I'm pleased you found us because now you can talk to others
who know what you are going through.

I have heard of all your symptoms either all at once
or some time in between.

I have had the sore and the mouth sores body aches, eyes inflamed etc.
They are all Crohn's related.

As to the pain in the chest area...I'm wondering if it is heartburn...
I take Asacol and have to watch when I take it as it seems to give me heartburn.

I think you should check it out with your G.I.

All the symptoms can be and will be brought under control...
sometimes it trial and error with the meds, to find out
just which ones are going to work for you...

Write your symptoms down for your next doctor's appointment
so he/she can get a handle on what's happening with you.

Once again...welcome.
Healing hugs~Nancy
Hi mkelley. I am sorry to hear you have Crohn's. I have it too, and yes it sucks. When I first got sick I had the bump thingys, lots of pain, running to the toliet, aching joints, weird eye problems, etc.

As for the chest pain, is it low or high? Front or back? It could be from acid reflux and/or GERD, if it is low and in the front.

And the best advice I could give to you is be your own advocate. Read up on the available treatments. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor for a more aggressive treatment plan and/or get a second opinion.

As for Entocort, it isn't as nearly as effective as prednisone; prednisone almost always works, and fast. Of course it causes really bad side effects though:(
Hi Mkelley! Welcome to the forum! Yes, rashes, sores, are very well connected to Crohn's, make sure you have them looked at as a nasty thing called Pyoderma Gangreosum is common and can be very difficult to get rid of . Your Gi should be able to help or better yet a dermatologist.

AS for your hubby, sometimes they try to subdue the axieties of symptoms because they are in fact scared too. Also so that you dont worry. If you are never sure, always keep in touch with your Gi. Small things can grow into big things if not looked after. Glad you found us, hope you join our crew... ;)
Hi M, welcome to the forum. I definitely couldn't add to what Nancy and Jett already said. I just want to wish you well and hope you stick around!!!
You poor thing...I feel your pain. I used to try to be tough. Swallow the pain, not complain, not want to take pain medication, not take something to sleep. After 2 high speed trips to the hospital for surgery and another one in an life flight, I have learned that complaining is not a bad thing if it accomplishes something. I like to call it communicating. I am still learning to communicate. I soo hated the idea of whining and complaining that it took me a long time to change. I needed to speak up in order to be heard...in other words...I had to complain ( but I do try to do it nicely). If you are not getting results on one avenue, try another. A soul can only go so long before it bottoms out ( pun intended).
Hang in there...and come here often. I am new here, but have been here in spirit for some time.
Thank you all for your responses and warm welcomes! It really means a lot to me!

As for the chest pain, I woke up with it and its only in the front on my left side above my breast. Its gotten a little worse as the day has gone on and it hurts when I breathe in. I've never had heartburn which is why I doubt it might be that....but again everyday I've woken up w new surprises. So who knows? I'm definately going to bring up the symptoms to my GI when I go. I'm supposed to go for a lab panel on Wednesday hopefully ill see him then.

Do the sores go away after a little while or do they tend to stick around? Hurts to walk (mostly tender) and tough to rotate/flex my feet/ankles.

I think I'm mainly in disbelief which is why I have somewhat detached myself from my surroundings, and I've been reading a lot of your posts which seem to both reassure me and scare the sh*t out of me at the same time!! And all the while thinking "I can't believe this has happened to me" (sorry for the self pity guys, just kinda feelin sorry for myself- still don't think it has sank in yet!
Hi mkelley and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here. It's not surprising you are irritable and scared, that's a lot to deal with and with a diagnosis only 2 weeks ago everything is still so new and raw. As Nancy has suggested, write all your questions down as you go in the next day or so until you meet with the GI and then fire away!

This is a great place for support, info and a laugh so I hope you stick around and please keep us posted on how you are going.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi mkelley
and welcome

You seem to have got the whole Crohns package in one fell swoop!
These symptoms are very common with Crohnies I'm afraid, either all at one during a bad flare or one at a time.
Entocort is a mild steroid, and because you're in a flare right now with other intestinal manifestations, I would speak to your gastro and ask for a short course of Pred to blitz this current inflammation. If it hurts when you breathe in, this sounds like muscle, heartburn is constant. Have you done any exercise?
If reading this forum is scaring you, then stop! anxiety will make your symptoms worse!
You're a new Crohnie, in time you will be able to self manage these symptoms, you can read the diet sections on the forum, they won't scare you!
glad you found us, we're here to offer advice, support, vents and screams!
any questions, fire away, there's always someone here!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx