Just a 'little' venting..

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Nov 10, 2008
just a 'little' venting..

I'm so mad/depressed about everything. I'm sick of people you sit their a criticize every little thing about me. I saw my mother for the first time in months (i live with my boyfriend) and the minute I get into her car all I hear is "katie I didn't even realize that was you, you look SO anorexic." Like really? C'mon ..my mother of all people should realize what I go through since I havent seen a doctor/been on medication since her insurance kicked me off in march(now waiting for papers to come in to send to insurance company to get back on). But its not just her, its everyone. I don't even like coming out of the house anymore because im so thin and pale. I hear it all the time .."you don't eat enough, look at your bones popping out of your chest, look at your thighs blah blah blah".

Since when is it okay to tell someone with a chronic disease that they're anorexic? I would never in a million years criticize anyone with any type of disease/illness. I think its one of the most inconsiderate things you could do. And I hear this on a daily basis from the people around me. I used to be the "curvy" girl. I had hips and a but and breasts(which i still do have :) ha) and now thats all gone. I went from being 155 ish when I started having problems down to 120 when I was finally diagnosed. Then got into remission and was 130, and once I was kicked off my insurance I have now dropped to 100 pounds, an alltime low for me.

It just seems like no one around understands, even though they claim they do. How exactly do you understand when you have no idea what it feels like to be me? Having the worst abdominal cramps, going to the bathroom constantly, i had fevers all this week peaking at 104.5, and chills, nausea, vomitting, being constantly tired. How could someone who is perfectly healthy even understand all thatt, expecially while telling me how terrible I look.

People are just so incredibly nice now-a-days, dontcha think?
i just feel so sorry for you guys with that health insurance thing you have over there:(

how many of your problems would be solved if you had access to free (or almost free) drugs?????

and yeah, as soemone else said in another thread here the other day. what if you made fun of an overweight person due to a medical condition... you'd be harrassed so much..


hugs to ya!
Bless u
I know exactly how you feel as i am also underwieght and i always get 'skinny' comments. It's not like i like being like this!!
Sometimes u do just have to get annoyed at people to get the message accross. esp if it is your mum, as she will forgive u later! I find bursting into tears adds to it and gets u a bit of sympathy as well! :p
hope you get your insurence sorted out. I agree with jed, tht rly sucks tht u have that there, it doesnt seem right that a person with a chronic illness should have to go with out treatment. Hopefuly it will be done soon and you will start feeling better :)
i totally no how you feel!! when i was first dxed the drs all were butt munchies(no pun intended) and my insurance would only let me have certain drs. so i had to deal with them and only certain types of meds so i couldnt get my cd under control which it still isnt but im switching insurances now because i just turned 18 then hopefully i will b able to get a better dr and meds. so good luck to you i hope everything works out!!
yup yup i know where youre coming from with the anorexic comments as well. it is completely rude, like you said. and thats totally the last thing we need to hear when we already feel so self concious. yes, having someone tell you you look like death is lovely. awesome.
maybe they are just scared and worried and dont know what to say? ah idk. they just cannot understand at all like you said. they think they know how to sympathize, but they really dont.
just try and appreciate the people who support you in the best way possible. the ones that balance concern and worry and know how to voice it accurately without making you feel even worse by their comments.
though they are few and far between!
we are all here though :)
good luck hun, i hope health is coming your way soon
thanks everyone!!!

i think theres a lot going on for me at one time while im flaring. i feel much better with these comments, thanks again