Just diagnosed...don't know what to expect

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 19, 2014
I am 37year old female living in mumbai, india. about 8 months back i had a sudden bout of diaria, vomiting and huge blood loss about eight months back. Colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy confirmed presence of ulcers in large intestine and lower portion of small intestine. Biopsy was non conclusive doctor concluded that this was some severe infection and did not start any medication. I have had two similar but lower intensity flare ups, the last one being about a month back.the hemoglobin count had fallen to7.2,but has now comeuppance to 9. A second set of doctors recommended a second opinion on the biopsy , which has confirmed this as Crohn's. I am seeing a specialist on Monday who will probably start my medication. I don't know what awaits me....
Welcome Shilpi! This forum has lots of information and resources. There are also a lot of people that have been through just about everything so don't be afraid to ask questions. I have learned so much about Crohns since starting on this forum and my GI and GP are both suggesting it to newly diagnosed patients.

Flares will periodically interrupt your life. remission long term is possible and there are many people on this forum that have been in remission for decades. The most important thing is to work with your GI to get you properly medicated and treated.

Take care and let us know if you have any questions!
Hi Shilpi
And a very warm welcome from me too. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but glad that you have found us and hope we can help.
I think a useful thing to do before you see the specialist is to read up as much as you can about the disease. Also, have a read through some posts on the Treatment section of the forum. It really helps if you have some knowledge of these things when you go to see your doctors and they start to talk about things like medications.
It can also help to write down a list of the questions you have in your mind about the disease and the treatment and take these along with you, as it's easy to forget to ask at the time.
Is someone going along with you? That can help too. Often there is a lot of information to take in, and it can help to have another set of ears.
We will also answer what we can here and please let us know how you get on.