Just diagnosed with Crohn's disease!

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Feb 20, 2013
After years of getting sick and sicker I finally fessed up to the doctor and found out that it was Crohn's. In a way, I'm so happy! Finally I know what's wrong with me and finally I can tell my family what is actually going on. Any advice for someone who is new to all of this? One of my many problems right now is the fatigue. It doesn't matter how much or little sleep I get, I'm always tired :( once I get on medication, will that get better?
Welcome to the forum! Sorry, to hear you have Crohn's (I do too), but this is a great place to connect with others in your situation and get their perspective on things. You don't write about your other symptoms - my fatigue was mostly caused by pain and not absorbing food and nutrients properly. In my case medication did little good - I had to have small bowel resection. But after that and on Pentasa my strenght came back. I gained back the weight I had lost and could eat fairly normally. And then I was in remision for almost 10 years. During my recent flair-up I did not get to the point where I was exhausted. Or simply can't blame it on Crohn's solely - I have a 8.5 and 2.5 year old kids and a full time job - so it's a happy mix. But once you find medication that works for you, you should start feeling better. And when you can get proper nutrition that will help too. Other than that when you talk to your doctor ask a lot of questions, read posts here and pay attention to what foods you can tolerate better (big factor for me). Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions here!
Hi, and welcome to the forum!

Do you know yet what medication you'll be taking?

The fatigue should definitely improve once you get your Crohn's under control. Have you doctor check your vitamin levels, as well - deficiencies are very, very common with Crohn's and can cause fatigue.

I do have some advice, since you've asked. :) Always make sure you fully understand what your doctor is talking about - ask as many questions as you need to, and don't leave until you're confident that you understand what is going on with your body. Having good communication with your doctor can prevent a lot of stress! Keep a food journal to see if anything you're eating is aggravating your symptoms - if so, eliminating that food from your diet can make a big difference. Come here and ask as many questions as you want - if anyone can offer any advice or support, they will. The forum is an invaluable resource for many of us. :)

I think we can all relate to being "happy" after diagnosis. It means you can get on the path to feeling better
Fatigue is a very common problem with Crohn's, as Sarahbear suggested, have your vitamin levels checked. If you are low on Iron, Vitamin B12 and I believe Vitamin D, you would be experiencing fatigue.
And like Sarah said, its probabale that it will improve as your health improves. Just hang in there, and ask any questions that you have. No matter how embarrassing it can be, alsways be honest and open with your GI. Good communication skills with your GI are very important. tell him about ANY pains or things that have changed. You may not think its related to Crohn's but chances are it is in one way or another.
Hope you start feeling better soon
Welcome. I felt the same way you did at first hearing of a diagnosis finally.

What are your medications? Where exactly is your crohns located?

WIth regards to fatigue ask your doctor to have your iron and b12 levels checked. its very very common for crohns patients to lack proper amounts of these due to our inability to absorb them from foods.

My biggest advice is to make sure you are your own, strong advocate when talking to doctors and coming up with treatment plans. the medications many of us take have potential and significant short term and long term side effects. Do your research and make sure you understand your treatment and what is required of you and your lifestyle.

Make time to figure out how food stress and other factors play a role in your flares and discomforts, if at all. Rest will also become a big part of your treatment plan so make time for it so your body can try and heal faster.

It can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster for us crohnies but always know you habe this forum to guide and encourage you if needed.

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