Just need to ramble

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Hi all! I'm F, 28, and honestly not too sure what is wrong but from what the ER said and past experience likely either Crohns or UC. History: mom has UC and I had gastroenterocolitis for 8 days (hospitalized- unknown cause) at the age of 16. Since about 15 I've had a 'touchy stomach' (big D from lots of foods- I can't eat pork, milk products, too much raw veg, pizza, etc). My D issues are generally only every week or so but I'd say when it's *bad* (like if I look sideways at pork) it's WAY worse than labor pains.

Fast forward to last week... I ate fried chicken (big no-no for me; I know better!) then ended up immediately with all kinds of canker sores in my mouth (never had that happen before). 36 hrs later had something happen that's never happened before- urgency to go like I've only experienced with having severe food poisoning... only had 3 bouts though within 2 hrs but best I can explain was water, mucus and raspberry jam. So I went to the ER and they checked me out and no obvious issues they suspect Crohns. All of my basic blood work was fine too (white cell fine, not anemic, etc). I'm tired a lot lately and generally I have a hard time keeping on weight but I've been like that for years (since having kids).

I've had a sigmoid once before and I'm not looking forward to testing. I'm, of course, fearing the worst as I have 3 small children. I WILL call the doctor this week- but I'm scared to. I think it's very weird though that it's so periodic and short-lived for me and 80% of the time food associated. I don't feel sick- basically ever- just some bouts of abdominal pain and D issues then back to normal. Just tired (then again back to the 3 kids thing ;)) Other weird thing I've never in my life had the C issue except for post partum and I think my body was just scared to go. I've NEVER had a fever with it and NEVER had tenderness to the touch of my abdomen. So who knows?!?

Hope I'm not imposing- I know I'm not officially dx but I really have no one IRL to talk to about it :(

It sounds like a Crohn's. It is normally food related, but stress and other factors can contribute. I had mouth sores for almost a year before I was DX'd. The scope isn't so bad, the prep can be a bit of a pain. But it is well worth knowing what you are dealing with. There are many treatments available for Crohn's that it can be almost like leading a normal life-( whatever that is..I, too, have three small kids)

I hope all goes well for you!!
yeah stress is a killer for me, when I was diagnosed I had to take a new perspective on life, but it's not so bad lol
hiya Supersass & welcome :)

first of all no you're not imposing! our door is always open for anyone who's lives have been touched by IBD issues, whether they are diagnosed, relatives of a sufferer etc etc.. so pull up a chair and relax :)

i agree, it does sound like it could be Crohn's, or it could just be a severe food intolerance condition without being Crohn's? but i do think you should get brave and phone your doctor, get some tests done. it's a shame to have to struggle with trying to find energy (especially when you have young children), and have these nasty episodes when you could actually be on some treatment which would help you.

good luck! please let us know how you get on, and don't hesitate to ask us anything that's bothering you :)
supersass said:
only had 3 bouts though within 2 hrs but best I can explain was water, mucus and raspberry jam.

HAHA!! lmao that made me laugh out loud, really :D
glad to see that you are not shy about describing your poo to us! you will see that we do it often

well i hope you get a diagnosis soon! then you can start feeling better. even though you say you feel ok except for the problem foods, you shouldnt have to suffer at all!
and like ding said, you are welcome here no matter what type of tummy troubles you have :)

Your experiences are so similar to mine. I actually thought I was going a bit mad and that maybe I was over the top a little. But I realised when I lost alot of weight that yes there was definately something wrong.

My bloods never show the Crohns and I know that happens to lots of people. I had a Colonoscopy and the Doc saw the Ulceration but the biopsies didnt actually confirm it. He did something called a nuclear medicine, where I had to get injected with some nuclear active meds and it is drawn to the inflamation. This also showed it up.

My Crohns is definately food related and sometimes I just cant stay away from my trigger foods but when it helps we have to dont we????!!!!!

I have 2 young children and although it is hard, the medication helps and it means you can cope alot better.

hope this helps, let us know how you get on.

Jules xx
Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like Crohn's to me. Inflammation shows in my blood work, but the Prometheus test didn't show IBD at all...who knows! My colonoscopy looked like there was Crohn's though so my doctor has gone with that. I guess if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck it must be a duck? I had some really rough times, but hung in there and now am feeling almost normal again. I will be on meds for the rest of my life, but no biggie, just part of my daily routine now.

Hope you get some answers. Don't be scared to get tested. It was the best decision I ever made. Push for the care you deserve and if you don't like your doctor or aren't confident with their diagnosis get a second opinion.

The biggest thing I miss is hamburgers....mmmm! I have only had 2 since being diagnosed. I pay for it every time.
Darn it unregistered me and I sent an email but didn't hear back hmmm. Anyways, thanks so much for the warm welcome and reassurance. I'm pretty paranoid that I'm dying or something. I got a referral yesterday to a gastroenterologist. I totally have had zero issues since that incident (thankfully). Thanks again!
sorry your account was deregistered Sass... it's something we're struggling with right now in an attempt to clear spammer members from our memberlist. really sorry it happened to you, but thank you for registering again!

good luck with the appointment, and i'm so pleased you've had no more bad episodes since the last bad one.

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