Just need to vent!

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Jun 17, 2010
So, I had a follow up colonoscopy a few weeks ago. Doc said everything looks great! I am healing, no ulcers, no sign of inflammation - though I did not request a copy of my path or report, which I didn't do. He said, if the constipation gets worse, we can look into it farther.

Well now, what does that mean?

The reason I requested a follow up was because the constipation was so bad that I have to take Miralax every day, and then once a week take a laxative. Taking the laxative is like pouring acid on an open wounds. The Miralax helps, but it makes me have very stinky poo and gas and I hate it! I had an experience where it built up so much that when it finally did break thru, I heard and felt a "pop" inside of me, then it finally started working its way out.

While in the recovery room, we discussed that the possibility is that I have inflammation or scarring on the outside of my colon that is causing problems, but he didn't see anything on the inside. However I have about 10 cm of colon that is nothing but scar tissue. It is not functioning.

In his follow up letter, he said something about expecting watery diarrhea from the scar tissue not allowing me to absorb water. I don't have the D. I haven't for several years. It is always, pain, gas, bloating and can't go. Sometimes it is constipation, but sometimes it is still soft, and just can't come out. Many days I have pencil thin stools. Sometimes a little larger. I am sick of taking Miralax!! Did he forget what my symptoms were between the scopy and the letter??? Grrrr. I am frustrated! :ybatty:

The Rheumy bumped me up to weekly Humira for the AS, so maybe the bloated feeling will go away in a couple of weeks. But, if you can't go the bathroom, how are you ever going to feel better, ya know? At least the bulk of the inflammation is gone. I no longer look pregnant! That is an upside.

Okay, I feel better. Thanks! :ycool:
Awh I am so sorry you are dealing with all this!

Is it possible to develop a "tolerance" to Miralax? If so I wonder if maybe that's what's happening? Is there a different laxative you could try for a bit instead to take a "drug holiday"?

I hope you find something that helps you feel better. And your GI pays a bit better attention!
Hi there, I would also say about trying a different laxative. If things still persist though is it worth getting a 2nd opinion, not sure about a doc who's talking about watery stools when you have gone to him with constipation!
thank you everyone, for replying! i didn't expect that.

We have discussed the tolerance and dependance issue, since i am not really excited about taking a laxative when I have Crohn's. He says if I take the Miralax as a stool softener, then i should have no problem with tolerance or dependance. And from what I have read, that should be true. it is mostly me. I think i wrong to have constipation with Crohn"s. i guess it is a mental block on my part. But some doctors have a mental block, too because no one took me seriously for over a year. "You have Crohn's? You should be happy you aren't having the d!'
Hey there Angrybird, have you asked the doc.s about having children? Are you female? The reason I ask is that before I was on Methotrexate I told the doc.s that my husband and I were wanting to start a family soon and they straight up told me that I was to sick for that. Its really been crushing to learn to accept that...... but what can you do??? I am just curious if maybe you know something I dont? Or perhaps you are male? Sorry if this is too personal.
Hi Meg, I am a 26yr old female. At this time I have not been told that I am too ill for pregnancy. This may be because they know I don't plan to start tryng until about May time next year - I would have been off the Methotrexate for nearly a year then. I am on a bad flare up at the mo but I am determined to be fit and healthy and to be sorted by this time :)

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