Hi, just found this forum and as I've never done it before decided to give it a shot! I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 40 years ago at the age of 16. Our GP was convinced it was all in my mind and had something to do with my age. Diarrhoea for 6 months with stomach cramps. A very active imagination me thinks!
Over the next 6 months anti inflammitories, steroids and finally 3.5 feet of bowel lighter, I looked anorexic (6st 2lbs).
That was probably the most dramatic aspect of my life with Crohn's apart with the foods that won't hang around long ( I'm sure you know what I mean), that constant need to source a convenient loo (especially on holiday) and the bathroom episodes when someone is in the bath/shower and you just gotta go YESTERDAY!
Jump forward to 5 years ago and add a sub total obstruction caused by scarring, adhesion and a hernia! Deepest joy! Got fixed and all seemed well. Until, a few weeks ago. Now we have a flare up. Swollen abdo and pain. Out comes the steroids (still on them) a future of permanent anti inflams. Bone density scan requied (osteoporosis) so on calci chews (yum!) and colonoscopy (CT showed thickening). And don't forget the omeprasole!
We are doing a great impersonation of maracas!
That's the canned version. I still have to get back to work with my pxxxxx off poo tube. I am a happy person really but in the last 40 years I have not let rip! So Thankyou all for the opportunityoo:
Over the next 6 months anti inflammitories, steroids and finally 3.5 feet of bowel lighter, I looked anorexic (6st 2lbs).
That was probably the most dramatic aspect of my life with Crohn's apart with the foods that won't hang around long ( I'm sure you know what I mean), that constant need to source a convenient loo (especially on holiday) and the bathroom episodes when someone is in the bath/shower and you just gotta go YESTERDAY!
Jump forward to 5 years ago and add a sub total obstruction caused by scarring, adhesion and a hernia! Deepest joy! Got fixed and all seemed well. Until, a few weeks ago. Now we have a flare up. Swollen abdo and pain. Out comes the steroids (still on them) a future of permanent anti inflams. Bone density scan requied (osteoporosis) so on calci chews (yum!) and colonoscopy (CT showed thickening). And don't forget the omeprasole!
We are doing a great impersonation of maracas!
That's the canned version. I still have to get back to work with my pxxxxx off poo tube. I am a happy person really but in the last 40 years I have not let rip! So Thankyou all for the opportunityoo: