Lab rejected sons sample?

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Apr 27, 2012
I'm so angry right now!! I've been battling c diff which for those who haven't had it, it's horrible! By far worse than any flare I've ever experienced and a pain in the butt to get rid of. (literally) Well my two year old started showing symptoms of c diff. He was complaining his stomach hurt and would go through spells where he wouldn't eat even stuff he really likes like McDonalds. He was having really stinky diarrhea and loose stools. Since he had visited me during all my hospital stays and puts his hands every where I obviously was concerned. So my husband took him to the dr who said he looked ok but just to be sure would do a c diff stool sample. We submitted the sample Monday and I called today for the results which the lady told me "the lab rejected the sample because it was formed stool and c diff causes watery stools so he can't have c diff." WTF?! They didn't even test it? I told her I myself have c diff and have had both formed and watery stools so I do not really agree with them & am I just suppose to assume he doesn't have it? He had 3 diarrhea stools just yesterday & is still saying his stomach hurts. She said she would ask the doctor to put the order in again and if he has diarrhea then to bring that in. What the heck? Chances are he probably doesn't have it but I would like to know for sure than "assume". Uh I'm so mad!
Can you or your husband contact his doctor and let them know what's going on? Likely the doctor will resubmit the request and hopefully to a new lab cause lab techs aren't allowed to play doctor. I'd be pretty pissed too!
I would also be pissed!!!.....and call the doctors office....

What is with people who take it upon themselves to not do a test or procedure just because a sample 'doesn't fit' the expected.....
C diff can even cause constipation in odd cases, and some patients don't have bowel movement changes, it just depends where the infection is, much like autoimmune colitis.

Get it tested again. Like one of the earlier posters said, lab techs don't get to play doctor.

As a lab tech, no I don't get to play doctor but I do have to follow the guidlines established in my lab for accepting specimens or I will get into trouble.

The problem is that without guidlines, some doctors will just order every test under the sun - we call it the shotgun approach, fire enough ammunition and you'll hit something - so labs had to set up guidlines to keep uneccesary tests from being done.

If your doctor can send a note or call the Lab Director or Manager or the Pathologist in charge of the area, he should be able to get the test approved based on the exposure and the symptoms. Make sure it is listed in the history section of the requisition that there is a confirmed exposure to C.Diff and that child is showing some symptoms of stomach upset. List occaisional watery stools. Try to send a sample that is more on the watery side if you can.

Not all lab techs are like this, and in Canada it is not in my scope of practice to refuse a sample if the doctor warrents a certain investigation. I would take that up with my supervisor and it would go up the food chain to a Pathologist who would call that doctor and speak directly to him. Doctors don't take orders from lab techs- or even well meaning suggestions on sample collection requirement to provide better care!!!
I talked with the doctor who ordered another c diff test. He told me to try to collect one that was more watery so they won't reject it. It's an army base so they follow dif rules I'm sure and try to do things the cheapest way possible...why test what appears to be a normal sample? I get guidelines I do but Well that sample came from a two year old who is in the process of potty training who's mom has c diff. Trying to get a clean sample from him and then to the lab within an hour is no easy feat!! ESP when I can't drive from the pain meds and hubby is at work while the lab is open. But whatever...we will try again! I just pray he doesn't have it!! Guess I get to worry a little while longer :(
My three year old had it. FORMED STOOL WAS SENT! Came back postive!!!!!!!!

Its pretty common for little kids to have constipation for various reasons. There should be different guidelines when children are involved.
My three year old had it. FORMED STOOL WAS SENT! Came back postive!!!!!!!!


Farmwife would u mind telling me his symptoms? Obviously I kno them based on what I've experienced but just wondering if it's different for children? I mean it's so hard to tell when kids r sick yunno?
I agree crabby!! He was only wanting to eat cheese and bananas so I was letting him since he was at least eating but sure could account for why he had bulkier stools. My doctor was even surprised that I had c diff since I wasn't going all day every day...I think it just goes to show you that not everyone fits into the norm
We're you able to hear anything yet?

Grace has had problems since 6mo. old. At three when she took a nasty turn for the worse we demanded more to be done. Our family doc took the sample and to his SHOCK she had
c. diff. Here's the shocker no diarea!!!! She was treated twice with Flagl and has stayed a bay SO FAR. When we talk to the Infectious Disease Specialist she said the higher up in the GI track the less likely you'll have the runs. She's suffered from cramps, knee pains, eye pain, rashes and now constipation and UTI's. She might have IBD.


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