Latest GI appointment, round and round in circles (warning, long!)

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Sep 20, 2010
Well went back today following my last appointment 2 weeks ago. Here's what happened.

He had not heard back from Rheumatologist (which is a shame since he at least is convinced it's IBD) and the Lupus antibody tests were not back yet (had to be sent to another Hospital as they don't do those there). Everything normal on the other ones apart from CRP which is now 36. One week it was 22 nd literally the next it was 36. While I am glad my bloods finally confirm I am worsening this is worrying- it has been 22-25 every time for 4 years now, with only a blip of 27 when I had an ear infection.

He's had a second opinion on the Barium images which has been agreed is looking normal. He had a confrence with 3 GI's and 2 Radioloigist's about my case. A repeat WBC scan (my only abnormality apart from bloods) was vetoed due to the radiation exposure and my age, they did not feel it neccessary to have it repeated.

I did feel we kept going round in circles with the "60% of cases of CD are found where you have been cleared, but nothing in medicine is 100%, your bloods are not showing other abnormalities, but CD can be anywhere" etc etc. Telling me I had an Irritable Bowel wasn't terribly helpful since yeah I guessed that 5 years ago, the cause remains uncertain, nor that I had to learn to live with it, since i did and then got a whole lot worse.

I also find that the reports on scope and BFT are not 100% normal as he would have me believe, when he reads them to me there are mentions of a few imflammatory cells/ spots which he is dismissing as subjective and of no consequence.

He mentioned it may be a bacterial infection, too much bacteria there, or some kind of pustulation (nice). He will leave the joint pain to Rheumy since he himself it is not an expert however acknowledged that bowel disease can cause joint issues. He mentioned it may be down to Fibromyalgia, great, a disease that some don't believe in and as far as I know no hard and fast test.
He raised the possibility of treating it with another anti-depressant, which I wouldn't like since I tried that and was back years later when it wore off, who's to say the cycle won't continue if that is what he decides upon. Possibly anti biotics (which give me the runs at the end of the course more often than not!)

So to the next steps. Had more bloods, CRP again, Vit b12 and something strange that I don't remember. Pill Cam he wants to do to check for ulcers but found out that he'll have to apply to the PCT through a Nurse to get funding. And he wants to test the bacteria in my gut but the machine is broken and won't be fixed until end of April (please no info- I will look into this test if it looks likely I will have it- I do not want to know ahead of time!) He will get a second opinion on colonoscopy biopsies. So am being left hanging again. See him in a couple of months but the appointment won't be fixed for some time.

As well as not being able to live a life financial worries are pressing. In August (or possibly sooner) I will be re tested for disability benefits. They have closed the type I am on and introduced a tougher "medical" to pass, basically the Gov wants people off, regardless of whether you are sick or not. These "medicals" are done by a "professional" and the whole system is in most cases corrupt. The person who designed it admits it is flawed and not fir for purpose as does the MP in charge. ATOS have been taken through the courts in all the other countries they operate. Terminally ill, those with MS and brain tumours are all being found as fit for work under the new regime. People are actually dying while waiting for appeals to be heard. I need a diagnosis if i'm to stand any chance of continuing to get the benefit, even going to an appeal tribunal without a diagnosis would be uncertain.

So, Mum and I have talked and we will see where things are in May. If they are not far we will be going back to the Hospital to say enough is enough, help me and diagnose me or we'll be taking legal action.

I am now at the stage where I don't care if it's CD, or Lupus, or even cancer (which hardly is a possibility after all the bloods but got to consider these things), I just want to know, I am so damn tired of tests and being led round in circles! :(
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Good god, the hoops you are having to jump through! I am very sorry you are having to go through all of this. I know that many people on this forum go undiagnosed for years and it seems you are counted among that select group. This damned disease! So frustrating!
Keep pushing till you find your answers!
Keep up the fight...your worsening blood work is more than enough evidence that something's up and more investigation is required. There always seems to be some 'finding' they see on a test that they simply dismiss as being insignificant- to someone who's suffered for so long with no diagnosis...any slight abnormality is significant!
Considering I'm in a similar situation as heart goes out to you and I hope you get answers and treatment soon. Don't give up.
Thanks guys the support of this forum means so much to me :hug:

I really think the Pill Cam is a good idea, he said if he sees intermittent areas of ulcers then it's CD for sure. Fingers crossed I get funding approved, I don't mind waiting until the new financial year since it's only a month away.

I also really think that as I was obviously mis-diagnosed with IBS (normal flexi sig and raised CRP at the time) 2008 by one of the head GI's there is an element of cover-up in not wanting to admit a mistake or overturn officially the diagnosis of IBS.

I can't help but half hope since my CRP is getting worse maybe I will collapse at some point and quickly helped!
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Aw Star, sorry to hear you're still going around in circles trying to get a diagnosis. I know it's so incredibly frustrating - I've been there, done that, and am currently taking a short break before I jump back into testing and start running around in circles again myself. It's good that your rheumatologist thinks it's IBD. I just saw my GP and he thinks I've got IBD. But my doctors still need to find some evidence of it. I don't even have the elevated CRP like you've got - the only abnormality in my blood work is that my sodium levels are low. It's so frustrating that doctors need to see hard evidence of this illness but it can apparently hide very well.

I also know what you mean about having a little part of you wish to get way worse so that they'd have to help and diagnose you. I've had that thought myself. What's worse, to be ill and not have any answers, or to be really ill but get some answers? Some days I do wish for the latter. It's not a good wish to have, but I think it's normal for someone who's been ill & undiagnosed for as long as you and I have been.

I hope you are able to get funding for the pill cam. I had the pill cam done last year but unfortunately that came back totally normal as well. I was really crushed by that because I had a lot of high hopes riding on the pill cam. I know you said you don't want to hear anything about it yet, but I just want to advise you not to hang all your hopes on the pill cam. I was sure it'd find the source of my pain & illness but apparently my guts look normal all the way through. It was devastating to hear that - clearly I know something is very wrong, so why didn't the camera find anything? Ugh.

Anyway, I hope you get the funding soon and hear back from your rheumy, and I hope you're able to stay on disability without having to go through even more frustration and hassle. And I hope you get a diagnosis and some relief soon! Sending happy thoughts your way. :)
Thanks Cat! Just heard about 5 mins ago funding has been approved and I go in for it on the 22nd. Early start and there for 8 hours but no prep which is great.
Trying not to get my hopes up :/
Hiya Star

That's good news, something to aim for.
In the meantime, try not to fret about finances and tribunals, you know how stress can make symptoms worse. Do a bit of CBT on yourself, concentrate on the here and now and chunk all your problems into little ones, then take each one a day at a time, this will help you to ease your frustration and anxieties, I've been there, I know how you feel, it took me 15 years! CBT saved my life! I don't dwell on the past and no longer wish to sue the arse off them!
I wish you all the luck in the world that hopefully, finally, you'll get your dx.
Star, so happy to hear you get the pill cam soon! And very good to hear that you don't have to do prep! When I had the pill cam, they made me drink 1/2 the usual amount of prep. Bleh! I guess every hospital/doctor is different and some require that you drink a full prep whereas others don't require any prep at all. Sounds like you lucked out there!

How come they are making you stay there for the full 8 hours? When I had the pill cam, I had to go to the hospital to swallow the capsule and get the belt thing put on, but then I was allowed to go home for awhile and I just had to return the belt to the hospital when the test was complete. (Don't worry, you won't have to return the capsule!)

At any rate, wishing you lots of luck on the 22nd, and of course feel free to ask if you have any questions about the pill cam. I really hope it finds something and gets you some answers.

Joan: What's CBT?
No kidding, I wish I could have made that trade too! During the 8 hours I was at home, I watched TV and took a nap - I could have easily done that at the hospital.
Sorry, it's Cognitive Behaviour Therapy!

it means that changing the way you think will change the way you act.
Star, I had the pillcam in the uk and was allowed to go away and come back 5 hours later. They only told me on the day but it was good to get out.
Star, I had the pillcam in the uk and was allowed to go away and come back 5 hours later. They only told me on the day but it was good to get out.

Hey that's great, but she told me on the phone i'd be there for eight hours:-/ Still waiting for the info to arrive in the post so I will be sure to look. May opt to stay as only money for 2 taxis and it'd be 2 buses there and back, don't think I could do that on a day fasting!
I had to take 1/2 the prep for the pill-cam too, but was free to go for 8 hours. Got my fingers crossed for you and hoping and praying that all goes well for you on the 22nd, and you finally get some answers - you deserve an explanation after all this time. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
The problem with the pillcam is the length of time for it to be reported. Each of many thousand photos has to be manually checked by some poor soul. Just warning you - it can take a couple of weeks or more. Mine took 4 weeks because the only person who reported it went on holiday and then because it was very unusual he got 2 other opinions.
I am doing the pill cam later this month, as well. For prep, I need to fast, take 2 bisacodyl, and drink a bottle of Miralax. I need to arrive at the hospital at 6:30AM to take the pill and was told I could leave and come back at 3:30PM. So, I wonder why you need to hang around.

I wish you lots of luck!
Had a letter saying I will not get a Pill Cam after all- what a great letter to get on your birthday :( :(
Apparently "this procedure is of most use in patients with persistent anaemia caused by suspected bleeding from the small bowel".
Un-fecking believeable, there is my best shot at an end to this nightmare, gone. So now waiting for a machine to be fixed so I can have a bacteria test in May which will come back normal. And sometime soon after fobbed off with IBS, given more AD's which may work a little for a few years and then stop (I can see the future!).
e-mailing consultant for advice and seeing if it is a financial issue if I can still have it in the new financial year. I am too upset to phone his secretary.
God I don't even have the words anymore, never ending nightmare doesn't come close and can hardly type through my tears... People think I am daft when I say I will never be diagnosed and spend the rest of my life this way- ha!
Will try and hold out until tomorrow to tell my family, no point in having the day ruined for them too.
I guess another official complaint is in the making, raising my hopes like that is just too cruel.
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Hugs to you Star. I have no wonderful words of wisdom or comfort. Just to keep fighting. I really wish the med profession would take IBD more seriously. When I was first diagnosed in '91, I was told it was because I let my insecurities take over (it was in my head). The view hasn't changed as much as I would like it to in 20 years.

PS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:birthday2:
Oh Star, so sorry to hear this. What a frustrating setback. I hope your email can convince them to do the pill cam anyway. I really empathise when you say you feel like you'll never be diagnosed and you'll be this way for the rest of your life - I've felt like that a lot of times during the course of my mystery illness too. It's got to be one of the most frustrating situations, certainly the most frustrating and difficult thing I've ever been through, to be so ill and undiagnosed and to keep running into dead ends in the fight for a diagnosis. And at times it really is a fight!

I know it seems difficult or maybe even impossible right now, but you've got to find a way to keep your head up and keep fighting. You WILL get answers! You're strong and I know you can get through this. Keep fighting for more tests and keep fighting for that pill cam.

I so feel for you. I can't really give you more advice than to keep fighting, because as you know I'm in a similar situation and am fighting to get a diagnosis myself. I'm here for you, I understand a lot of what you're going through, and I know how hard it is. I wish there were more I could do or say. Hang in there. And I hope you're able to have a happy birthday in spite of this setback!
I was so sorry to hear your news.....I can only imagine how desolate you must be feeling right now. Eventually answers will be found - I know only too well that that day feels so far away right now - but don't lose hope and keep fighting. Taking extra good care of yourself at this time is probably the most important thing for you right now. You need to stay strong and positive as hard as that may seem.
Thanks so much everyone.... how insensitive is it on their part to send the letter to arrive on my birthday hey! Doesn't help that I am full of cold, over the worst of it but now am streaming lol...
Well Mum and I had a long talk last night and here is what we decided upon. Basically this letter (a scrappy, one paragraph note on plain paper, not even headed) is the very last straw. We are going to ask for a face to face meeting with someone senior with authority in the complaints service (or Hospital board if possible) and go through everything with them, including sending in my 22 page log in MS Word which covers just over a year of events.
We will ask for another senior GI to review my entire case and not just what current GI shared at previous meeting with other GI's and Radioligists. If this means another Hospital then they pay. We want to be actually helped and an end to the endless screw-up's leading to the delays leading to getting absolutely nowhere. We will say we don't expect a diagnosis instantly but one must be forthcoming within months considering I have now been waiting so long. This means I must be given all the tests that GI wants and in a timely manner. If these things don't happen we will be taking legal advice (and I am planning to sue for misdiagnosis and subsequent neglect anyway but they don't know that!).

Feeling more positive with a plan of action but it takes such an emotional and physical toll.
Hi guys, another update, phew what a week I tell you.
Got another clinic appointment next week following my contact with GI over cancelled Pill Cam. Keen to see what my CRP was last time since it had gone up to 36 after 4 years of 22-25. Frankly I have been feeling like the normal tests are outweighing the abnormal ones and there is no way is h e ll I am letting that happen again. So honestly unless GI is super supportive and helpful I do expect it to be a parting of the ways.

All the complaint stuff though is on the back burner since my Grandad is in Hospital, very sick and we don't know which way things will go, certainly the Drs are not talking long term. I am using what little energy I have so I can visit him every day. Put it this way, we've nearly lost him twice over the last few days and we all have clothes, shoes and bags out so we can leave the house in a hurry.

It's so hard to manage all of this with no energy, and I am eating just a modest lunch and if I absolutely have to a tiny bit at night, so I can more easily be able to leave in a hurry if anything happens, god what I am reduced too! Being so empty is not helping energy levels (even though most days appetite is poor anyway) or making me feel any better, but it has to be done.

On a personal level I now feel robbed twice over, i cannot do as much as i'd like for Grandad and the family, so as well as taking years of my life away my Hospital is also robbing me now of quality time in this difficult period.
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I've got tears in my eyes at your double whammy. This kind of sadness and stress is the last thing you need right now.The action plan sounds like a good one but obviously your thoughts are elsewhere at the moment. Don't know what to say honey, except hang on in there, take care of yourself and thinking of you an your family.
Helen xxx
WOW. I am truly sorry you have gone through so much and still no answers!!
I am sure your Grandad and your family know that you want to be there for them and understand why it is hard for to do as much as you would like. I know it doesn't take away the frustration, though.
I truly hope you will find answers very soon! Keep fighting!
It must be so hard to be dealing with all these things at once. It sounds like you're doing everything you can for your Grandad, and I'm sure he feels very fortunate to have your love and support at this time.
Take time out for yourself whenever you can, and all the best for your upcoming GI appointment.
Oh Star, sorry to hear about this latest development! Please make sure to take care of yourself as much as you can during this tough time. I hope your grandfather is able to pull through. My own grandfather has had some scary health problems of his own - cardiac arrest, kidney failure, and diabetes are just some of the things he's been through in the last few years. When his heart stopped, they had to defibrillate him 7 times before they got him back and they told me he had something like a 3% chance of survival - that was several years ago and now he's doing relatively well, he drives and lives on his own (with my grandmother, but not in a nursing home). So just keep in mind that things can look really bleak but end up okay. I will be thinking of you and your family and hoping for the best. Please keep us posted on how he is doing (and how you are doing too!).

On a related note, if you are not eating much and are experiencing low energy, could you get something like Ensure or Boost drinks? Those have a lot of calories & vitamins and are pretty easy to digest. Good luck Star, I'll keep you in my thoughts.