Latest update on Littlemissh

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May 9, 2011
Hey guys, littlemissh has been in touch and asked me to update you on her situation.

Sadly as of this afternoon she has been readmitted to hospital with an abscess in her leg (as many of you know she's had necrotising fasciitis recently). Her recent MRI showed the collection of fluid in her leg and her GP readmitted her to hospital today.

The doctors think one of the big muscles in her calf is necrotic and she is greatly concerned she may be facing it's removal.

She asked me to update you because she is naturally upset and exhausted and her signal in the hospital is variable and right now she doesnt have the energy to post.

Sending lots of big hugs, love and well wishes to littlemissh.

Aw this is sad news, thanks Lulu for the update.
Sending you lotsa luv n hugs, hope you feel better soon littlemissh
Thanks, Lulu. Very upset to hear this :-( Littlemiss, hoping and praying things will work out for the best xxxxxxxx xx
Thank you for the update Lulu.

Oh Littlemiss, thinking of you hun...:hug: I hope more than anything that things work out well for you.

Much love and healing thoughts, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
What a thing to deal with on top of the crohns :(
I feel terrible for her. Sending lot's of love and healing thoughts
Sending warm thoughts your way, L.M.H. Take it a day, or an hour, or a minute at a time, as you need.
Wishing you that they can get a grip on things soon without more surgery and additional pain.

Take care and hang in there -- thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way! :)
Latest update:

She is out of surgery, in pain with a drain but doing well. They haven't had to remove the whole muscle which is very good news and naturally she is very relieved and pleased, so fingers crossed things are on the up!!

Hello guys, especially Lulu :),
Thanks for all your well wishes.As lulu says surgery today went as well as could have been expected., They removed the collection and only partial removal of further muscle. I have to go back to theatre again in 2-3 days but hopefully with all the iv meds it will just be a washout- please god! That will be theatre trip number 7 in less than 3 weeks, not doing much for my weight.
My crohns is behaving remarkably well on the increased Pred dose and the dietician has fiddled with my nutritional supplements to try and prevent any further weight loss. It was quite amusing this morning when the surgeon was explaining his plan and saying they want to keep it all to a minimum because I am am so .... Skinny... He just couldn't think of what word to use for my skinniness, just stood there floundering and mumbling.. Well it just amused me, I am used to it but others find it a bit disconcerting!!

So just need to get on top of this pain, I think he did so much digging and delving they are wondering if they have caught a nerve or something.
Thanks again for your support everyone, it means a lot and I really appreciate all the good vibes coming my way.
I'm so happy to read this!

I so hope that they can bring it under control this time hun. Fingers toes and everything crossed for a fab outcome!

I am also hoping that they get to the bottom of the pain and you can find relief ASAP!

:goodluck: AND :getwell:

Much love and healing thoughts, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Good morning :) hoping that you had a comfortable night and that the latest treatment can get you off this rollercoaster ride. So glad the Crohn's is not acting up. How are the family bearing up?
Things seem on the up. My morphine/ codeine concoction has reduced the pain to reasonable levels. It's just when I try and move the dreaded leg that it kicks in again. Hopefully that will get better when they close the wound.
Just seen the consultant ( number 6 or 7 now, I do wish that it was the same one but you get whoever is the trauma consultant that day). He says back to theatre tomorrow. So I have just signed my SEVENTH consent form in less than 3 weeks... I have said I'm not signing any more!! :))

All of this is getting to my family particularly hubby, girls and big sis , I think this time as I had got home and thought that it was just a matter of rehab. The staff are brilliant though and have said they don't have to stick to the visiting times. It's easiernow they are off school as they can come earlier so not so many late nights for them.
It's my eldests 11 th birthday on Wednesday. The nurses have said they can come early and she can bring her presents to open here. Then we will go to the coffee shop downstairs and they can choose a cake / treat.
Little one was upset yesterday because she managed to spill her bottle of juice all over me and the bed when hugging goodbye, couldn't stop crying because she thought the nurses would shout at her.. She cheered up when we all laughed at her!

Hope you all have a nice day, it's a beautiful day here.
I bet your missing the time with your family as much as they're mission you little miss.
I'm sorry you have to have surgery,again...but hey..this one must be lucky 7 right ?!?!!

sending love and hugs,
Oh hun, it is so much harder on not only the family but you too Mum when you are in hospital...:hug:

I hope and pray more than anything that this hospital stay will see things sorted and that rehab is the next and only step.

Awww, your girls sound so fab, you must be as proud as punch! :)

Take care hun, thinking of you, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Sorry LMH!! I thought we about had you sorted!! Hopefully, this latest episode is also the last episode! Good to hear your posts get a little more upbeat each time!!:)'ve been through enough already. I'm reading your ups and downs and wishing you were a bit closer so I could give you a proper belly laugh!!! Oh, and of course hugs. I am sooooo hoping they get you sorted soon! And then I can REALLY send you some of those mushroom thingy's you so love, (and put a few pounds on ya!)

I know that the hardest must be that you think you are worrying your family. That must be a kick in the gut for you. They are strong, like you are! You raised em good! You hang in there, and keep fighting. You are tough, and you are stronger than that stinking nasty little bug!!!

Latest update: she's been in theatre today and is gutted they haven't been able to close the wound. She still has a drain in and is worrying about plastic surgery possibilities, so lets all send good luck and get well vibes that she doesn't need anymore surgery and can go home very very soon.

Oh dear Littlemissh!!! You are going to get this sorted very very shortly, I feel so strongly! As of now, they leave the drain in, but surely that will help to get the nasties out.

You give yourself time, a lady like you can overcome all odds! But honey, if you need plastic surgery, you get it if it makes you feel better. (and tell em to add DD's for free while they are at it!!!)
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way!

I hope you won't need any more surgery and can go home very, very soon!
Hello everyone,
Not been on as after my latest surgery I developed septicaemia - just what I needed. Due to the azAthioprine I didn't have much of an immune response so they added in some super duper antibiotics. Good news is that today my temp has started to resolve at last and I am starting to feel better.

They were unable to close my wound so I now will have vac pump until it heals over time. They talked about plastic surgery at a later date but I am not keen on further surgery.

I had a lovely morning today with my daughter bringing all her pressies to open and we gave boxes of sweets to the nurses.
So here's hoping that this infection continues to clear and I will get off these iv's so I can go home. It will be with Valerie the vac pump attached to my leg but at least I will be home!
I have decided nothing else will go wrong it won't!
Good to hear from you hun!
Really hope you can get home soon to your girls, it's horrible being in hospital.
Take care and I'm sending a big squashy hug your way
I am glad you are getting such good care by your daughter - you deserve it! I hope your wound will heal soon, and surgery won't be needed.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sending big hugs your way!!!! So glad to get an update from you! I really hope you get home soon, its the best place for you.
HI little miss i just heard from your updates. i hope you get better soon and being home is a very good place to be at right now especially for your relaxation and positive thinking. sending all my best wishes your way.

Oh Littlemissh, just picked this latest thread up, wishing you all the luck in the world & hope you're back home with your family soon. Sending lots of hugs & love to you :thumright:


Oh honey! I am thinking of you always. Get some rest and heal. Sending all the healing and comforting thoughts your way that I've got. *big hugs*
Well this is all getting beyond a joke now. The tissue samples from Mondays op show e coli again- it had never cleared despite all the antibiotics. So this explains the septicaemia post op on monday. It does now clinically appear to be responding to Tazocin . So we are now back into the arena of picc lines and ab's at home if someone will do them- 3x daily.

So await microbiology again - consultant says he will speak with him today. Is oral possible/ good idea as didn't work last time/ if iv for how long etc.

But I'm chilled , just tell me whatever. I now know community nurses won't do as not trained but the gp's at my gp practice ( said they were brilliant!) and some work colleagues have said they will set up a rota and give them to me , if it means I can get home.

So watch this space. I hope that oral will be ok again, if not iv by rota and not for too long. Worst case scenario is staying in til I am old and grey ... Greyer!!
Do you live near me? I'm happy to help. If it means getting you home, everyone will pull out the stops for you Littlemissh!
I hope the orals do the trick! I have no idea what Rota means but if it'll get you home, I'm for that!!! Good luck LMH!!
I'm in the same boat as Dexky. No idea what alot of that means, but it sounds bad :(

Sending thoughts and prayers your way, as well as some mental antibiotics :)

Get well soon, H.
Good morning campers,
Feeling pretty positive today. As long as I don't get another high temperature in the next 48 hours it looks like I will avoid long term iv antibiotics - fingers crossed !

I have seen the physio. I have developed a contracture in my calf which is preventing me from being able to put my heel down to the floor. Until i can do that it will mean I will be reliant on crutches. So I am going to be having stretching therapies and a series of plaster casts to put on at night which will gradually stretch the calf.
She said I will be immobile when it is on at night - getting to the toilet will be fun I think!
The plaster room will make my first one on Monday- I wonder what it will be like? They have to adapt it to fit around my chopped up bit and vac pump pipe etc.
I don't know how often it will be changed. She warned me i will need pain killers or sleeping tablets at night as the stretching will be painful- sounds like the rack from the middle ages. Having said that these things are often not as bad as they say sometimes.(with the exception of the vac dressing which I had done yesterday- never had pain like it -omg, I am not looking forward to that every 3 days- I tried without painkillers yesterday and no way I'm doing that again. They give a strong painkiller 20-30 mins before changes and I'm in the queue for it on Sunday!!).

But the best news is that as long as no temp today, I am allowed out of the hospital for a couple of hours to attend my 11 year olds birthday meal. We have had it planned a few weeks. We are taking 3 of her friends and sister to a little local eatery after an afternoons playing at our house- I am probably lucky to be avoiding the playing bit!!
So I will enjoy a little bit of freedom and no hospital food for one night! But best of all being with my family and celebrating with my daughter as I was here on her birthday! So excited!
Hope you all have a good weekend. Though I don't think it will be as good as mine!!
Yayyyyyyyy- well for the last bit of your
post. Have a wonderful time and birthday wishes to your daughter xxx
Sounds like you're still moving in the right direction! Glad you're getting to celebrate with your family! Enjoy!
So exciting that you get to celebrate with your girl for her birthday!

I hope that casting thing doesn't cause you too much pain when you sleep..
Have a terrific weekend ! :)

Freedom at last. First came in 6th July, 7 operations later I am so glad to be leaving. Still have vac pump, crutches and now nightsplint but I'm free!!
A Toast!!! You sooooo deserve to go home and get better!!!
Take it easy and heal up!
Hooray! Remember to get lots of rest. I hope that splint isn't too painful.

Once you're home you can get to healing. Take care of yourself.
Are you still going to have the IV ab's or are you finished with those? Regardless, home makes it so much better!!:)
So glad you are able to go home. There's no place like it.

How was your temp today?
It wonderful being home- my own bed and mug and lots of hugs from my family!
. Slightly frustrating having to unplug the pump and hang it round my neck and get my crutches everytime I want to move ! I've ordered a magic carpet.
So far my temp is fine, back to the ward for a review this morning and dressing change but I don't foresee any problems.
Lets hope all goes well at the appt. So glad you are home in your own bed getting lots of hugs. :biggrin:
All went well, wound nice and clean and not draining as much as before.
Happy. :)

And can start some physio next Monday!!

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