LDN and flu vaccinations

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Jul 7, 2010
It's flu season down here in the Southern Hemisphere. Just wondering if anyone has any experience/advice with regards to flu vaccinations when you're on LDN? My son is five and has been on LDN for a month now. Has been up and down - just starting to look good again. In the past vaccinations have led to flares - but I'm sure the flu would do the same - he's never had it so it's a bit of an unknown.
Any vaccination will cause the immune system to respond as if an infection was present. There are also adjuvents such as Aluminum salts to deliberately trigger an immune response. That is how they work, or are supposed to work.

Some bacterial vaccines have a good track record of preventing illness. Vaccines that are supposed to prevent viral illnesses are not so effective for various reasons.

If his history is that he flares with a vaccination, he will most likely flare with this one also. I personally do not think the relatively low effectiveness of a Flu vaccine is worth the possible side effects, but that is a personal decision for each individual to make.

I've had 3 flu shots over the past 4 years.. no reaction or side effects to date of note. I did have a very bad case of the flu (the one year I didn't get a shot, but that is probably total coincidence), and the severity of it led to a minor flare period. Once the flu passed, things quickly returned to normal. Flu shots carry risks, and they only offer protection for the 3 - 4 strains that the 'experts' predict will hit, and they take time to build defences, but... if you examine the potential impact a very bad flu might cause, I think the risk of the shot is minimal. Considering how much time we spend in doctors offices, clinics and hospitals; adding a little flu protection seems to be reasonable to me. Like, if you don't play in lightning storms, you probably don't need to carry a lightning rod. But since we seem to call areas where sick people gather our second home, it may be wise to go in there armed somewhat. The so called experts advise that flu shots are predominantly targeted for people who are weak, frail, or chronically ill. Sounds like us to me.