Couple of things.. First off, doctors ARE divided about whether diet plays a part in Crohns disease. My take on it is... so the jury is out, why not take the 'safe' course and eat those foods that will be less taxing on a system. Even healthy people can have issues with certain foods... so why should a person with a compromised digestive system take chances. Hi protein, low fat, low fibre, low residue, lactose free certainly can't hurt. It's a compromise, but maybe it's a compromise your son might listen to. The way I see it, he is gambling that his doctor is right about there being no connection between crohns and diet; but if the doctor is wrong, it is your son who has to pay for it.
I understand why your son passed on the SCD. I looked at it (before I found LDN) but I realized 2 things. 1st, I'd never be able to stick to it. 2nd, living like that wasn't how I wanted to live... Hmm, that may sound arrogant. What I mean is... if eating just what the SCD allowed meant I could avoid Crohns, it meant that Crohns was controlling how I lived, and I wasn't prepared to give in that easily. Mind you, if LDN hadn't come along to rescue me, I might have had to reconsider that decision. But, it never came to that.
OK, the one thing I find odd is ... OK, he feels sick and has a loss of appetite after taking LDN. At night? From what I've garnered, LDN does its thing in about 4 hours then dissipates. Taken at bedtime, it shouldn't (the Naltrexone) be affecting his appetite. I've never had ANY side effects except for the dreams. Not that it can't happen. I'd go to the Naltrexone website and check into side effects reported (at their larger doses) to see if any appetite/nausea issues have been reported (not the lowdosenaltrexone site)
Final thing... but ordering smaller quantities of pills will not assure you are getting ONLY fresh pills. Here's the thing (unless each pill is made by hand, and almost no one does it that way.. except maybe in school). Compounded pills are made in batches of 100 (the way the machine is built). So, you get 90 pills made fresh, what happens to the remaining 10? Put aside till the next script is filled... and so on, and so on. Only thing you can do is get them in batches of 100, and insist that they all be from the same batch. Only pharmacies equipped with a 'hood' system can compound Naltrexone pills from powder. And, how fresh is their batch of bulk Naltrexone powder? The more pills a pharmacy compounds, the fresher (speculation) their Naltrexone should be. But, if it was stale Naltrexone, his condition would deteriorate. And what you describe sounds a lot more like poor eating habits, poor nutrition choices, AND maybe using his dr's statement about nutrition and Crohns as an escape clause so he doesn't have to watch what he eats. If that is the case, I don't think you are going to convince him otherwise. He may have to learn that lesson (that doctors aren't always right) for himself the hard way, OK