Hi all,
I heard about LDN over a year ago but I never gave any thought to asking my doctors for it. Recently, I've been reading more and more about LDN and there seems to be a pretty common theme amongst promoters that it works for a huge array of diseases. Everyone who promotes this drug talks about how great it is statistically, but there isn't many high quality medical trials so far and there doesn't seem to be such a large amount of positive feedback about LDN on the forums here.
I'm not currently taking any of the standard drugs for my Crohn's but it's still active. I take 3 immodium capsules a day and wind-eze which seems to control my symptoms nicely. I also started taking frankincense extract (boswellic acid) last year which works surprisingly well considering it's a "naturopathic" therapy.
Anyway, I'd love to stop taking frankincense extract, immodium and wind-eze and try LDN. It sounds great, but is it really as good as all the professionals say? I am confused about a few things:
1. How long does it actually take before it works? All previous treatments I've tried take only days to weeks but I've scanned over the posts here and some people say they're on week 7 or 8 with improvement only noted the previous week.
2.What about doses? 4.5 mg seems to be a standard, but how do I know if it's too much or too little for me? Some people have spoken about taking a day or two break each week so as to not "build up" the drug in your system. I couldn't see anything about this on the lowdosenaltrexone.org web site.
The LDN website also makes mention of making absolutely sure you get the right type of capsules, saying not to use slow release because you need a "spike" in your blood levels. It also talks about getting it compounded properly. Can anyone explain what this means? I've no idea what it means to "compound" a drug.
3.What are your experiences with this drug? My Crohn's disease activity index is currently only about 60 I think. I used an online calculator to calculate this and it came back with 62, although I wasn't able to input my hemocrit levels.
Thanks for reading.
I heard about LDN over a year ago but I never gave any thought to asking my doctors for it. Recently, I've been reading more and more about LDN and there seems to be a pretty common theme amongst promoters that it works for a huge array of diseases. Everyone who promotes this drug talks about how great it is statistically, but there isn't many high quality medical trials so far and there doesn't seem to be such a large amount of positive feedback about LDN on the forums here.
I'm not currently taking any of the standard drugs for my Crohn's but it's still active. I take 3 immodium capsules a day and wind-eze which seems to control my symptoms nicely. I also started taking frankincense extract (boswellic acid) last year which works surprisingly well considering it's a "naturopathic" therapy.
Anyway, I'd love to stop taking frankincense extract, immodium and wind-eze and try LDN. It sounds great, but is it really as good as all the professionals say? I am confused about a few things:
1. How long does it actually take before it works? All previous treatments I've tried take only days to weeks but I've scanned over the posts here and some people say they're on week 7 or 8 with improvement only noted the previous week.
2.What about doses? 4.5 mg seems to be a standard, but how do I know if it's too much or too little for me? Some people have spoken about taking a day or two break each week so as to not "build up" the drug in your system. I couldn't see anything about this on the lowdosenaltrexone.org web site.
The LDN website also makes mention of making absolutely sure you get the right type of capsules, saying not to use slow release because you need a "spike" in your blood levels. It also talks about getting it compounded properly. Can anyone explain what this means? I've no idea what it means to "compound" a drug.
3.What are your experiences with this drug? My Crohn's disease activity index is currently only about 60 I think. I used an online calculator to calculate this and it came back with 62, although I wasn't able to input my hemocrit levels.
Thanks for reading.