Leaky Butt Treatments?

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Dec 1, 2012
hello everyone. Well the think i have is a bit complicated after some research i did on my body of how it works.

So in the middle of my military time(9 months full) my stomach started to really hurt. I didnt give to it much attention, but then i realized that something even worst was happening. I have a great hygiene in general. Im not allergic to lactose in all my life. Maybe its from stress.

The think that happened and after my research was that: When i eat dairy products and Lactose in general or Aspartame (especially lactose), my stomach hurts ALOT and after 4 hours of consuming them, my butt is leaking, but with not poo, but a uncolored gel that smells like fish. I stopped consuming and i am normal now not leaking at all, but the price is too much to stop in all my life. I only buy products to eat that i see first the ingredients, but i cant eat any chocolate, cant eat any chips, and most food in general. Even some types o bread has lactose for god sake :( .

I am scared to eat anything outside my house because its embarrassing after. Lost some friends (my fault) because i drifted away because i was too embarrassed, cant have a girlfriend cause it can happen any time when i eat anything i dont know its ingredients.

I just want to live a normal life. If anyone could help me i would appreciate it very much.

Thank you for reading and sorry for long post :)
Hello, and welcome! I'm wondering if this should be moved to another sub-forum. Do you notice any sort of lumps, pain, etc. down there that you think this could be coming from or do you think it's coming from the rectum itself?

You said it's like a gel, but do you think it could be pus?
Hi Problemian I see that this is your first post and I would like to say welcome to the forum. Please also post in the my story sub forum to tell us a little more about you if you like.

I personally have not had exactly what you describe but I do relate to not wanting to eat in public. My problem is that about 5 minutes after eating anything I am in the bathroom with horrible Diarrhea. I have had mucous covered stool that is similar to what you describe but I do not know what causes it.

I hope more people will chime in with their comments on this subject. Have you had any type of testing done about this? Do you see a GI dr? Have you tried any medications to see if it helps at all? Have you been DX with any for of IBD or are they suspecting that you might have it?

I hope you can find an answer to your issue and again welcome. You do not have to worry about a long post we all do it here. This is one place that you can talk about anything at anytime and you will never be judged. We are all in a similar boat together so it works better that we help each other out.
No i dont have any rectal problem my friend all working perfect, i dont feel any pain or anything else there. :) i dont know maybe it would be piss but i cant be sure. Its too gross :/ I havent started taking any medication yet or went to doctor. As i said all my life its all good no problems i only have thyroid problem but i dont think it has to do anything with this, and only with lactose and aspartame happens, now im normal. No leakings for weeks.

thank you for your posts :)
I am glad that you are leak free. You mentioned thyroid problems is it over or under active? Do have to take any meds for it? Have you had your levels checked recently?

I am not sure if it could be related or not but it might be worth looking into. Since you diet is so restrictive as many foods have lactose or similar ingredients in it, it might be worth a trip to Dr. to atleast see if there is anything that can be done about it.
No i dont have any rectal problem my friend all working perfect, i dont feel any pain or anything else there. :) i dont know maybe it would be piss but i cant be sure. Its too gross :/ I havent started taking any medication yet or went to doctor. As i said all my life its all good no problems i only have thyroid problem but i dont think it has to do anything with this, and only with lactose and aspartame happens, now im normal. No leakings for weeks.

thank you for your posts :)

Pus, not piss lol. I have an abscess on my butt and it drains pus which is like gooey, yellowish-white, smells, etc. I know you said you don't have an abscess but I wonder if you could have something internally. How much leakage do you get? Mine is so bad I have to wear pads in my underwear or else it would drain right through my pants and look like I had an accident
The thyroid that getting you fat fast :/ and i take medicine for it for years, but i havent checked for it in like 1.5 years, just taking pills everyday. But im taking pills for many years now.

The leakage level depends on the consumption amount. So it can be any amount.

I dont think its from butt because its combination with the stomach that hurts alot. But maybe both. :/
Mmm..... Strange i have the same problem only i have crohns and sometimes its only blood that leaks out by its self or with mucus MEGA embrassing!
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. It sounds like mucus or something?

I am scared to eat anything outside my house because its embarrassing after. Lost some friends (my fault) because i drifted away because i was too embarrassed, cant have a girlfriend cause it can happen any time when i eat anything i dont know its ingredients.

I suffer from bowel and bladder incontinence. You can't let it control your life. People who matter won't (shouldn't) judge you for it. Have you tried using continence pads? They are a life-saver for me. I know they're not exactly sexy, but they solve the hygiene problem and mean the worst of the embarrasment (messy clothes, visible accidents) won't happen. Have you talked to a doctor about this symptom and asked for help managing it? I don't know what country you're in, but in the UK where I am there are continence services with specialist nurses who help practically - help find you the right products for you - and sometimes provide psychological support if you need it (though the quality of the service depends what area you live in).

Your illness or not being able to eat in public is no reason you won't be able to have a girlfriend. Many people have to change their diets for all sorts of medical issues, and I've known others who can't or won't eat in public (eating in public is actually quite a common phobia, even among the healthy) and they've mostly been able to maintain good relationships. It is a problem, but many people might be more understanding than you expect, especially if they've dealt with similar issues themselves.
hey proble,

I actually had this problem when I was in the worst time in my life.

It occurred also from dairy (although I want to mention that dairy isn't the sole factor).

If you aren't getting organic milk, then you are drinking hormones, antibiotics and probably some other chemicals (all which can cause havoc on your gut flora)

Thankfully I managed to clear that problem up very quickly.

The first and foremost thing you need to focus on is your diet. Cut the dairy, cut the grains and all refined/genetically modified food.

See what the results are after about 1 week. If you are better, confidence will come back to you and you will start concentrating on other things.

Once you are at that stage you can do many things:

I wrote about how I cured the leaking and bleeding that came with my mucus here: http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=42981

I used a combination of diet, exercise, chinese teas and anti-biotics. (I got rid of the bleeding in 2 days)

Feel free to ask me any questions and remember that taking action will get your health to where you want it to be!
Thank you everyone for the posts. I just wanted to say that i am not bleeding at all, everything is normal, only this thing when i consume. And wanted to ask if anyone has it (most likely Boris has something similar) I stopped eating and im normal, but i want to find out if there is something i can do to stop it and start eating dairy again, because 22 years now i could eat anything and didnt have any problems, only now these last months started :/

Ah and one question Boris. My stomach hurts alot too, is it from a colon or stomach problem? what is yours?
Yeah I had the bleeding on and off, but the exact description you described was very persistant.

The body changes, and some things have long-term implications (i.e perhaps your intake of non organic dairy)

Since you are starting to have some problems, my #1 recommendation is to go 30-days on a strict diet. See if you get results.

I am willing to bet a lot of money if you exluded: dairy, junk food + grains for a while you would see vast improvements.

Also, get on probiotics + fish oil (to alleviate stress on your intestinal system)

After that, slowly introduce things and see if they cause problems.

If you want a specific plan of action, I am willing to help you out, but you have to decide on what you want to do for your health

Also, where exactly is your pain? If you can be as specific as possible that would help greatly :)
I agree that it most likely is mucus that you are passing. I remember this quite distinctly when I was early on with my crohn's. You may also have a fistula that is leaking. I also had the abdominal pain that you mentioned. If it follows the same course as mine, you may shortly be in for some serious weight loss. I dropped 30 pounds in about a month. If you have not yet been diagnosed with anything, I suggest you head to a doctor soon. I am not sold on the idea of excluding food from your diet yet, however, I think there is a lot to be said for keeping a daily food journal and indicating when your symptoms occur. If there is a solid pattern, then start addressing particular foods. It is really easy to jump to conclusions about what foods set you off, and a little caution is warranted. If you end up on prednisone, you will need all the calcium you can get. I do notice a fairly strong reaction to many high sugar foods, and that one is worth cutting down immediately. As for the leakage, I resorted to the simple placement of toilet paper inside my underwear. Easy enough to change out and it will take care of most leakage. Does wonders for your state of mind when you know you can address it quickly and easily. If you carry a backpack with you, a spare pair of underwear doesn't hurt either. Take care!
Boris: i started a strict diet, not eating lactose and it has done very good to me, it doesnt hurt my stomach now, and i there is no leakage. I dont know if other foods are a problem for me but for now i am kind of ok, maybe a small leakage i dont know.

Now that i think about it i think its most likely an internal infection of the colon because yesterday i have created an amount of that uncolored gel, and i was curious what is happening. I have started after some time to eat dairy but it is just worst. Because i had got used of the pain, i wouldnt notice it that much because i was in pain all the time when i didnt know what was causing it. But now i eat dairy and my stomach hurts alot, and then the freaking gel. :/

Do you know if it is permanent? Maybe i am lactose intolerance, but it was in a small amount that i wouldnt even notice all my life, and then after 21 years it popped out from the overuse of it and... HEY! i am lactose intolerance :p . I just want to learn if its permanent or not. My pain is on the stomach, like i have eaten something bad and it hurts from it, or like when you are sick and your stomach hurts alot. But im not sick :) .

Shamrock15: The mucus or fistula you are referring, are there from stomach or colon? Should i do a colonoscopy or something? And i am not loosing any weight, actually i got weight these months, but because i wanted to. The symptoms occur after 4 hours of everytime i eat lactose or aspartame, but only lactose hurts my stomach. Yes i know i was using the tp too but its not a permanent solution, but as i said before, you cant never be sure about tp, because if it gets wet, the tp smells too so it smells even worst than without it. And you cant have a girlfriend in that situation my friend, so it needs to be found a solution.
I agree that it most likely is mucus that you are passing. I remember this quite distinctly when I was early on with my crohn's. You may also have a fistula that is leaking. I also had the abdominal pain that you mentioned. If it follows the same course as mine, you may shortly be in for some serious weight loss. I dropped 30 pounds in about a month. If you have not yet been diagnosed with anything, I suggest you head to a doctor soon. I am not sold on the idea of excluding food from your diet yet, however, I think there is a lot to be said for keeping a daily food journal and indicating when your symptoms occur. If there is a solid pattern, then start addressing particular foods. It is really easy to jump to conclusions about what foods set you off, and a little caution is warranted. If you end up on prednisone, you will need all the calcium you can get. I do notice a fairly strong reaction to many high sugar foods, and that one is worth cutting down immediately. As for the leakage, I resorted to the simple placement of toilet paper inside my underwear. Easy enough to change out and it will take care of most leakage. Does wonders for your state of mind when you know you can address it quickly and easily. If you carry a backpack with you, a spare pair of underwear doesn't hurt either. Take care!

I agree with this. I took exclusion diets too far. Often it was just coincidence that I felt worse or better after eating a particular food, but I would convince myself it was due to what I'd eaten and ended up cutting out almost everything (because I was always sick, which in fact happened no matter what I ate).Now I just have a few modifications. It's only really insoluble fibre and too big portions that give me consistent problems.

I'm not sure that what you're describing is something that's a typical food-related symptom. Pain and diarrhoea can be due to lactose intolerance, but I don't think leaking mucus is?

Maybe you could ask your doctor to be tested for lactose intolerance and/or a gluten allergy (coeliac)? Those are common "problem" foods and you can get a definite answer from the tests. It's very easy to start self-diagnosing, but you don't have to figure this out on your own. Try not to get too hung up on finding a cure. Maybe you'll be lucky and have lactose intolerance or something where symptoms can be eliminated. But if you have Crohn's or something like that, you'll be living with chronic illness, and though you can't cure it you can have a life with the illness.
Yes pain, diarrhea and the mucus think is what i have exacly, forgot the diarrhea. But the pain and diarrhea happens only if i eat dairy products, i dont have blood or any other problems. But why did this happen NOW? why to be(if i am) lactose intolerance now and not from when i was a kid. I was eating dairy 22 years now without any problems, all normal. I am thinking too, that because i went to army for 9 months and the food there is terrible, and there are infections everywhere you can breathe there ( :p ), i got something from army`s food. I dont think i have gluten allergy, i can comsume wheat well and i dont feel anything bad going all there.
I think you should take your concerns to a Dr., so it doesn't get worse in the mean time. I always chalked up stomach pain to lactose intolerance(self diagnosed) but it got worse this summer, and then I got the abscess - and yes mucus was coming out of it. I was diagnosed with crohn's after a trip to the emergency room because the abscess had gotten so bad.

Hopefully not the case for you, but you really should see a Dr!

Good luck :)
hey proble,

i actually had this problem when i was in the worst time in my life.

It occurred also from dairy (although i want to mention that dairy isn't the sole factor).

If you aren't getting organic milk, then you are drinking hormones, antibiotics and probably some other chemicals (all which can cause havoc on your gut flora)

thankfully i managed to clear that problem up very quickly.

The first and foremost thing you need to focus on is your diet. Cut the dairy, cut the grains and all refined/genetically modified food.

See what the results are after about 1 week. If you are better, confidence will come back to you and you will start concentrating on other things.

Once you are at that stage you can do many things:

I wrote about how i cured the leaking and bleeding that came with my mucus here: http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=42981

i used a combination of diet, exercise, chinese teas and anti-biotics. (i got rid of the bleeding in 2 days)

feel free to ask me any questions and remember that taking action will get your health to where you want it to be!

diet prince x
Yes pain, diarrhea and the mucus think is what i have exacly, forgot the diarrhea. But the pain and diarrhea happens only if i eat dairy products, i dont have blood or any other problems. But why did this happen NOW? why to be(if i am) lactose intolerance now and not from when i was a kid. I was eating dairy 22 years now without any problems, all normal. I am thinking too, that because i went to army for 9 months and the food there is terrible, and there are infections everywhere you can breathe there ( :p ), i got something from army`s food. I dont think i have gluten allergy, i can comsume wheat well and i dont feel anything bad going all there.

Go to the doctor just to have it checked out x
Yes pain, diarrhea and the mucus think is what i have exacly, forgot the diarrhea. But the pain and diarrhea happens only if i eat dairy products, i dont have blood or any other problems. But why did this happen NOW? why to be(if i am) lactose intolerance now and not from when i was a kid. I was eating dairy 22 years now without any problems, all normal. I am thinking too, that because i went to army for 9 months and the food there is terrible, and there are infections everywhere you can breathe there ( :p ), i got something from army`s food. I dont think i have gluten allergy, i can comsume wheat well and i dont feel anything bad going all there.

Dairy intolerance as people age is a very common thing.

That being said, the problem you are facing could be a number of things:

- could be the antibiotics in the milk messed up your gut flora and now you are leaking because of it

- could be the hormones messing up your system combined with the antibiotics making you leak

- could you a dairy intolerance

- could be inflammation

etc. etc.

The thing is, you know the source of your problem. So focus on not eating dairy for the time being and take things that will help your gut flora rejuvenate (anti-inflammatory foods + fish oil + probiotics)

Also, don't worry about colonoscopies yet. A simple visit to a gastro's office could do the trick (although you may feel a bit violated the first time ahahah)

If you don't experience symptoms after 30 days, then try some dairy. You will then be sure.

Lastly, I highly recommend you get of non organic dairy anyway. That is some of the worst stuff you could put into your body.

If you want some proof on my statement watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0
Thank you for all the information my friend Boris. :D i am going to doctor today to do a stomach examination and hope to find something curable :/

Any Updates on your situation?

I have been MIA here, but would love to hear that you made progress and are really healthy now :)

Thank you for all the information my friend Boris. :D i am going to doctor today to do a stomach examination and hope to find something curable :/
I have passed mucus after too much dairy - but I'm not lactose intolerant. I know because I lapsed into lactose intolerance after excluding lactose from my diet for 2 months and the symptoms were chills, dehydration, cramping, bloating, gas and diarrhea, but no passing mucus.

It seems to also be effected by other elements in my diet, but I can't really explain more than that.

There's compelling evidence that pasturized or ultra-pasturized milk (often found in organic milks) is more biologically dead than raw milk and lacks the probiotic benefits that make milk a healthy choice.

I'm currently testing the effects of limiting myself to raw milk and kefir.

So I disagree with those cautioning you against this. You know what effects you, and especially the remark about calcium, it's debatable whether the calcium in milk is even bio-available to the human body. If you're worried about that you should be on calcium-citrate.

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