Yes, got a call back, and the GI was a real butthead. Said "if she is dizzy and feels lightheaded, that is her brain or her head. I am a specialist consultant. I deal only with her digestion. Don't call me if it doesn't deal with her intestines or her digestion. Call her regular pediatrician. I am not going to replace her regular pediatrician." *Click.*
I was so stunned, I didn't even get to ask him whether her vitamin levels were checked in the past, and whether he could order them checked, or if he could coordinate that with whatever doctor was appropriate. That was what I was trying to ask. I realize he's not the person to call for every ear ache and sniffle. Geez. He was really irritable and defensive.
I texted her Dad and told him how the convo went. Asked him to call, maybe he could do a better job. Honestly, all I wanted was at least the GI to *coordinate* with the regular pediatrician. Let them talk to each other. If I go to the pediatrician and start talking doc-talk about what tests have been run, what I think her symptoms could be tied to, etc, his eyes will glaze over. I know docs don't like it when you talk on their level. I was just hoping they could talk to each other, whichever one is appropriate to order blood stores tests could do so, and we could make some progress on getting her well!
(Dad is retired after 20yrs in the USMC hehe).
He called both doctors. Funny thing is, the moment the GI got on the phone with him, the GI launched into the same defensive spiel with him. From the get-go. But he talked him down, told him to back off the defense and listen, we're not the aggressive parents trying to make him "fix" our daughter for things that may be outside his realm.. but that we don't want her having redundant or uncoordinated care, either. He then gave the example of his dad, who was seeing four different specialists at one time, and when he finally got in front of one doctor who looked at ALL his records, ALL his care, and ALL his medications, realized he was on about eight medications too many, and a lot of his "care" and "specialists" and "meds" was all just to treat side effects and reactions to other medications. We don't want Rosalyn to get lost or caught up in the system like that. And right now, the pediatrician is saying "it's all GI, talk to the GI" and the GI is saying "that's not from GI, see the pediatrician."
So after that, the GI changed his attitude a lot, said he'd called the pediatrician right away, and even called Dad back and said he'd talked to the pediatrician who would be giving one of us a call and letting us know his thoughts & the next steps on her dizziness & weakness.
....8:45 the next morning and still waiting for THAT call, but at least after that complicated, conflict-filled little afternoon, hopefully we made some progress and helped the GI realize we are not the enemy! He must have some PITA helicopter parents to be so defensive & cranky like that!!! :ywow: