Let's have something else in time for Xmas

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Dec 3, 2010
Well today I woke up with a large sore lump under my chin feels like someone is poking me constantly. I went to the docs as I am on steroids and methotrexate and they say I had got an thyroglobulass cyst (don't know on spelling). So now I'm on antibiotics ready for Xmas lovely they always make me feel sick so I'm waiting for that to start. They think it's because I'm on the steroids I have got an infection in there I'm feeling very tired and have done for the past few days at least now I know why lol. Anyone else get had this? The docs say if the lump didn't go down I wi have to be referred to someone else.
That is something I haven't experienced knock-on-wood. I am sure with all the meds you are on you are feeling like crap. I hope you are taking folic acid. Getting your blood work done reg is a necessary thing for being on Metho. I know of someone who had the cyst but it was he husband (she is the crohnie) who had it and it got bigger and had surgery to remove it, best thing he ever did.

Hope you get relief, I know all to well feeling horrible on Christmas, which is why now we do it my way. NO Turkey!

Thanks for the reply. Feeling ill at Christmas is horrible the past 3 years I have had a flare so I wasn't able to eat any christmas dinner. This year I'm hoping my body will hold out until after lol. Yeah I'm taking the folic acid and due to get a blood test next week but I'm pretty sure all my inflammatory makers are going to be high with this massive thing on my neck. Today it seems bigger I just hope it doesn't keep expanding.
I have been looking a bit online which is not always a good idea but I found that a lump on he neck can be a side effect of methotrexate so it may not be what the dr said. I am going to phone my GI tomorrow just to put my mind at ease I feel quiet worried about it now. I hope it's something simple to sort out.
It very well could be, I never got past the minimum amount of injections just was sick from it and tried it twice. It is a chemo drug and you could be reacting, but try not to stress see your Gi and let us know what he says. Good Luck.
Thanks again for replying, I'm trying not to worry but its one of those things that plays on your mind especially this late at night, mind starts thinking all sorts of weird and wonderful things lol.

I have put a post up in the treatment section as well to see if anyone else has had this on methotrexate.
Finally got a reply from the GI today and he just wants me to carry on with the antibiotics and they think that will get rid of it. So its good they dont think its the methotrexate. I hope it does go away soon my throat is so sore and my ears still hurt.
I am glad you heard back from your GI, and he doesn't think it's your meds.

I sure hope the antibiotics kick in soon, and you start to feel better.

Hang in there!