Lets lighten the mood abit!

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
I start my day with a flat tummy and by afternoon/evening I look 4/5 months pregnant. My sister says to pretend i'm pregnant and see how many people fall for it. If I catch the bus, hold my back and act pregnant and see if anyone gives up their seat for me and then keep a tally. I know, maybe a little harsh, but I am ill anyway :p

I was wondering if anyone else had any games or things they do to lighten the mood of their illness.

Jokes? Games? Funny pictures? Funny (doesn't have to be embarrasing) Stories?

Just trying to lighten the mood and see what other 'games' I can play to amuse myself and distract myself from the pain. :)

If you can't laugh about what life throws at you then what's the point. You need to make a joke and laugh about these things sometimes.
Well, I used to fart national anthems. I was getting pretty good at it too. Then I tried the Russian anthem. Should never have gone for those low notes. The mess I had to clean-up made me swear off my hobby forever.
I thought you were going to say russian roulette kev, thats what used to happen to me everytime i farted lol, never know if it would just be a fart or a follow through
haha oh man.. You guys are hilarious! I wish I had some funny stories to share. I always threaten my fiancee' that I'll fart in bed but unfortunately for some reason I physically can't fart unless going to the bathroom! I don't know why but I just never have gas lol
When I first had my ileostomy, a few years ago. I would use a clip to fasten the bottom of the stoma bag. My wife always told me to make sure I carried an extra clip, just in case (you never know). I ignored her, thinking how on earth would I lose a clip. Well, we were in Bournemouth one day enjoying the beach and my stoma was very active this particular day.

So I went to the toilet, did what I had to do and before I put the clip back on the end of the stoma bag, I flushed the toilet. I couldn't believe it, but my clip fell out of my hand and went down the toilet as it flushed and disappeared before my eyes. So here I was standing in a cubicle on Bournemouth beach front without a way to fasten the end of my stoma bag. My wife and our friends are way down the beach somewhere and I'm wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt with an open stoma bag and an ileostomy that is unusually very active.

I obviously had to leave the toilet, but had no idea how. In the end I had no choice, but to put my hand down my shorts and hold the end of my bag up as discretely as possible. So I'm basically walking down the beach with my hand in my shorts. I'm must have looked like i was doing something very inappropriate. We lived approx 2 hrs away and had to leave, because of my stupidity and on the way home I literally had to keep the end of the bag up, so as not to spill the contents. We must have stopped at least 10x on the way home, so I could run into some fields to empty it. I couldn't bring myself to walk in a service station with my hand down my trousers again. I would've been arrested :D
I came home from having my first endoscopy and colonoscopy, and was still kind of out of it from the anesthesia. I flopped on the couch and asked my husband to put a DVD on for me. I requested "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". He falls down laughing and says that the chamber isn't secret any more..bastard ;-)
hahaha dmac. Not as bad as you but i took a girl who i really like out for a drive, ended up shitting in the woods as i had no idea where i was and hadnt seen a pub in miles... and yes i didnt have any tissue on me either ... luckily there were plenty of leaves around lol
DMac - You could have gone to Bournemouth hospital, explained the situation and they would have given you a new clip! Too late now though!

These are funny! I had a horrible night last night, and this definately cheered me up today!
[tlc-x]DMac - You could have gone to Bournemouth hospital, explained the situation and they would have given you a new clip! Too late now though!

You're absolutely right. It wasn't until the next day that I realized that D'oh. To be fair, it was evening and we had been there the whole day, so it wasn't as though we just arrived and had to go. At the time I was mortified, but I can look back at the odd accidents and laugh about them now :lol2:
how can your stomach look bigger by the end of the day? I've been dealing with constant boating/gas etc and so many other Crohns symptoms to where I still haven't worked since being fired for Crohns but my stomach never puffs out too much. I'm 5'11" might as well say a 6 foot woman and weigh around 150lb or 159 and my stomach isn't flabby, it feels a little flabby but it's not. do you have intestinal distention? Ouch...
It looks bigger through out the day because I eat my meals, it stays inside me until night time when I let it alllll out and it goes down abit - never flat though. But after my meals I literally puff out and look pregnant. I don't know how or why, but it happens. I don't know what intestinal distention is, sorry!
I start my day with a flat tummy and by afternoon/evening I look 4/5 months pregnant. My sister says to pretend i'm pregnant and see how many people fall for it. If I catch the bus, hold my back and act pregnant and see if anyone gives up their seat for me and then keep a tally. I know, maybe a little harsh, but I am ill anyway :p

wear a top that covers your belly, but make sure your bump is obvious under the clothing. then walk around the mall like your pregnant.. slow walking, rubbing your belly with one hand, looking at shops, or even a baby clothing store or whatever.. see how many people stare or congratulate you! lol damn. if you pushed a stroller infront of you with one hand and rested your other hand on your belly, thatd be too obvious right? lol.

or hold a baby names book in one hand, and keep asking your sister (or whom ever your with) "OH how about Tylor! if its a boy, i love that name!" etc etc