Let's talk Poo

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One Badass Dude
Aug 3, 2008

Lately it has been frequent (6-7 times a day), liquid, greenish/tarry topped off with yellowish foam.

Really foul smelling and sour overall. Aloe Vera-coated toilet paper not really helping. Calmoseptine is great overnight, but it's kinda is a bugger to wash out of underpants.
I've been pooing great until this week. Not sure if it's food I've eaten or tapering or pred or a reflare.

For me it's not a frequent thing, just a consistency thing. Like the poo's coming out of a shotgun and splat! Ok...that's probably too much info.

I'm a big calmoseptine fan but only use it at night too.
Sorry your poo is stinky!

I like to wipe with cottonelle moist wipes. They're pretty much the same as baby wipes, but they don't smell like babies.

They're not as irritating as dry tp, and they do a really good job at getting your backside nice and clean. :) Tucks wipes are also nice when your butt gets kinda itchy.

I've discovered a fun product called "Poo-Pourri." You spray it into the toilet before you go, and it keeps the aroma from escaping the toilet. Of course, when things are urgent, you don't really have time for a quick spritz... But it works great when you can afford an extra moment! (you can google it if you're intrigued!)
my poo just started getting really nast smelling too. never knew that could be a symptom of the disease kicking up, but maybe its so?
right after surg my the smell couldve taken down an army...then for the past few weeks its been great, almost NO smell! now the past couple days its been liquid and awful smell. along with the rest of my symptoms feeling worse.
smelly poo a symptom? i guess.

however, GJ, i have no idea what to do about it except to thro tp in the toilet first to minimize splashing and go in the bathroom that has a window lol
ha! i've had a bout of stinky poo too recently. i'd be banished to the woods if it weren't for fabreze. . .
I totally think stinky poo is part of the CD package. For the entire year+ before I was diagnosed it was just foul--really raunchy! My illness may be mild, but my poo-stink was not!

(have you ever gagged on your own poo-stink? not fun)

But since I've been diagnosed and started the pentasa, my poos (and my farts) smell pretty normal. I have to confess that I sort of miss the stinky farts, though.
lol prettykitty!!!
thats so funny cause i thought the same thing about farts a few days ago, minus the stinky part.
i miss farting. not when you fart cause your crohns sick, but just normal everyday people farts. its kind of like sneezing, the relief of the buildup of pressure kind of thing you know? it feels good to be able to push out a fart. ahhhhh.
with the ileo i cant really do that lol. i kind of can, like fex my stomach muscles mid-fart and its goes faster or louder, but its not the same.

lol pen, nurses whose expertise lie in poo identification? haha!
and yeah, i was thinking that the smelly could be caused from something like that.
it seems like my intestines hold onto things for a long time when im sicker, so i would assume that certain things ferment? and fermentation=stinky.

sorry for the thread hijack GJ
I have just read everyone's comments and have to laugh where else can you be discussing pooh and not be totally embarassed by it? Crohnie's Unite!! I'm forever giving my husband a report back in the morning on the condition of my pooh because to me it's an issue and a reflection of what's happening inside but I think he's lost interest some time shame the poor guy I don't blame him really.
Ha! Bruce always asks me how my poo went after I come out of the bathroom... sometimes he will comment on it and say things like "that sounded violent!"... although he is lying because usually he is wrong. :)
could crohns cause really stinky farts? i get them and its so bad my hubby threatens to make me sleep outside lol. i tell him it is natural but he says how can it be
It's like that scene in "Good Will Hunting" where Robin Williams tells Matt Damon how much he misses his wife's farts and how she used to wake herself up and he didn't have the heart to tell her it was her. I love that scene. I always tell my husband "See Honey, you would miss my nighttime farts if I wasn't around." I think I almost have him convinced...:)