Lions and Tigers and Crohn's oh MY!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 10, 2010
I have Crohn's. (Yaaay... wait, that isn't fun.) I apologize for the wall of text... (My original post didn't appear anywhere, so I am trying again.)

Last year I had surgery for a stricture that was causing blockages / pain / nausea / vomiting / etc. Fortunately the surgeon did not find a large diseased area, just a small area with a stricture that was closing off my bowels almost completely. I'm grateful that I did not have to lose several feet of intestines, but I did feel kinda silly that something so small was causing so many problems.

I went several months feeling much better overall until December when I started feeling symptoms coming back. I told my doctor who was slow to believe something was happening. (He initially blamed it on medication.) However, after I stopped taking everything without seeing my symptoms improve, he eventually decided to put me on some prednisone for a while. It seemed to help some, but the issues keep coming back. (Pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.) Eventually he weened my off of this, and my symptoms continued to get worse.

This culminated in 5 separate ER visits / episodes in April/May. 4 of those times I was throwing up and couldn't stop, even with medicine. The last time was for pain that was radiating from my bowels into my shoulder.

My doctor has thrown every test at me he can think of doing, and my small bowel follow through definitely showed inflammation. But he doesn't want to believe I have a stricture again. Why I don't entirely understand, but apparently it is somewhat unlikely so close to a surgery. Although I was told the chance of it recurring so quickly was still greater than 10 percent, which as someone who deals with numbers regularly can tell you is a fairly significant percentage. (If only the chance of winning the lottery were this good.)

At the end of May at my last ER visit, the ER doctors ignored me for about 3 hours, which isn't a good way to make someone in terrible pain very happy. However I didn't complain. The ER doctor was not impressed at my frequent visits, but he gave me a high dose of prednisone (40mg) along with Cipro/Flagyl. This combined with an entirely liquid diet helped immensely. I started to feel much better, even though I still have a constant stitch (or what feels like a small knife) in my side in the lower right quadrant.

My GI weened me off of the prednisone over several weeks, and I started to get hungry again. Very hungry. I had worked myself up to a sandwich and a half a day (meat and bread only), and I thought I was finally doing better. Last week I tried to move on to more real food. My first good meal in a while (Mmmm spaghetti) went down well, and it came out the other end. (Victory!)

However, after a few days of eating more food than liquid I started getting nauseous / having lots more pain. The last doctor visit I had (not to my GI), they actually felt a mass in my abdomen right where the pain was centered. (This felt very similar to what my surgeon felt/identified before he operated on me...)

I honestly feel like my GI doesn't believe me. He (well, his nurse) even said I shouldn't be having issues for this long. I scheduled an appointment with a different GI, but I can't get in to see him until August 28th. I'm going back to a mostly liquid diet, as annoying as that can be. But I don't know what else I can do about this situation. I am simply left hurting and angry.

The last couple of days I have been exhausted, sleeping way more than usual, and just generally feeling terrible. I'm sure there are people that have it worse, but this just sucks. I'm on a dizzying array of medications / supplements to try to help the situation, but it isn't improving. Any ideas would be helpful.
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Hi welcome to the forum

sorry to hear ya havin such a hard time with things

glad uv opted for a second opinion
what I'm shocked about is that your current gi doesn't hav you on a long term preventive medication

most crohnies are on a mild preventive med to reduce flare ups etc an allow us to leed semi normal lives

hope things improve for you soon
Hi Kitty
and welcome

sorry you're having such a horrible time with this.
what about that nurse? how dare she!!! God, comments like this make my arsehole twitch!
have you tried a low residue diet? this is what I do when I'm flaring, and it works by giving your bowels a complete rest, no fibre or coloured food, and no red meat.
It's basically white bread, white rice, chicken, turkey, white fish, potatoes (mashed is good) and cheese and milk if you can tolerate dairy.
have a scoot round the diet and treatment threads for info on it.
not sure if you've tried Pentasa, one of the amnio salicylate family, a preventative med to maintain healthy guts?
hope you stick around with us, lots of friends here
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Kitty, lol love your opening line, we do have bears so I sing that part alot...but my singing would get rid of any bear within a 100 mile radius LOL. Welcome to the forum!

I have had two resections and my first diagnosis with a surgeon doing exploratory didnt believe I had Crohns. Just because HE didnt see it , didnt mean it wasn't there. Some doctors have high ego's and we as patients don't give a rats behind, we want relief! My opinion if you can get a new GI, one who specialises in IBD. Some are internists and they are not as qualified. Trust me I know been there done that.

Can you tell us what country you are from and what meds you are on? It could help us a bit better, to help you.

Welcome aboard!
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Hello Kitty and welcome to the Forum!

I sure hope they come up with something soon for you..
In the meantime just rest and do as the others have said with the diet.

You've come to the right place for support.

Healing hugs~Nancy
Hey, thanks for the support.

I didn't really list all of my meds, but I will.. I'm 28F and in the US of I hope you have insurance A. (Thankfully I do, and I've reached my deductible!)

My primary care doctor has been supportive, and he got me in to a pain specialist. We haven't quite figured out how to make it stop when it gets at its worst. But hopefully we get there. Not eating food helps.

Medications (Just the ones for Crohn's):

Mercaptopurine 75mg for maintenance
Fish Oil
Prilosec 2x/day (This is very helpful!)
Zofran (Nausea)
Marinol (Nausea / Appetite -- It helps.)
Hydrocodone (Pain / Diarrhea -- It helps, but I am very tired of it.)
Boost/Ensure drinks (Mmmmmmm! Right? Right? *crickets* Hello?)

I've tried several other meds including reglan, welchol, carafate, pamprin/midol (because they suggested I was just having period pains... HAH), Pentasa, and others. I even tried Remicade before I had surgery. It made me start to lose my hair!

I actually had trouble with my first GI. When I replaced him with my current GI, he immediately said "surgery." So I thought I was dealing with someone serious for a change. My experience this year has lead me to believe otherwise though. Though I don't know what else I expect him to do, but believing me would at least be a start!

I'm sorry other people have had trouble with their doctors as well. It's the wrong struggle to deal with when you are sick.
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Hi Kitty, welcome to the forum. There are others on here with similar stories. I'm sure you'll find some great advice on here. I agree with Jett, look for a GI who takes your symptoms seriously and doesn't wait until you are past the point of no return before trying to help. Good luck, keep us informed.
Thanks. I'm hoping the doctor I am trying to get into is popular for a reason. He supposedly does actual research rather than just treating patients. The very first GI I had is known in town as a "scope jockey." (My primary care doc told me this.) He only wanted to do scopes then go to the golf course. I thought my current GI was better, but I'm learning I am wrong.
Hi Kitty, Reading your post really echos my Meg's problems. She has a stricture in her small intestine. A barium meal and follow through revealed 12cm of inflammation with a 2mm stricture. She was immediately put on a liquid diet and within days: no vomiting and relatively pain free. (and full of energy and slowly the weight crept back on her :ybiggrin:)

Six weeks went by and food was very slowly introduced. 3/4 alicalm shake diet and white bread, chicken etc was allowed. Alas two days later the cronic pain and vomiting began and we told to revert to the liquid diet again.

We see the surgical Doctor's next week. How are you? All the very best.
Hi KittyPants, I love your silly sense of humor. Sorry you're going through such a rough time. I had to change doctors also, because of the nurse...I'd tell you the story but it would interfere with the process of erasing her from my memory.

Have you checked out the diet section of the forum? You might benefit from trying some of the ideas posted there. A lot of folks feel like diet doesn't bring on a flare but once your in one, and it sounds like you are, diet can be key to one not making it worse and helping to get into remission.

Has any of your docs mentioned Humira or Cimzia? Same class as remicade but different drugs.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!
Thanks for all of the replies! I'm glad I'm not alone with this crap. (Lots of crap.) Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

My diet is fairly close to what has been suggested, but I think I have some color in it:

- Pineapple Juice
- Orange Juice
- Gatorade
- Boost/Ensure
- V8
- Grape juice
- Cherry juice (Tasty!)
- Yogurt
- Pomegranate / Blueberry juice
- Plain turkey, roast beef, chicken sandwiches
- Potatoes, mashed or baked
- Baked chicken

I went to only the liquids for about 2 weeks, then I started adding in chicken, turkey sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches, and potatoes. I can't really do dairy apart from yogurt as it causes pain/bloating. (I used to LOVE dairy so this is one of the most disappointing aspects of the diet.) Everything is baked or broiled though, nothing is fried. I actually don't mind giving up the fried foods. I felt much better after I did. (A couple of years ago.)

I tried increasing the diet by adding in other foods. It started out ok, but it ended up causing problems. :(

I'll have to check out the diet section for more ideas.
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On a side note, beware of those little bottles of 100% pineapple juice. They are more addicting than pain medicine. I think I have ruined my little brother. (He drinks a couple a day now, poor thing.)
I went to my GI yesterday. He seemed very concerned (finally?) and ordered a colonoscopy. He also gave me a 50mg dose of prednisone. So... Who is up for some all nighters? :D

How fast do those work for other people? I started taking them yesterday, and I already kinda feel like I am having a better day. Of course I'm also not trying to manage a 3 hour drive while holding a vomit bag. :( But oh well.
Hey Kitty

that's better news, good luck with the Pred! I'm not up for an all nighter, I'm off the Pred, I love me bed!
It worked straight away for me too! enjoy the benefits!
The pred will work wonders fast! I hope you start to feel better soon, and can start the long weaning process after the scope and when they find what's going on in there.

In the meantime, I miss dairy too! I use almond milk for my cereal (it tastes better than skim or lofat milk IMO) and use rice cheese for pizzas, casseroles and mac-and-cheese. It's not perfect but it's better than soy cheese. Tofutti makes great non-dairy ice cream, cream cheese and sour cream. Super high in fat if you are trying to put on some lbs!!

Good luck - I hope you feel better soon! - Amy
Hello and welcome! Hopefully that high dose of Pred will help you and maybe they find the true problem to your troubles in your colonoscopy.

Thank you again for everyone who has spoken with me. I've had a much better week since I went on the steroids. My diet is still up and down, and I keep having constipation issues. BUT! That is much better than constant nausea! And I am much much more active in the day, instead of being exhausted. It is crazy how much of a difference steroids can make.