My bottom lip swelled up huge on me when I was 19, no other signs of CD with the exception of perianal crohn's skin tags that started younger in my teens but I was told they were just hemmies (turned out they weren't though, instead they were in fact perianal crohn's skin tags) anyhow, I went to the ER for my lip cuz it freaked me out and the ER doc was baffled, he figured I had an allergic reaction to something (I'm pretty sure it was early signs of CD just as the perianal crohn's skin tags were, instead of my CD starting internally as it normally does, it obviously started externally with the anus and my bottom lip swelling up....that only happened that one time with my lip and even though I got very sick with my CD internally and the anal tags got worse in my mid 20's I still never had another episode with my lip...I iced it and after about a week the swelling finally went down.