Liver enzymes ALT and Gamma GT

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Jun 13, 2012
Hi Everyone

I just had some blood work done as I was having a strange pain in my right side that started right after my last Remicade infusion 4 days ago. I believe I'm in remission, had surgery 3 months ago to remove a strictured area and all has been good since. I've been on Remicade for about a year and a half with no problems, blood work has always been normal in all areas since I started it.

So again I was/am having this weird pain in my right side, kind of like a cramp you get when jogging or something. It's not constant pain, don't really even feel it unless I move a certain way, its the worst when i tense my ab muscles when I'm lying down, i get a really sharp pain if i try doing a 'crunch' type motion and I feel it a bit when I lay on that side sometimes. Its pretty mild for the most part. I was poking and prodding a lot when I first noticed it, moving around just to see what triggered it and that made it quite a bit more sore for a short while but when I left it alone, it was okay.

I read that Remicade can cause liver injury so thought I should go to the doctor to see what she thought. This is my GP. Everything came back normal except my ALT is elevated at 72 (normal is <36) and my Gamma GT is 69 (normal is <31). I've never had these levels before and I'm just curious on thoughts out there. I wonder if its something due to the Remicade as the pain started right after my infusion or if the pain is nothing, maybe just an extension of scar tissue from my surgery or something else related to healing. I also went out the night prior to the bloodwork and had a beer around 11pm, bloodwork done the following morning at about 11am so I'm wondering if that might have something to do with the elevated levels.

Any thoughts are appreciated! I'm really hoping its just a 'one off' and nothing more as I don't want to have to stop the Remicade cause it works for me! Thanks for reading :)
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Hello, we are in the same boat right now. Daughter on Remi for only 6 months and her liver enzymes got high before last infusion, waiting for next dose and lab tests. If it is still high or higher, we are going to have to stop treatment. My daughter does not have pain and her levels are higher than yours. My son has low pain but levels are normal and his crohn's is on early stage and not on remicade. I know, is confusing. I really hope it was the beer.
me too. I've had elevated lft's since jan and every time I get them done they're a little more raised. my last read ast-61, alt-104, and ggt-73. I mean they are not hugely raised but its worrying all the same. My Gi said last wk that he's pretty certain its the remicade that's doing it as my liver function was perfect before I started. he doesn't seem to concerned though and hasn't mentioned coming of it.
I wouldn't be too worried yet as painkillers or alcohol etc. can raise them. just keep a eye on them.