Living with chron's

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Nov 23, 2011
living with chron's

Hi everyone! Before I start, I just had to say how impressed I am with this forum and how exciting it is for me to have found such a supportive, open and wonderful community. It sucks that we ll have a nasty disease in common, but it's great to hear other people's experiences and know that I'm not alone.

So, it all began in 1995 when I was 12. Typical symptoms such as weight loss, diarrhea, loss of appetite, wicked stomach pains, cold soars. I was being treated for "stomach flu" for a few months till I had an appointment with a Gastro. and scheduled a colonoscopy. The days leading up to the procedure were the most terrifying of my life...("you're going to stick a camera WHERE?!"). Stayed in the hospital for a week, NG tube and lots of steroids. Made lists of food to eat after the NG came out I was so hungry.

Between ages 12-18 I was on all kinds of medications, I was often flaring but had some breaks of short remission. Being a teenager was bad enough, having to explain moon face in high school was a nightmare. Being thin from all the weight loss was a minor consolation.

Finally, when I was 18 I moved out and after a short hospitalization (I was on Purinethal and my white blood cell count was dangerously low) I had my first whole year of remission! It was very exciting but didn't last.

After that I started remicade, which worked for a few years until I started getting really violent reactions to it, couldn't breath, heating up, very unpleasant stuff. So I started Humira, which worked decently for a year and then stopped working. I think I tried Tysabri after that, which was a little scary with the whole risk for PLM and all that but it worked until I moved back to Israel and it's not approved here. So I tried 3 drug studies since then, something probiotic (?), Millenium, and a new targeted release Purinethal, all of them being complete wastes of time and energy.

The past four years have been the hardest. No energy, constant pain, having to get up a million times during the night to go explode in the bathroom, not even one milisecond of remission. The only thing that really helped with the pain was medical marijuana which worked like a charm, but had other drawbacks (like jealous friends).
I have taken every conventional drug on the market (I left out before pentasa, rafasal, flagyl, cyrpro, Imuran, methotrexate- the nurse who administered this shot would tell me every week that she's injecting me with poison and why don't I try just changing my diet instead, budesone and prednisone numerous times), tried acupuncture, reflexology, meditating, various diets and whatnot. Oh, and I forgot the countless useless hospitalizations which achieved nothing.

I've never had surgery since the inflammation is too spread out (I've begged my Doc to consider it the past few years but always got a very definite NO). At the moment I'm waiting for the next drug study to come out, my doctors have nothing to offer that I haven't tried. And also because of a nasty incident with steroids (psychosis followed by two years of clinical depression) I can't use those for emergencies any more (pretty happy about steroids never being an option again).

I'm so underweight and malnourished, that my doc's suggested I try TPN. I have a PIC line which I connect to a bag of "food" every day for 16 hours, and eat very little to get some colon rest. I have gained at least 16 lb in less than a month which makes me ecstatic!!!! I'm starting to feel like a real person again :) Still have pains, but I'm much more energetic and HAPPIER :D
A little worried about what's going to be next, I feel like if this doesn't help the inflammation go down I'm screwed...

Wow! this is really long, and I feel like it's not even the half of it... but it feels good to get it all out...

thank you for your patience if you've read till here :)
:welcome: Navsu! I read the whole thing :lol: You are alot like me, no options left but I can still have surgery but really trying to avoid it. Would be my 3rd. We dont have Cimzia here and we may not in Canada at all. I have just gotten off a quick taper of Pred. I know doctor freak when we go on it but sometimes you just have to. I have never had NG tube, I have refused. Nevery had TPN either. I am waiting to see a new Gi, just thinking I need another scope to ensure I am not narrowing or scar tissue is built up.

I have been on metho, 6mp, imuran, Remicade, Humira..and all the other drugs. It is frustrating I know. It was in the beginning was sought to be a Jewish disease, I am sure you heard. Canada now has the highest incidence of Crohns, well aren't we just special :ymad:.

Glad you are here, hopefully you can get some relief and feel alot better. Where is most of your Crohn's located, mine is in the Ileum.
Hi Pen,
Thanks for the speedy reply! I was actually diagnosed with CD in Vancouver while my family was on sabbatical for the year.
My Chron's has the strongest presence in the ileum and ascending large intestine, but when I'm flaring it's all over. Which is why my GI refuses to cut any of it out.
Why did you refuse the NG? I was really queasy about getting the PIC line, it seemed too invasive, but I was so desperate to gain weight I just went for it.

I hope the new GI works out, keep us posted! Fortunately I found a doctor I really like 14 yrs ago that I'm still with. That was after a slew of GI's I wasn't so taken with...
Hello Navsu and welcome to the family. :hug: You've really been through the wringer! The last 4 years have certainly been cruel to you. I really hope you can find some long-lasting relief with the TPN. But if not, maybe you could look into stem cell therapy. It seems like you might have a good enough case to qualify for it. I'm not sure if it's something they do in your neck of the woods, but if they do, it's really a wonderful option!! :) Read about one of the members here who has recently gone through the treatment here:

I hope your pain dies down a bit for ya. Again welcome to the forum! It's so good to have you here with us. Remember that you're not alone!
Greetings and welcome :)

Wow, you've certainly run the gamut. Reading your post, I thought the same thing as Jessi above. Stem Cells. I wonder if there are any programs in Israel for this?

Again, I'm glad you're here and hope to see you around. All my best to you :)

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