LLQ constant dull ache

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2009
Can't help wondering if this is a symptom of Crohn's
For a few days I have been experiencing heartburn, indigestion and the usual dull ache in my lower left side.
No appetite
Now last night a severe back ache with some abdominal pain in the gastric area and also LLQ..
So far BM back to normal,1-3 times daily occasionally during night.
No meds right now since remission occurred about a month ago.
Is it possible that Crohn's is creeping back?
Has anyone else experienced these kind of symptoms.
I don't feel 100%, just a bit weak and tired.
Really don't feel like talking to docs.
Any advice is welcome
Hi Ann, I probably can't offer much help but wanted to say hi! If it isn't 'bad' then I'd wait it out for a bit and see what happens. I have ups and downs as well.
Have had no real issues for weeks now and then last week had a bad night of D (I rarely get this) and then a couple of days later some more cramping, and then last night (a couple more days later) i was at the movies and had to leave 2x in the first 20 minutes to poo and spew. Freaked me out but I'll see how it goes, no fever or anything.
I guess the crohn's can always 'creep back'. Others will be able to tell you more about that!
Hope it's all okay Ann :)
I am having the exact same thing right now and just had a sbft yesterday which apparently came out ok cause I asked the radiologist. My pain seems to go away if I lay on that side.