Long Term Disability DECLINED due to Crohn's...

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Feb 2, 2010
So I work for a large bank that offers group benefit plans. They also offer Long Term Disablity through The Hartford. I meant to apply last year during our enrollment period but I did not make the changes in time.
Long story short, I applied this past November during our enrollment period and it just came back declined. I was just diagnosed last September so how about that timing huh? That sucks! Makes me feel worse than I already do.
Just wanted to vent. Thanks. By the way, anyone have any similar situation or ideas?
Sorry...it's a bummer....I was declined for life insurance. My poor family. I have never smoked, done drugs, rarely drink......Now Ikinda wish I would have done all those naughty things
Insurance companies get richer and most people dont even make a claim on their damages are their cars, I know two people who work for insurance companies and even they dont make claims...

Insurance is for people who need it. Alot of people have insurance ( we are insurance poor) but we never make a claim...now how many others dont? I am sorry this happend to you.. I am on my husbands insurance but havent worked in 10 yrs, no disabilty so I am solely reliant on my husband... Insurance companies in the States suck.
I am not surprised. With the pig push for treatment with biologics like Remicade that cost $1000s for each treatment and the astronomical jump in incidence of cancer linked directly to having UC/Crohns it can't be much worse than accepting someone with a heart condition.
:) :( I'm so sorry to hear that wish they couldn't get away with it. I had lost my life ins. and now noone would cover me BUT good new Hubby just inroled at is work and they offered 5000 ,10,000,25,000 and 50,000 for spouse it said if you choses 5000 no need for prof of good health so hopefully I get it. Hate to leave hubby with the bill. now i have one less worry thank the Lord! being a fincal burden to my family really sinks. wish I was still in the nerthlands.
ibdoer said:
So I work for a large bank that offers group benefit plans. They also offer Long Term Disablity through The Hartford. I meant to apply last year during our enrollment period but I did not make the changes in time.
Long story short, I applied this past November during our enrollment period and it just came back declined. I was just diagnosed last September so how about that timing huh? That sucks! Makes me feel worse than I already do.
Just wanted to vent. Thanks. By the way, anyone have any similar situation or ideas?
My brother-in-law needs a heart/lung transplant due to primary pulminary hypertension, I figure if he doesn't qualify no one stands a chance.
ibder sounds like he/she works for the same company as me (not a joke, every single bit of info says it's either same company or a competitor)...

In the states, and just to clarify, he/she's talking about Disability insurance, which is different than health insurance or life insurance. It's a separate elective enrollment that must be made at the time of enrollment (I had the Hartford, work for a large bank, and have my enrollment then too) in either early or late October or even November, depending on state and your role where I work. What ibder is/was fighting for wasn't the approval of treatment or life insurance, but to be paid (probably) something like 50-60% of his/her income while not working, that's basically all. It's income insurance, in effect, but has the qualifier of "need" in place (health being that need, the inability to work your normal job must be proven)...

It costs me $11 a month, but I was approved because I went through short term disability first. That was the b*tch to get approved and keep approved (almost lost my job because they were so stupid, but finally the doctors got things straightened out and they realized when I had a bucket next to my bed I was indeed, "disabled")...

The denial of this is based on a few things, but I'd want to know if you have gone through short term disability first, you're often eligible for that despite what enrollment period happenings took place. I had to exhaust 6 months of (hell) that before it transferred to the Hartford (actually good people, from my experience).

There's not much you can do if you missed the enrollment period, for whatever reason, though...
ahh I thought they were denied for coverage of insurance. Not to make a claim but to obtain insurance coverage.

I have been expecting this situation myself and trying to figure out how to sweep it under the rug so my potential employer does not get concerned. Did you guys have a crohns diagnosis when you applied for insurance coverage? did you have to take a physical for it?
I got denied for short term disability because of Crohns so I didn't even try for long term. I was pretty mad!
majority of states and companies deny you at least 2 or 3 times before approving you. They do this to help weed out the people that are just trying to get it and those that truly need it. People are corrupt and will try to get it for free. I saw just keep applying and also go to the office of disability services for your state.