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Aug 15, 2012
Hi All. I have been reading all of your posts and would like to start with a big thanks to everyone that has posted on this forum! I can't even begin to tell you how much this forum has helped me to get through one of the most challenging times of my life.

A little history: I am a 42 year old woman diagnosed with Crohns in 1991. I have had 3 bowel resections... One in 1991, 2005, and most recently, in May of this year. I also have a temporary ileostomy which has been very difficult for me to accept. On one hand I am greatful because it (Gertrude) has saved my life. On the other hand I'm having a tough time accepting it and I know this may sound shallow but vanity has played a tremendous role in my feelings...

I am blessed to have an incredible husband that is very supportive, but unless you have actually experienced an ostomy, I don't think anyone can truly understand the emotional rollercoaster which we have all lived.

So again a big thank you to everyone here! Without even knowing it, you are all an inspiration to me and others like me :)
Welcome to you and Gertrude!!! :welcome:

Glad to hear that we nutters here in the sub forum have been of help to you. I know they certainly helped me through my emergency ostomy surgery.
Welcome Downnvrout! I'm glad you finally decided to become a member, I know it's really helped me to know everyone here is so supportive.

I don't have any advice and I can't fully understand how you're feeling since I've never had an ostomy but as a young woman I just want to say how brave you really are to admit your true feelings about your procedure. I recently had two large abscesses lanced and will have scars on my derriere for the rest of my life and I know it's no where near as difficult to deal with as yours but it does make me feel less attractive and I think it's okay to admit to that.
We're told to just "be okay with it" but most women find it difficult when their appearance changes and your surgery is a big deal; it's not just about appearance but about your entire lifestyle. So I guess in conclusion I just want you to know we're all here for you and we all understand! You will grow to accept this and own it because the strength that you give off from conquering and managing this brutal disease is far more beautiful than some pretty face.
Thank you both for the warm welcome!
My ileostomy is supposed to be temporary, surgeon said 3-6 months but he is leaning closer to 6 months. My next appointment is Sept 4th which will put me at the 4 month mark. I'm hoping he will give the green light for the reversal but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
Welcome to the forum. It has certainly saved my sanity at times! You are not the only one with vanity issues from a stoma...we all have them to varying degrees. It's a weird thing, for sure!!

I have had such relief with mine that I am actually dreading reversal sometime before the end of the year. I got the okay from the surgeon for reversal about 4 months ago, but have been holding out.

I hope for you that everything goes well with your next appointment and you will be able to have your reversal sooner rather than later. In the meantime, hang around. Somebody always comes up with something that gets me to laughing out loud!!
Gertrude (named by my daughter) has given me much needed relief as well. With each bowel resection I was aware of a possible ostomy but I was not as prepared as I thought... My surgeon who saved my life twice has been giving me a tough love approach. He has told me that this time it's temporary but in the future I may need a permanent Stoma.
I have a really bad habit of waiting until I'm on deaths doorstep before going to the doctor which I'm sure on some level is fear along with some denial thrown in for good measure.lol
I can relate to your clear vision of death's door, as I to am one of the "two time" waiters. Temporary was not an option for me, and I did not name it as I was convinced that we would not have a compatible relationship (functioning part doesn't need to be named) but little by little, acceptance and out of the denial seat on occasion, I have come comfortable with not having all the other negative symptoms I had without it. It has allowed me to live and have some sort of a life to know my children and I am grateful for that...maybe a compatible relationship has been working when I wasn't looking. Sending positive energy that what you would like to see happen, does in a healthy way...all the best to you!

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