Looking for alternatives.

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Oct 4, 2010
Trying to keep this brief for now. I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 10 (19 now), and since that time have been on the usual treatments at some point. Had a flare starting last fall, it got really bad just in time for the spring semester, then kind of had ups and downs through summer, and eventually the ups stopped. I am (and was) on Cimzia and Aciphex. I spent 2 months trying the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (google SCD) and that didn't have a noticeable effect. I finally gave up and started smoking marijuana about 3 months ago. It has been a great help (very little pain anymore, no nausea, good appetite, less bleeding and diarrhea, sleeping better), but I'm still having symptoms. 6-8 bowel movements a day, sometimes with some blood and diarrhea.

This leaves me able to manage to get out for a couple hours, but I'm still not where I want to be (I've been in remission with no symptoms in the past), and my GI doesn't seem to have anything else for me to try. He referred me to a psychiatrist, whom I've seen twice, and he doesn't seem to think I have a textbook psychological problem or anything, and I don't feel a lot of stress (not consciously, anyway). He suggested I do some research on benzodiazepines and SSRI's for treating Crohn's and get back to him. I've done some searching and have read that people with IBD have benefited from antidepressants. Information seems to be limited, though. Very few trials or studies have been done, and the anecdotal evidence I've come across so far hasn't been extremely informative.

I'm looking for any information about antidepressants and Crohn's. I'll look into any other suggestions you may have, at this point. Let me know if you need more info. Any input is appreciated.
Hi effdee and :welcome:

Good to see you here. I have on experience with antidepressants but there are certainly people on here that have. What are you looking for the them to do? Is it to treat the symptoms of Crohns as in pain or to alter your mood?

Where is your Crohns located? I'm assuming you haven't had surgery and does this come next if you have no other options open to you?

I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you but I'm sure there will others along may be able to offer you advice. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Dusty - I'm hoping that it can replace the marijuana, or perhaps supplement it. It keeps my symptoms in check, but smoking a bit every couple hours can be limiting when you're out and about. It seems reasonable to find an antidepressant that is also a muscle relaxant which would reduce pain, but I'm not really sure what I'm getting into after that since I'm new to this realm of drugs. I wouldn't consider myself depressed, but of course there are times when it's harder and a little pickup would be nice.

No surgery yet, and my GI doesn't seem intent on doing any. When I last saw him, he said to see the psychiatrist and look at things on that end and let him know what's going on. He doesn't really have a next option for me, which was why he referred me to the psych to begin with, so I'm looking for what I can online.

Dexky - Definitely some good info there.

Thanks a bunch, you two!
hey effdee.....im not so sure that anti-d's are gonna do what youre looking for. pretty sure they dont act as muscle relaxants or anything like that.
ive been on prozac and wellbutrin for a while now, for a whole mish mosh of emotional things that ive had going on, and they have helped me in that sense. but there really is no "pick me up" feeling, you know? they dont work immediately as i think mj does....it takes a build up of the drugs to restore chemical balance and to have an effect.

perhaps you want more of like an anti anxiety medication? to me that seems more along the lines of a muscle relaxant without going full on opiod....

on a slightly different route, i would seek out a new GI. if he seems to be struggling for options for you, then i think its time to find someone else. it sounds to me like there are a great number of treatment routes you havent been down yet and while they all may not be plausible for you, a good doc should at least be able to have that discussion with you.
When I said antidepressants, I meant in a broad sense (since I'm still learning about all this stuff). I noticed that some antidepressants treated muscle spasms, and my thought was to look for a low risk (fewest/least severe side effects) that would be worth trying for a month or so. Unfortunately, with this type of drug, it might produce similar cognitive impairment which is something I'm trying to get away from.

So whether a med that can do that is considered an antidepressant or anxiolytic isn't the worry.

I thought about looking for a new doc after he was still against me smoking after he had seen how much I improved. He's a good person (which is a great start for me. had some guys who couldn't care less in the past), and it's not like he's a bad doctor (I really have tried a lot of stuff, but there's no way I tried everything available and worthwhile). I'll keep this on my mind for sure and see where things go. Thanks for the input.
Hi effdee
and welcome

I wrote the blurb to Cat about amitriptyline!
I'm not depressed neither, but this med has been a Godsend for me in terms of pain. For depression, amitriptyline would have to given at 200mg doses, as a pain receptor or muscle relaxant, either 10mg or 25mg will suffice.
Smoking pot is a fab way to reduce pain, I smoked it a long time ago for period pains, don't know what it does, but it defo works! Unfortunately, pot will always have that hard drug stigma attached to it. It's been decriminalised, downgraded, upgraded etc over here, no-one can make their minds up where to categorise it!
So if you're looking for a new pain med, try the amitriptyline, I'm just so happy I'm getting 9 hours undisturbed sleep! I don't wake up once in the night.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks, Astra. Do you get amitriptyline through your GI or a different doctor? Sleeping straight through the night again sounds fantastic!

Yeah, the whole mess with marijuana is frustrating. A medical bill might have passed in my state just this year but, it being an election year (as well as some other stupid stuff), they threw out the bill. Gotta love politics. Maybe next year.
Yeah, with ya on the politics thang!

My GP gave me the Amitriptyline, the gastro don't know anything about it! They're not really arsed unless I'm at death's door!

I believe if we can have undisturbed sleep, right thro the night without waking up, doesn't half change a lot of things! MY mood's changed, my appetite's changed, I'm more efficient at work, a whole lot brighter and happier!
Sleep deprivation is a bloody killer!
Yeah, a good night's sleep really can do wonders. At least with smoking I can get the sleep, but not straight through.