I knew this time would come, I always knew it and now that it is here my heart is broken. My 11 year old son looks like my husband, walks like him, talks like him and now has Crohns just like him, the major difference is that my husband didn't get sick until he was in his late 20's, he had a "normal",pain free child hood and I am so scared that my son won't.
I relive that moment when I heard the words I was living in fear of....."Mom, there is blood.", and though I try to be strong for him I just keep thinking that I don't know enough and that I can't do enough to help him. He can't eat, always small he is now down to 66 pounds,he says he wants to but when he tries he is in so much pain. He has no energy and can not do the things he was doing before, things that he loved and did very well. He has missed so much school, I think he is afraid to go, both because of the pain and because he never knows when he will have to run out of the classroom.
He was started on Asacol 18 days ago, and if anything he is worse now than when he started. We see the Peds Gastro again in a week and half, they have been wonderful, however they are 8 hours away from where we live so we feel somewhat isolated and on our own.
I just want to turn back the clock to a time when my amazing, kind, smart, talented, beautiful boy could eat a piece of toast without having to lie down for an hour to deal with the pain.
I want his pain to go away, I want this to have never have happened, but it has so I will ask you for help so that I can be there to help my little guy.
I relive that moment when I heard the words I was living in fear of....."Mom, there is blood.", and though I try to be strong for him I just keep thinking that I don't know enough and that I can't do enough to help him. He can't eat, always small he is now down to 66 pounds,he says he wants to but when he tries he is in so much pain. He has no energy and can not do the things he was doing before, things that he loved and did very well. He has missed so much school, I think he is afraid to go, both because of the pain and because he never knows when he will have to run out of the classroom.
He was started on Asacol 18 days ago, and if anything he is worse now than when he started. We see the Peds Gastro again in a week and half, they have been wonderful, however they are 8 hours away from where we live so we feel somewhat isolated and on our own.
I just want to turn back the clock to a time when my amazing, kind, smart, talented, beautiful boy could eat a piece of toast without having to lie down for an hour to deal with the pain.
I want his pain to go away, I want this to have never have happened, but it has so I will ask you for help so that I can be there to help my little guy.