Looking for info for a friend...horseback riding making her symptoms worse?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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for my friend

I have a dear friendwho has been suffering with Crohns disease for many many years. She has had many treatments, almost bled to death 15 yrs ago and is currently dealing with symptoms bad enough to affect her daily life. I have been watching her suffer and feel helpless...I do not know much about this terrible disease but thought I would go on here and see what I can find out.
She is completely computer illiterate and wouldn't know how to even register to get on a forum herself :(

She rides horses and teaches riding for a living but the riding has been making her worse and worse. Apparently the bouncing in the saddle makes her guts hurt so severely that she is now limited to riding only once in a blue moon and teaching her lessons from the ground. Her doctors say they have never heard of this before (the bouncing making her worse) She feels she is at the end of her treatment options ...she has had surgery and her docs are reluctant to do surgery again, but she feels it may be her last resort.

If anyone can relate to her story or give me suggestions or input I would be so appreciative. I will be at her house later today so if there are any questions medically that would help I can ask her and post them.

Thanks in advance to anyone!
Sorry I missed this one earlier when I was around!

You are a very good friend to do this research for her and help her to have a look round the site too! ((hugs))

Logic screams at me that if she has inflammation in relation to her Crohns its possible that ANY amount of "jarring" will aggravate it and make matters worse I am sad to say..

I find when my crohns is playing up I can barely tolerate being in a car as the bumps in the road "jar" my gut. So lord knows what its like being on a horse is all I have to say!

Her medics arent looking at the issue here. She needs a complete review and decent treatment. Tell your friend to push them and stop putting up with the pain and deterioration in her quality of life. Its her thats having to live with it 24/7 not them!

The fact that she has made such drastic adjustments to her daily life says alot for the level of pain etc she is in.

Ask her what treatments she has been through so we can maybe help with some ideas here. Find out where the pain is exactly i.e. is it at the old surgery site? is it somewhere new? does it come and go? is it there all the time varying in intensity? does she have a fever? does she feel she has infection for instance on top of inflammation? your friend knows her body and is listening to it but needs to start thinking in specifics to be able to kick her medics into action!

Hope my waffle has helped and you both see some improvement soon! Thinking of you both. Well done again for finding us - you are both very welcome.

Thank you so much for your reply.

I was with her yesterday and helped her set up an account on here so she can start posting herself. She was just so relieved to hear that there are other people dealing with similar situations! I guess I take the internet and its information for grante3d but for someone who rarely ever uses it (my friend) it's like a whole new world is out there....with people like her in it dealing with Crohn's :smile:

Her member name is "equinerider"...I haven't checked yet to see if she has posted...she may lurk around for a bit before doing so!

It seems there are lots of kind and knowledgeable people on this forum that can offer her advice or at least understanding...

Thanks so much!!
You are both more than welcome to post we have friends, family - everyone who needs help and support here so keep posting!

Will watch out for your friend. She can tag me any time she wants by posting.


We are here for each other so dont be afraid to post girl! We all understand what its like remember - all you have to do is reach out and we will take you by the hand....

No question is stupid, no worry or concern to small or insignificant. If it affects YOU talk to US about it ok?

If you look in the "my story" section you will find all sorts there in relation to others experiences over diagnosis and the confusion they feel alone never mind all the other sections on the site. If you manage to post something on the my story section yourself tell us a little about yourself as we all have done so we can help support you and figure out a way forward too.

Looking forward to seeing you both around.
