Looking for Info on Humira and Other Questions

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Mar 26, 2014
New member here.
62 years old. Crohn's for 44 years. 9 resections from age 19-31. No ostomy but have had short bowel for 32 years.
NO MAJOR FLAREUPS FOR 31 YEARS. Raised a family (4 children), held a steady job,and lived a "normal" life for 31 years. Truly a blessed man.

Now I have a flareup and have been prescribed Humira. Gastro doc suggests jumping on this flareup hard. No bowel leeway for another sugery, Also now on TPN due to explosive diarrhea and recurring dehydration and electrolyte loss. Currently hospitalized.

Anyone out there similar to the above? How have your results with Humira been? Anything I should be aware of?

Thanks for your advice if given.

God bless all IBDers!

I don't have the same history with Crohn's that you do, but I've been on Humira since last November. Do you know if you're going to use the syringe, or the pre-loaded pen?

I don't think there's too many things to be aware of -- in my case, they had me train with a nurse before I was allowed to self-administer without supervision. Do you know if you'll be doing that as well?

Are you on any other medications for Crohn's?

Otherwise: hope you're feeling better and that you're able to get out of the hospital soon!
Thanks, Ocean. They started the first 4 injections with the pen. I'll be using syringe at home for the remainder.

Believe it or not, I have only taken B-12 in the 32 years past.

There are many on this site who would like to have 32 years of a quiet bowel. I have short bowel syndrome and for some reason, what is left of my bowel has changed it's method of operation and food absorption.
Dr. has even suggested a new drug, Gattex, that has been approved for short bowel. Pretty powerful stuff with dangerous side effects.

How are you getting along with the Humira? Has it kicked in for you as proposed and is your bowel responding? I am wondering with my short bowel if response might be quicker than those with more regular bowel length.

Hope you are well Ocean. Thanks for response.

Oh, wow! That's incredibly lucky, to just be on B-12 all those years.

Good luck with Gattex. I hope it helps you absorb nutrients better, like it says it should. Do you deal with enteral nutrition? I'm sure some people on our forum would appreciate hearing about your experience with Gattex here once you've started. :)

I'm getting along with Humira quite well! I'm currently in remission and haven't had any Crohn's symptoms for almost a year now. I only have one BM a day, and sometimes even have days where I don't have any. It's wonderful in comparison to when I was so sick. I can't see anyone reporting that it kicks in sooner for people with short bowel syndrome, but it would be nice. Since it's administered subcutaneously I'm not sure how much of an effect it would have. I know I noticed the difference in my body pretty quickly, though.

Hopefully it acts quickly for you, too! If you have any other questions I'll be happy to answer them.
I'm glad to hear of your success with Humira. May it continue forever.

This is my first experiment with meds again after 32 years. Quite a weird feeling.

How long did it take your Humira shots to kick in?

I wonder if there is a correlation between length of bowel one has left and the time lapse and effectiveness of Crohn's reaction to it. Your thoughts would be appreciated on this.

I mentioned the Gattex because that is an option for those of us with short bowel syndrome. I am personally going to make that drop back move for myself and will wait out the Humira results.

I personally believe that there is a lot to be learned still about these TFN drugs and the more we are aware and share with each other successes and results, PERSONAL DECISIONS BECOME EASIER AND BASED ON KNOWLEDGE AND NOT GUESSES.


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