Looking for some insight

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 30, 2017
Hi all

I'm new here. I am in the process of having my GI issues figured out and I can't stop thinking about all of the outcomes, so I thought I'd reach out in hopes that maybe someone has a similar story. Not looking for answers, reassurance or sympathy--just reaching out!

Info: 26yo male, healthy diet (mostly), casual drinks sometimes, nonsmoker

For a long time (10 years or so) I have had occasional abdominal aches and pains, usually connected to stress or diet. They were especially bad when they started, but I have always thought this was because I used to eat poorly. This period was also when I had looser stools and frequently had to use the bathroom. My doctor told me (as have a few others in different places I've lived) that it was IBS (never got tested), which made sense. It got better with diet and stress management, for sure. I have developed a few hemorrhoids over the years that sometimes have bled from hard stools. That has been the extent of my problem for a long time.

Last week (about 8 days ago now) I had been quite stressed and ended up eating a few bad meals in a row and drinking more beer than usual. This resulted in stomach pains that I thought might be an ulcer and harder than usual stool, so I headed to the doctor. When she pressed on my lower right side (near my appendix) it shot a pain up my abdomen. So I went for an ultrasound to rule out appendicitis. No appendicitis but inflamed lower intestines.

They are suspicious that it is Crohn's disease, but my bowel movements have been regular and pretty good(I have been eating well and not drinking at all, mind you)--not perfect (they rarely are, but are also rarely "problematic"), but I haven't been constipated or had diarrhea. I haven't had any visible blood in my stool either. My lower abdomen/pelvic area is still tender accompanied by occasional pain in my mid-upper abdomen. My lower back pains sometimes, and I occasionally feel bloated (sometimes after a bowel movement).

All of this said, I am extremely nervous. I have had a few healthy people in my life suddenly get cancer and die, and I am terrified I am next. I have heard (read online, which, I know, I shouldn't do) that colon cancer can be subtle and quiet and I'm worried that that is what I have. That being said, if I had not gone to the doctor to work out my stomach (which has since felt better) I might not even be thinking about any of this. So I just have no idea. I am extremely anxious and I know stress makes everything worse but I can't stop thinking that I have cancer. I am getting a colonoscopy this week (meeting with GI Doc tomorrow to schedule it) and am hoping for positive results. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Should I be freaking out? Sorry for such a long post. I appreciate your reading it.
Everyone's symptoms are a little different. I know it is easier said than done but try not to get stressed. I have let myself get stressed also.