Losing weight

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 9, 2010
I really need to lose weight, I look like a baby whale, again. After losing 18 kilos in 2009 (first flare-surgery-hospital etc) I have gained 13 back. I am borderline Obese. I almost didnt make it last time I had surgery, I am afraid that if I need another I will die.

The problem is, I cannot tolerate anything that could help. No fruits except bananas, no veggies, not even cooked or pureed. Acidic foods make me sick even in juice form (like orange juice) except pasta sauce but the canned form, not the one made by fresh tomatoes.

And another problem is I can tolerate fattening foods. I can eat red meat, chicken, fish,seafood, white bread, oil, butter, chocolate, rice, pasta. Generally all the crohns "safe" foods and some not so safe (like sugar).

Any ideas on a diet that will help me lose some weight?
I have a similar problem! I am going to look at the SCD diet and see if there is anything I can do with it. Perhaps by eliminating almost everything, then adding it back in, it will help me at least isolate more healthy foods that I can eat. I have developed diabetes, now, also, so eating lots of carbs to satisfy my Crohn's is not the answer, either. Plus, I noticed that when I cut out the carbs, I have had less swelling. The yogurt may help, too.
I can completely understand why you're upset about your weight. I'm very worried about getting overweight as well, due to the medication, and the foods that I can tolerate. You could try meal replacements instead of eating the fatty foods like white pasta and carbs and stuff. Chicken is fine as long as it's skinless and not cooked in fat. I don't really feel comfortable giving you diet advice, because I don't know your situation, if you're flaring or not, what meds you're on, if you're able to exercise, ect...

Hypothetically, I would tell you to cut back on portion size, supplement your diet with low calorie meal replacement drinks, decrease your salt intake, do some low impact exercise (cardio, yoga..) and drink lots of water. But keep in mind that depending on your meds and situation, you may not be able to do stuff like that. I wouldn't recommend any diet pills or fasting/cleansing. To be honest, you're probably not as overweight as you think you are. Don't worry too much about how you look. Worry about how you feel. If all you can eat is bad, fatty food, then do it. Don't put your health at risk for aesthetic reasons. I know it's hard, believe me. I've struggled with my weight for years, and I still am, currently. But I realize now that it's not worth looking good if I don't feel good.
Good luck with everything, I hope you can achieve your weight loss goals safely, and successfully.
I am in remission (I guess). The cut in my belly makes working out a little difficult. I cannot lift weights and I still get tired easilly. I may not be in Remission after all. My GI thinks that as long as I dont lose weight I am fine and all the other symptoms (fatigue, dry skin, diarrhea, heartburn...) are just side effects and I should just learn to live with them.

25 times there are no meal supplements in Greece, they only sell those expensive things for athletes and body builders. The first time I heard about liquid diet was when I joined the forum.

I have tried cutting out portions, it doesnt work, it was always difficult for me to lose weight. And I AM fat I am 1m70cm tall and I weight 95kilos (Sorry I cannot do the american metric system) I should be 70-75 kilos tops, so I need to lose 20-25 kilos. Pre Crohns I was actually thinking to do the gastric ring procedure, but now no doctor will touch me for this kind of operation.

Sunflower, I think I will try the SCD diet too, I will order the book next week. I hope I will be able to tolerate at least some of the foods listed in the book.

Last Autumn I tried to do the Atkins diet, three different doctors told me to not dare to even think about Atkins. All these veggies would probably kill me.

Funny thing is, if I had a euro for everytime I hear "You have Crohns? I thought Crohns patients are thin" I would be rich by now and I could pay for a team to help me lose weight.
I put on 15 pounds because i was on preds for 3 months and to loose my weight i just cut out bread during the week and made my portion of meals a bit smaller. That mixed with 2 gym trips a week and the weight will fall off.
I am in remission (I guess). The cut in my belly makes working out a little difficult. I cannot lift weights and I still get tired easilly. I may not be in Remission after all. My GI thinks that as long as I dont lose weight I am fine and all the other symptoms (fatigue, dry skin, diarrhea, heartburn...) are just side effects and I should just learn to live with them.

25 times there are no meal supplements in Greece, they only sell those expensive things for athletes and body builders. The first time I heard about liquid diet was when I joined the forum.

I have tried cutting out portions, it doesnt work, it was always difficult for me to lose weight. And I AM fat I am 1m70cm tall and I weight 95kilos (Sorry I cannot do the american metric system) I should be 70-75 kilos tops, so I need to lose 20-25 kilos. Pre Crohns I was actually thinking to do the gastric ring procedure, but now no doctor will touch me for this kind of operation.

Sunflower, I think I will try the SCD diet too, I will order the book next week. I hope I will be able to tolerate at least some of the foods listed in the book.

Last Autumn I tried to do the Atkins diet, three different doctors told me to not dare to even think about Atkins. All these veggies would probably kill me.

Funny thing is, if I had a euro for everytime I hear "You have Crohns? I thought Crohns patients are thin" I would be rich by now and I could pay for a team to help me lose weight.

Ok, now I see where you're coming from. That's really unfortunate. I know how it feels to try everything to lose some weight, and NOTHING works. I'm not gonna tell you you're fat, and being 95 kilos doesn't mean you're fat either. It all depends on how you carry it and how you feel. But if you genuinely think you are overweight and need to shed some pounds (or kilos? lol) then try whatever you can. Don't do the ****** fad diets like atkins or cabbage soup and all that. They don't work. I had a friend in high school though, who was about 20 pounds overweight, and she went on weight watchers. She lost a ton of weight, healthily, and it didn't take months, either. I'm not sure if they have it in greece, but I'm sure you could improvise and use the internet to help with the points system.

ive recently dropped approx 1 stone but cutting out white bread, for lunch I used to just take white bread sandwiches by now I have deli wraps instead.

Also its helped my stomach tenfold.
wish you luck


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