Lots of Blood

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 20, 2012
Hi again all,

I've been in a flare for a while, and was just put on Penicillun by a doctor at a walk in clinic. I think it's making my flare a lot worse. I've been feeling really weird and spaced out and disconnected. I don't know how else to describe it. As well as my crohn's pain is much worse too.

Anyways, last night my BM looked like a crime scene. Totally pure red, not very translucent. It was a little scary. How much blood have you guys seen in the toilet? Has anyone ever suffered a lot of blood loss? Now I'm scared I might slowly be bleeding to death lol

Gahh damn you crohn's! :poo:

I woudnt bother with a walk in clinic, I think you should get to A&E. I personally am allergic to some antibiotics and that can cause some issues. If you are losing alot of blood, you may very well be anemic as well.

Dont wait around, get yourself seen to immediately.
Well I bleed like that every day and it's been going on for 3 yrs now straight. I manage to keep my blood levels to an ok amount so I don't think your gonna bleed to death. Just go to the ER to make sure to be on the safe side.
If it the same amount that you usually drop from a period, it is probably ok. Of course keep an eye on it and track it. my DD has frequent blood transfusions so I know what a lot and a little is. I am sure for her more is less for you but I would keep watch of the obvious signs... Dizziness, tired, white inner eye lids.. Eat slot of protien bc your albumin can drop easily from blood loss and diarrhea. Albumin transfusions suck... They are followed by a diuretic, then you pee out all your potassium which is not good for you nutrition. But if your blood loss is heavy like a period and you start your period I would be more concerned at that time.

I would get your hemoglobin tested at a lab. That is what they will do at the ER... Have your doc run all your IBD tests then too. Just to be safe. They usually will transfuse at below 7. Below 8 if you systematic. Rapid heart rate, bad blood pressure, dizziness, pale, tired.
I can only hope that you went to the ER. How are you feeling now? Blood loss is not good so I really do hope you're getting checked out.
Could be the antibitoics causng this. C-diff is an infection that certain antibitoics cause. It can cause intetsinal bleeding and severe diarhea.
Hope you feel better soon...
My husband has typically had a lot of blood loss when he is having flare ups . . . We thought he had lost a lot about 6 years ago when he had 6 units of blood, but in March they gave him 14 units and just got another 2 bags tonight. He's about 7 weeks after a small bowel resection--thought that had taken care of the blood loss. For him, he starts getting pale, winded after climbing stairs, light headed, rapid pulse, etc. Keep your hemoglobin levels monitored and check when you should go in. His hemoglobin was down to 6 again today--pretty low!
If you think it is making you worse, talk to the doc about immediately stopping it and research about it. You know your body better than anyone.

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