Lots of puss/blood

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Aug 13, 2011
Hey guys. I got my surgery a few weeks ago now for this peri-anal abscess. Everything was going pretty decent. The nurses were coming and packing it every day, although it never stays in the full 24 hours. I was on flagyl for the infection but only for a week so I'm well off of it now. Lately though its been really draining, and bleeding a lot. The pad is literally covered, and I fold it 4 different times throughout the day. I noticed my butt cheek gets hard too and the nurse said that's where it fills up with puss. It also smells terrible. Like, I spray cologne on my butt of my pants to try and overpower the smell if I were to walk by somebody sitting down. Its a really strong odour.

It doesn't really hurt at all, its just a ton of drainage and the surrounding area is getting hard again. Does this seem normal? Does anyone have any advice for me?

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Humm.... Is your temperature normal?
I would maybe try to call the GI just to ask about it. I have never gone through this so I don't really know about what is normal or not about the healing process but I would not take the chance to not report it to my doctor. Are you on something right now(meds I mean)? Maybe you need more antibiotics...
I hope you figure this out quickly,
Take care
Yes, my temp is normal right now. Normal BM's right now, and on no medication. When I talked to her in the past she said the flagyl was meant to be just a 7 day thing. I know it was doing a lot better when I was on it though. Maybe ill see what the nurses say
Matt had an abscess but his was internal, not peri anal. However, in the lead up to surgery he was on Flagyl and Augementin Duo Forte for 3 months. I personally don't think that 1 week of antibiotics with a draining abscess is sufficient.

I don't know exactly where on your butt the abscess, what type of pad are you using?

There is a dressing product called Exu Dry that has very high absorbency and is good at containing smell but it may be bit expensive to purchase if the community nurses don't provide it for you. The other thing you can use is a sanitary/continence pad. Again I don't know if it is a reasonable thing, not knowing where the abscess is located, but they are also highly absorbent and because of the plastic type backing they have they also can be quite good at containing smells.

Dusty. xxx
Hmm I should try and look into something like that. My stuff is free right now because I just tell the nurses what I need and they order it from a company called Marchese medical supplies. The abscess is located inside the cheek. Not far from my rectum. I touch it everytime I have to wipe and I have to spread my cheeks for them to pack it.

They use silvercel to pack it but because of where it is, they can't put anything over the packing to hold it in because I wouldn't be able to poop if they did. Its really not in a good spot and I have no doubt it will come back because of the poop that probably touches it when I go. Right now all I can use is an abdominal pad its called and its a big square pad that I fold in half so its like a big rectangle then my underwear holds it pretty tight.
I am really worried someone might smell it.

I notice too, its starting to get more sore. I know they said when the puss builds up in the pockets that it would be uncomfortable to touch but I have to put pressure on the area to push it out but its starting to get as if it stings. I don't want the surgeon to think I'm trying to abuse medicine. I only have Tylenol 3's left but I think they don't do anything at all so I don't use them but I don't think its bad enough for heavier right now. I just know it felt a lot better when I was on the flagyl. It didn't leak as much and it didn't smell.
Yeah, well, try to get a hold of them as soon as possible. It might be part of the healing process but needless to say, if there is abnormal infection, its gonna slow down the healing process and it might be resulting into more complications. I am under the impression that something like an abscess would require more than a week of antibiotics as Dusty said. My doc gave me 3 weeks flagyl and 3 months cipro cause he suspected I might have one. I guess the whole surgery thing comes in line, maybe it should have been ok with the 1 week round but yeah, no chance to take.
Don't wait too long if it doesn't seem to get better.
The odor and increased soreness makes me think infection. Call the doctor.
Okay so I called the surgeon today and spoke with her. This is what she said. "It concerns me a little bit but at this point there's nothing I can do so if you find it bothering you too much just go back to the ER.

Oh thanks, what a great help.
Wow... don't we love that kind of reactions from professionals... might as well call this negligence in my opinion... Perso, I would go to the ER as much as I hate waiting there (is it terribly long in Ontario?)
Definately not going to ER lol. Not for this atleast. Average wait times are 8 hours lol. Likely they would just tell me to go home. And yes I agree with him. Kind of gave me the impression of "well, I've done my job, good luck"
I'm sorry you are having these problems. I had a perianal fistula. It was not a good time :(

I would rather sit in an ER for 8 hours and possibly get treated than stay home and possibly get worse. I wonder if an abscess can lead to sepsis?
I'm not sure what a sepsis is. I have an amazing nurse that comes to my house everyday for packing and she is going to write a letter to the surgeon and see if she takes that more seriously.

I wonder too, I have a new G.I. He hasn't looked at my abscess but I wonder if he would give me medicine for it
It's when you have an infection that is so bad that it enters the blood stream, poisoning the rest of your body.

That's really awesome you have a nurse that comes to help you. I hope she is able to help you get the treatment you need.

I would definitely call your GI's office and speak to a nurse there as soon as you are able to.
Unfortunately that is standard operating procedure and sepsis is a real possibility. If you have a nurse that visits you, I would think that if this were serious the nurse would direct you as to what to do, but if you develop fever than I would say go to the E.R!
There's no fever and everything else is normal. She just noticed its getting red again and certain parts of my butt cheek are getting hard from filling with the puss and they have to push it out. It feels like a really bad bruise. I can even sit on it normal, but when you specifically touch it, it's a bit sore. To the point where I'm taking Tylenol 3's again where as I wasn't before. I'm really surprised the surgeon isnt willing to help anymore. I'm quite dissapointed actually, I thought she was nice.

I'm not sure what my nurse knows about it, because she's a general nurse who works for a company called "Care Partners" and they do all the at home care for people. If you have someone who comes and does your Humira injections for you, that would be the same type of nurse.. They do IV's, injections, packing etc so she's not a specific crohns related nurse. She is concerned though and is going to do what she can to help me. She monitors and records her findings everyday too so she can see what's going on.
Im curious as to why you dont have a seton drain in? Is it a fistula, or an just an abscess?

Maybe the abscess needs to be drained more? Soaking in the tub in as hot of water as you can tolerate should help, with epsom salts.

Be careful of sepsis! It is very scary when you get that and it is an emergency. Any fever and I would go to the ER. It is good that you dont have one :) Sepsis is when the infection spreads to your blood very quickly.

I hope you feel better, maybe there is another pocket of infection that you need to have drained?

When I had my first abscess drained, another one formed as it was trying to heal over and it burst by itself. I ended up with a seton to prevent further abscesses. Might be a good idea for your situation.
As of right now, its just as abscess. I am fully aware that at some point it probably will turn into a fistula. I do know that it is normal to drain but I can go a few days with not much, and its like the puss sits in pockets gets really hard so the nurse has to push it out.

Are there any other symptoms to keep an eye out for other than the fever? I will start taking my temp every hour or so just to monitor it but can it spread like that and not have a fever? I really am shocked my surgeon isn't really willing to help me anymore now that surgery is done. I'm kind of upset with it to be honest. Now being the weeekend I'll have to wait but I'll call my G.I. First thing in the morning and see if I can pop in to see him.
I had an abscess drained several weeks ago (no fistula so no seton) and the surgeon told me it may come back and need to be drained again -she said if the fever came back to call her immediately and/or go to the ER. Two weeks later sure enough it started to hurt again and I popped a fever - so I had to head to the hospital.

It never smelled bad though. I am sorry that you are going through this.

Both times the abscess was drained I was taken off the Flagyl as soon as the thing was drained. I asked about staying on it so I could avoid it coming back. My surgeon said no too. She said that the surgery removed the infection and staying on the Flagyl would not stop it from getting bad again. Doesn't really make sense to me.

Hope you feel better soon!
If you guys would like to see a pic, I can post one but I'd have to put a warning on the title. It may be too graphic for some people
Well, I for one would love to see a pic! :)

When did you last have bloods done for white cell count and CRP?

What medications do you take for your Crohn's?

I think they need to look to your physical symptoms independent of your temperature. You have redness, pain, offensive discharge...that is not normal and it is possible to have infection without a temperature. When Matt presented to hospital, with what we found a few days later to be a psoas abscess, his CRP was 370 and his WCC 35, so both through the roof but he did not have a temperature.

Dusty. xxx
The last time I had any tests was a few weeks ago when I was admitted to the hospital. They took blood and did a CT Scan. I'm not sure what they were looking for in doing so. In the hospital I had really low magnesium (?) Levels as well as potassium?(Whatever a bananna gives you) lol. They didn't do anything about it and just told to start eating bananas and cranberry juice, although they wouldn't let me leave until they went back to normal levels. My blood pressure also dropped to like 80/40? Or something like that. I don't remember exactly on these details because for most of my stay I was quite a bit of morphine.

Currently I'm not on any meds for crohns. I haven't been on any medication for the past year now, but I'm having a colonoscopy on December 16th to see if that's going to change. I was offered Imuran from the new GI that just wanted to throw me on it during our first visit but I turned it away atleast until I had a colonoscopy.
Does anyone know how to edit the actual title? I can see it in the "edit" section but it only edits my first post.
KWalker - I had a peri-anal abscess myself that was drained 09.27.11. My surgeon was able to see the fistula - but made the remarck before surgery that "these things almost always present with fistulas". So I wonder if what you are seeing is becuase there is a fistula introducing more material into the abscess that is festering? Also, I was on Flagyl and cipro for 6 weeks while this thing healed. As soon as I would go off of it, similar thing - swelling, hardness and draining. Finally on week six - off antibiotics - it swelled and burst again - and I went to my general sugrgeon and said this isn't working - then went to colorectal surgeon and had a seton put in - MUCH BETTER. I truly feel for you cause I know how that is - but I think you need to be more persistent - it sounds like your infection is very much present - and if you aren't VERY careful - it can get into your bloodstream = sepsis. See another doctor.
Now you guys have me scared lol. Thanks a lot! To be totally honest I probably wont get go for the seton unless I have no other option, but yes I'm very concerned about this. I'm going to call my GI first thing Monday morning and see if I can get in to see him on Thursday on my day off for it.
KWalker - you won't need a seton unless they can identify the tract - anyway - but please call them before thursday - keep a CLOSE eye on your temp - if it goes over 101 - I would get to the ER. Of course - the nurses have shown you what to look for coming out of that thing as infection - eg red lines - the odor is suspect too. So dir die daume drucken - it will be ok - you are your own best advocate.
Okay guys, here's your warning. Below is the picture. I know every single one of you are going to panic and tell me to go to the doctors, but this is honestly NOTHING compared to how it was before I got it cut. The swelling has gone down quite a bit, it's just the redness that is coming back now, and certain parts are becoming hard again until the pressure is released. This shows the size, for the most part without letting you guys see some sneak peeks of a little extra lol. It really is hard to try to "groom" around there when you have something like this, so I'm sorry for that. You can see quite a bit of puss so I'm constantly cleaning it, and that grey is the packing.

I really don't ever wish anyone would have to go through what I've had to go through with this.

Oh my goodness, that looks incredibly painful! Did you say that it was like an 8 hr wait at the E.R? That is a long time! I wouldn't want to wait like that ether. Still if you spike a fever you need to go!
umm... Well I've had it for probably close to 3 years now. Finally got it cut, cauterized (sp?) and they put a metal wire through it and basically pulled up so they could cut the whole thing. Sounds extremely grosse right? I threw up when I saw it for the first time after. It was HUGE! The incision is about 2" deep and looks like a ditch if I were to spread the cheeks to you can see. Honestly, I had no plans at all to get it cut until it got to the point I couldn't walk, and thats not an understatement. I couldn't walk up to the er, and I couldn't sit in the wheelchair either. It was easily one of the most painful things I've ever had to go through.

If you remember that chart someone posted about pain levels, 10 being passing out pain, that was me. I took atleast 6-7 baths a day because it gave me a temporary numbness so I could lay on the couch for a little.
Oh my goodness, that looks incredibly painful! Did you say that it was like an 8 hr wait at the E.R? That is a long time! I wouldn't want to wait like that ether. Still if you spike a fever you need to go!

Oh no when I went in with this before it got cut, I was in the back within minutes after walking in, and I don't know how I went in under my own free will. They sent the doctor in very fast, and not long after a surgeon came and admitted me for emergency surgery. Within 30 mins I was on morphine. I feel embarrassed, but I actually cried that day it hurt so bad. I felt like such a baby because on the outside people thought I was a normal person.

Now, I'd say the pain is probably around a 3-4, compared to the 10 it was at before surgery, but even after surgery, the pain wasnt there so thats what concerns me is the pain potentially coming back.

If I were to go to the ER today and willfully walk in there myself, it would easily be an 8 hour wait. You would think a country with free health care, would have good healthcare. WRONG! Now we've got this situation where the japanese/asian community comes here for school and they get their doctors degree but they can't get job because our messed up government claims they don't have the Canadian experience to be a doctor over here.
If you are in a spot where the sitz bath is not an option I found that sitting on a heating brings some relief too - seems to soften it up and help it drain.
I actually loved taking the sitz bath. I think it really helped me. Do you think its safe to take one now though since it's opened? It gave me such a relief while in there.
I was told to take 3 a day starting when I got home - they made it sound like not doing it is part of why it made it come back. The heat helps it drain. Your wound is much larger than mine so maybe the rules are different...sorry not certain.
Oh please tell me that they are giving you something for the pain. To not would be cruel!! I have had had the same kind of thing but nowhere near the magnitude as yours. I couldn't sit at all. To me and I am not a doctor, but to me it looks like you need iv antibiotics. and if I were you doctor I would order you some iv pain meds! I hope things get better for you real soon!
Any inflammation of the tissue surrounding a wound is a sign of infection. I honestly do not understand why you haven't been prescribed long term antibiotics whilst dealing with this. The wound will not heal while ever the infection is there.

I hear you about the pain but just be aware that you have most likely built up quite a pain threshold to this as it has become such a part of your life. Just don't underestimate what might be going on because of that high pain threshold.

Dusty. xxx
IV? No way! Lol. I'm too busy for IV's lol. The only thing they give me for pain now is Tylenol3's and I have to take 3 at a time to get even the slightest bit of relief. I was on percosettes that really helped me but my super awesome doctor won't give me anymorE so I'm stuck with this crap. I did feel a lot better when I had the flagyl but again, my "super awesome" surgeon doesn't want to help anymore because "there's nothing she can do". Maybe if I get super infected I could file a lawsuit and get lots of money for some sort of neglect on her end. Lol.

Ekay, its a terrible feeling isn't it? When mine got bad before surgery I was going into class and was so embarassed because all of a sudden I couldn't sit in the chair. There's no way of passing that off as something else either. I take the bus too so I often found myself hunched over in pain because the seats were too hard, and standing in one spot was almost impossible. You know how the busses lower down for the older people? Yeah I had to ask them to do that because I couldn't raise my leg that high.

I've broken bones before and I would pick that anyday over this abscess.
Any inflammation of the tissue surrounding a wound is a sign of infection. I honestly do not understand why you haven't been prescribed long term antibiotics whilst dealing with this. The wound will not heal while ever the infection is there.

I hear you about the pain but just be aware that you have most likely built up quite a pain threshold to this as it has become such a part of your life. Just don't underestimate what might be going on because of that high pain threshold.

Dusty. xxx

Oh, I know. It definately scares me. I could only imagine what's in store for me in the near future. I'm not sure either why my surgeon didn't give me any medicine long term. At the time I thought what she was doing was great, but now I just have the impression she wanted to look good for everyone and now that were out of the spotlight, she doesn't care. I'm really hoping my GI is willing to help me out
Well I'm gobsmacked!

What the hell is wrong with your doctor and surgeon! Is there any way at all that you can ditch them ASAP and find someone else?

When was the last time they actually looked at the abscess?

Are the nurses advocating for you at all?

Dusty. xxx
My GI has never looked at the abscess and the surgeon saw it last probably 2 two weeks ago. Maybe three? While I was still on the flagyl though. She pretty much sent me on my marry way and ended things. I would love to see a different specialist but there are only 3 where I am, they all work in the same office, and the other two have terrible reviews. Even mine isn't known to be too great. I'm just new with him so I'm hoping the reviews aren't true.

My nurse really is great. Ill have to get her something for Christmas. She's going to fax a letter to the surgeon pretty much telling her something needs to be done. She said she is going to make sure it gets better rather than back downhill so I'm grateful she's going to do what she can.
Oh hell, that sucks hun. :(

I hope the nurse can get things moving for you, thank goodness someone is keeping an eye on your back! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Thanks :) I hope the surgeon will listen to her also. Being a nurse, unfortunately there's only so much she can do herself. She told me if she could prescribe medicine she would be putting me on antibiotics right now.
I did feel a lot better when I had the flagyl but again, my "super awesome" surgeon doesn't want to help anymore because "there's nothing she can do". Maybe if I get super infected I could file a lawsuit and get lots of money for some sort of neglect on her end. Lol.

Well at least you haven't lost your sense of humor. I'm a sure this thing will come to a head soon (no pun intended. Well maybe a little) But seriously at this point things either begin to improve or it is hospital time. I hope things start to get better. You are certainly a trooper. Hugs to you :hug:
I would do the sitz baths, they help pain and help things drain. I have to say I agree with Dusty, I would find a new surgeon. At the very least I would be on flagyl to prevent infection.
I took a sitz bath tonight. Don't feel much difference, although the warmth didn't make it as painful to push on the areas. There's areas that are hard that are pretty far from the actual abscess. Maybe the bath tub wasn't warm enough. I'm definately going to do it a few times a day now though. My tylenol 3's are getting low now too, and with only 20 left, taking them 3 at a time isn't going to last me much longer.

If I could go back on flagyl I would, but I can't really prescribe medicine so I need to find somebody that will. I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow so I can say how I really feel because I know I'll leave a message because he isn't there until Monday (lol) and I'm going to give him the "I need a doctor that is willing to help me and if you're not I'll have to find somebody that is". Sure they're doctors, but they don't have crohns and they don't know what we go through. I'm not going to let somebody else be the reason I end up with a big surgery because THEY wanted to wait and see what will happen. I know how it felt before, and I know its heading back in that direction.

What do you guys think happens in a case like this? Does this mean there's another abscessn or this is the beginning to a fistula? Will this ever lead to me needing a "bag?". I honestly don't know if I can handle that.

Thanks guys, the only people who truly know what we have to go through.
Hey there. Poor you :-( I've been following this thread but not pitching in as my abscess and fistula were internal too. Your nurse sounds great, but I think you're right about changing docs if you can. I was sent for a pre-op assessment by one GI but the surgeon recommended I try Infliximab and referred me to the GI at the hospital I was in. I liked him a lot better than the new GI, but then he checked in every day with me I suppose because I was on his ward. The GI I saw once in 10 days.
I'm glad the sitz baths are helping a bit and wondering if a heat pad might help ease things a bit too?
Hey, thanks grumbletum. I don't think this is as much my GI as the surgeons fault. I've only seen the GI once so far because I'm a new patient to him and he didn't look at my abscess. When you say internal, what makes you say that. (I hope that doesn't sound rude). I just don't know the difference between the internal and external and how to notice a difference. I'm going to call my GI today and leave a message saying I need medicine so hopefully I hear back tomorrow.

Just an update for everyone: I took my bath last night, and although I didn't notice a different immediately, I woke up in the middle of the night and no lie, my pad was dripping wet! The whole pad wasn't covered because of placement issues but the part that was is soaked!! I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Also, blood is completely gone for now and puss has the typical yellow look and is pretty liquidy. My bum is really hard though, and feels even more sore to touch. It could be because its so early and everything tends to hurt more in the morning, but do you think because it drained so much that I'm making progress? That's what that means right? I want it to drain right?
Not rude at all :) Internal ones you can't see any visible evidence of them outside on the body. Mine was on my bladder ( I think it's gone now ) and there was a fistula from my bowel to my bladder.
Yes, I do believe the drainage is a good thing. From non-Crohns abscesses I've had in the past, the hardness, heat and redness are caused by infection and the build up of pus causing pressure. So the more you can get it to drain, the better. I also found that, once all the pus was out they would bleed a little.
I hope they get you sorted with the right treatment for it soon. What an awful thing to have to put up with :-(
Ohh okay. So you do you think I could have an internal AND external abscess? You might of seen the pic I posted and you can definately see the external abscess so my nurse too is wondering whether or not they're just big tunnels inside because she can push on them and force the puss out, but at the same time, why do they get hard? You would think if they are connected it would be constant draining so it never does get hard.

They say its supposed to heal from the inside out, which is why they pack it. Do you think it is beginning to heal from the inside, but that healing has now blocked off the tunnels so they can leak out? It honestly hurts too much to really push on it in order to try and force it out.

What do you think would be best for the pain? The Tylenol 3's are just okay, but I need to take 3 at a time to feel any relief so I would go through them fast, and I had the percosettes which worked well, but I really don't like the "high" I got from it. I would ideally like to get something that numbs the pain but doesn't give that me high feeling.
KWalker You might try calling your pharmacy, maybe they could suggest some sort of numbing cream, cause I don't know of any pain med that doesn't make you high. Maybe Tramadol
Hmm, I never really thought of numbing cream. I don't get high at all off 3 T3's so I wonder if there's something just about it. I can deal with the high if it doesn't come with the stupid feeling.
Hi Kwalker ,I have just finished a month on cipro and flagyl for a perianal abscess that hadn't cleared on a previous ten day course so fingers crossed this one will work !.
I would definately ask to be put back on them ,if I were you as its hard to clear the infection otherwise .Dont envy you looks really sore ,hope it gets sorted PDQ.
Well it was 3 years before I got it cut. Thanks for the replies guys. Unfortunately I have a little update :( my nurse came today and things have gone really downhill. She won't even touch it now and urges me to go to the hospital asap for more surgery. I'm really upset right now. I've been working non stop so I can finish my term in school before christmas break and now its like everything I just worked for is gone. If I get admitted to the hospital again I won't be able to write my finals and stuff :( I'm so bummed out and disapointed.

I'm not going to go today because my family drove a few hours to visit today and I'm not going to be the one to ruin the day so tomorrow I'm going to call both my GI and the surgeon and demand something get done. My nurses is guessing that I have pockets that aren't even connecting to the abscess they drained so she's guessing they'll have to do more surgery and cut again.

I don't know what to do. I really hate this!
I just checked my temperature and I have a fever of 100.2 now. I'm going to be going to the hospital in the morning :(
I'm very happy to read that you are going to go to the hospital and taking a more aggressive approach. Passively waiting by the phone might not be beneficial. Hopefully they fix you up fast and you can go home and finish your school work.

Good luck :)
My fever is now at 101.3 :( this is exactly what I need before christmas. Ill probably be in the hospital over the christmas break with my luck. Ugh!

What do you guys think they will do? Will it end up with a stoma? I'm so worried
I expect they will put you back on iv antibiotics right away and also see where any other abscesses are - ct scan maybe? I don't know why they would give you a stoma for this. Last time I went in to the er to have one drained I called the surgeon before I went in and was instructed not to eat or drink from that time on. She said that if I did it would delay the draining or limit the anesthesia options.

Good luck - we will be thinking of you! Hugs!
Does your surgeon have an after hours service? Maybe you should call? Here in the states they often have a service answer the phones and contact whatever doctor is assigned for the night in the event of emergencies.
I do not believe she has an after hours. I should give it a try though. I was just told sometimes they give a stoma so the bum can have time to heal. When you had it drained how long were you in for? I had mine cut under anesthesia and they kept me 4 days after
I have been in three times all were under anesthesia. The first time was a scheduled surgery and they put in the seton drain. I went home a couple hours after.

The second time I had been running a fever of 102 for 5 days before I went in to the er (My kids had been sick so I did not realize what was going on - thought it was the same thing they had) I had to stay for 4 days. Part of that is because my electrolites were really far off and they would not let me leave until my bloods came back normal.

The last time I actually called the surgeons after hours line Sat night and she told me to meet her at the ER Sunday morning at 9. I did and I think the procedure was done and I was on my way home around noon.

My abscess is small though. It feels huge when it hurts but in reality it is tiny compared to your photo. It could be that you have another abscess, they can drain it and send you on your way.

I have seen a few people mention having a stoma for this, but I don't think it is typical.
That picture is nothing now. I now have a fever of 102.3 and in a lot of pain. Its 7:35pm here and I know if I go there I might end up sitting in the waiting room for 8 hours. I can lay at home and wait until tomorrow if that's the case. I don't know what they would do tonight. It is really big, and extremely hard :( I don't know what to do :( I can't let them cut it then send me home, its way too bad. I had a doctor try to do it without pain meds too before. I can't afford an ambulance and my dog would have to sit at home alone all night probably barking his head off because its scared to death.
I am now at 102.9. I'm going to try a neutral bath and if its not better I will be in the er tonight
If you are at 102.9 with taking tylonal
you should go in now to start the iv antibiotics. A bath isn't going to help your fever. Better to start the 8 hour wait now then get way worse and start the long wait when you finally give up. Sorry, just worried!
Seriously K,
Don't forget, you don't have a cold. If it is in Ontario as it is in Quebec, the waiting line shorten when cases are serious and yours really seem like it is. There must be a sorting nurse? I really doubt she would not consider your post-op status and the fact you are running an important fever. So I think you shall not worry about the waiting line. As a lot of people mention, you need to be careful about the sepsis possibility. If it were to be that, they will see that in blood tests. They probably won't send you home too quickly, you might need IV antibiotic to keep the situation in control. Do you live in an appartment, would there be a neighbor or someone that could drive you ? And worse come to worse, can you tell someone to take care of your dog tomorrow? I mean your health should be prioritize over the fact your dog barking and maybe annoying the guy next door (and i'm an animal lover, I just don't think you should be suffering because of that aspect). I'm worried for you and think you need to take care of that asap. And don't restrain you from going from the fear of what might happen, the more you wait, the more tricky it can get. If you can get there tonight, do so... I hope you get that sorted. Wish I could help more...
With your rising temperature, you need to go to the ER immediately.

They have a triage system. You will be seen in a timely manner.
Hey guys. Sorry for not getting back sooner. I got rushed to the hospital but ambulance. My fever spiked 104.2 and I was blacking out. I remember taking the ambulance but I don't remember much of it. They took me right in, and did blook work for sepsis. Thank god I don't have it. They gave me an IV antibiotic and sent me home with percosettes, flagyl and cipro. They said they don't want to touch it because its too bad so they're getting me to see the surgeon within the week for surgery options and hope the flagyl kicks in. I'm in a lot of pain right now though so Ill be taking it easy for awhile.

Thank you guys so much for looking out for me.
Also, psychojane- can I please respond to your PM tomorrow? I'm completely exhausted and feeling nauseated so I'm going to try and get some rest.
Don't worry about the PM. I'm glad you are taken in charge and I hope everything won't be too hard for you in the days too come... Get better it's what is important!
I am glad you went in but horrified that they sent you home. I hope the antibiotics kick in right away. Is your fever back down?
They sent me home because they said its too bad for them to cut so they want my surgeon to do it because she's already done it. I have to call her today and set up an appointment. Once I get on the computer I will send a pic of how it looks now.
This is how it looks as of last night. The doctors wouldnt even touch it..and I'm glad they didn't!

I cant believe they sent you home!!! But at least you have antibiotics and pain meds. Ok just keep us informed.
Thanks me too lol. I got an app. With the surgeon tomorrow morning so that's good. I will keep you guys updated
umm... Well I've had it for probably close to 3 years now. Finally got it cut, cauterized (sp?) and they put a metal wire through it and basically pulled up so they could cut the whole thing. Sounds extremely grosse right? I threw up when I saw it for the first time after. It was HUGE! The incision is about 2" deep and looks like a ditch if I were to spread the cheeks to you can see. Honestly, I had no plans at all to get it cut until it got to the point I couldn't walk, and thats not an understatement. I couldn't walk up to the er, and I couldn't sit in the wheelchair either. It was easily one of the most painful things I've ever had to go through.

If you remember that chart someone posted about pain levels, 10 being passing out pain, that was me. I took atleast 6-7 baths a day because it gave me a temporary numbness so I could lay on the couch for a little.

What type of procedure was this? I hope everything is going better for you!!

I have an appt for surgery this week for seton placement and I am pretty nervous about whether it because I never have had this done.
I actually don't have a seton. This is what they told me they did. They used a knife to make a small incision, then they use this really sharp wire type thing and they feed it through, it goes all through the tunnel then they can lift up and it takes out the whole thing. They burned a few spots as well, but I'm not sure what that does exactly. You honestly don't feel a thing though.

Once I got up to my room, they put me on morphine immediately to pre-surgery prep, then once I got up to the operating room, they put anesthesia through my IV and I was knocked out within seconds. I believe the surgery itself only took about half an hour and I was actually wide awake once they put me in the recovery room. Being high as a kite on pain meds or not, I felt such a relief as soon as I woke up. They kept me for 4 days so they can do the first few packings there, and keep an eye on me to make sure nothing happened, then I was released with a nurse to come daily to pack it for me. They will be packing until approx February. Im not sure if they do this with fistulas though.

Do you have a fistula or an abscess? If this is your first surgery, you probably have an abscess, and with that I don't think they would give a seton. An abscess usually turns into a fistula and thats where you get a seton. I was told unless you're in unbareable pain, a seton isnt required, and I dont plan on getting one unless I absolutely need it. Dealing with this for 3 years now, I've gained quite an impressive pain tolerance for it lol.

Honestly the worst part of the whole hospital experience was them putting in the IV, because I hate needles, and the food.. If you do need packing, it's uncomfortable but I wouldnt really say its painful. You will be on pain meds as well..

Good luck with your surgery! You'll have to keep us updated as time goes on
KW - I ghly doubt that they would put a stoma in for that - i really hope you went somewhere today. While school is very important - I AM SURE if you told your professors what is going on - somehing could be worked out - I used to teach. There is no way I would turn a student down for something like this - in fact - i would proctor it at their house before I would make them fail over a health issue.
The soonest I could get in was first thing tomorrow morning. I'm okay today though until tomorrow and I'm sure it will get taken care of. I will keep you guys updated as I go.
I just went to the bathroom and I checked my pad and it is covered in thick blood. Is this normal?
For the people that still look at this thread I just had my meeting with the surgeon. She thinks the hole has healed over inside again and therefore the infection is spreading inside. She said if there is no improvement by Thursday morning, I will be back in the hospital and having surgery on Thursday afternoon/night.
Sorry to hear you may need another surgery. I can't imagine living with that kind of pain on a daily basis. The abdominal pain is enough for me to handle. At the worst of this flare, I had bad rectal pain where it hurt to walk, sit, move. I was in tears every day. And I didn't have an abscess. Just fissures and hemmies (external/internal).
Thanks guys, I just want to be okay for Christmas. I need some opinions from you guys. It's really up to me as to whether or not I have surgery on Thursday because I have to call the surgeon and let her know how it is. Yesterday when I got home and had some pain meds in me, I pushed on the big swollen part, and blood just starting pouring out. I dont know where it came from though because the area is still just as swollen and I dont see any holes in it. Although because of that the pain has seemed to go down a bit.

When I call the surgeon, do I base my decision on pain? size? How do I know? I don't want to get all the way there and in for prep and her say "Oh, you don't need surgery for this"
When I call the surgeon, do I base my decision on pain? size? How do I know? I don't want to get all the way there and in for prep and her say "Oh, you don't need surgery for this"

If it were me, I would base my decision on conversations you have with your doctors. Tell her you would like her to look at it so you can make a good decision about how to move forward here. In my opinion, it's not unreasonable to tell her that you're concerned about the size, pain, and all your concerns, and to have her look at it for the information you need to make a decision.

Best wishes! It's not unreasonable for you to fully understand what your doctors think, what your options are, and what your doctors think is best.
Being internal and her thinking that it has closed internally I don't think you will get there and she will say you don't need it.

I would go of the size, appearance and yes, pain. But pain is a very subjective thing and you really have to be honest and reflective with yourself when you assess that.

Personally, I think you have reached the point where discussion and hard decisions are going to have to be made about your treatment, I know you have an appointment coming up with the GI as well. Something has to change and change big time, whatever has been happening in the last 3 years clearly isn't working.

Most of all, good luck and I hope you find solid answers and relief soon!

Dusty. xxx
Nothing has been done in the 3 years. 3 years ago a doctor cut it in the ER table, made things worse, turned me off with doctors so I left it and dealt with it. The nurse just came today and said it needs more surgery tomorrow. The swelling is rather large, and its hard to walk. I'm on cipro and flagyl right now and I'm pretty messed up on oxy's but the paint is a bad throbbing feeling when I'm up and about.

What really can be done about this? She was honest with me and told me she can do more surgery but she said it can just as easily come back again in a few weeks. What else is there I can do? Its really frustrating?
Just my two cents worth...

I think you need surgery and antibiotics to deal with the issues you have right now but unless you treat the root cause of the problem I don't think anything will change. You need to be on something for your Crohn's.

Dusty. xxx
Well I had surgery AND antibiotics for it and it still got infected and came back. When I have my colonoscopy next Friday and if the doctor finds that it is active then I will go back on medicine, but for now I don't feel I need it, especially without a colonoscopy.
Hey guys, I had my surgery last night again for it. I'm pretty sore this morning and my throat is burning because they said they stuck a tube down my throat so I could breath during surgery. She told me she made a pretty big cut last night and said she did something like an x shape cut, and is going to try a new type of packing as well.
Glad it is done. Hopefully now you can heal up. Did she say if it is the same one or if you had another?
I only spoke to her for a little last night because I had so much morphine in me but she's going to come see me today and I'll make sure to ask that.

This hospital food sucks though that's for sure lol
Because its not a fistula. Its an abscess and its swollen like a golf ball. I dunno its just what they said. I'm high as crap right now waiting for them to come play with it again. Originally I was supposed to have a vac pack? Its where they put this thing in the abscess and its hooked up to a machine and basically continually sucks the puss out. Well, after playing with it for awhile they decided it won't work for me so now they're talking about using some sort of jelly. All I know is it hurts like hell. Right now I've got percs AND morphine in me so they can try and pack it
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. My heart is just wrenching for you right now. You are in my prayers....I just don't even know what to say. I am so sorry.
Hey thanks guys :). I'm doing better tonight. It really hurt a lot when they took my packing out but the nurse putting it back in was very gentle and I didn't even feel it! They decided to use a lot of packing and they coat it in a gel to help it heal because the vaccuum seal won't work. From what I heard that vaccuum thing is not fun so I guess in a way that works out.

I think they're holding me until around Monday but they gave me day passes so I can leave when I wake up in the morning and just have to be back around 9PM or so and sleep here. Still sucks but its a lot better than sitting in here all day.

Thanks for all your thoughts guys!
I got to see the incision today... OMG!! Its brutal! Its a giant T shape and looks very grosse. Its actually not nearly as painful as it looks thank god, but I can literally see right in the wound. This is going to take a long time to heal!
I know abscesses are treated differently depending on the situation, but is there a reason why they are repacking it ? I have had abscesses drained, they are packed once and then the packing is removed and it is left open to heal.

I had an abscess drained 3 yrs ago which formed a fistula. I was put on Remicade which worked wonders. Recently, the fistula abscessed again and I just had a seton placed. Hopefully your surgeon will be able to give you all your options now that they have drained the area, and I hope it's given you some relief, take care
Really? That's weird that you had it left open. Maybe because of the size. Yours was probably smaller. If I left mine unpacked it would for sure get infected. Both cuts are long then my index finger. Like...each one. The nurse stuck her finger pretty far in it as well. Maybe I'll post a pic when its not so fresh. It really grosse right now. My abscess actually formed WHILE I was on Remicade which was also weird. I think too because mine is so close to the rectum, if I didn't have packing in it, it would be covered in poop everytime I went to the bathroom.

I'm going to avoid a seton at all costs too. I really don't like the sounds of it. Its going to take a LONG time for this one to heal. Atleast a few months for sure