Low residue = low fiber. Rather than a list of the foods on a low residue diet, it's easier to remember the foods you should avoid, which are: nuts, seeds, whole grains, raw fruits and veggies--unless juiced.
The entire point of a low residue diet is to eliminate as much fiber as possible--to reduce the volume, preventing it from "bulking up" in your intestines, so your intestines do not have to work as hard or process as much, as well as decreasing the amount, and number of times you "poo."
A low residue (low fiber) diet is especially indicated for those who suffer from any narrowings, scarring or tumors in their intestines, because it is gentler in your digestive system.
However, if you suffer from constant diarrhea, a low residue diet may make it worse,, as doesn't provide the volume and bulk to hold the food in your digestive system long enough to absorb sufficient calories and nutrients, resulting in increased diarrhea and weight loss.
For a low residue diet, juicing your fruits and vegetables removes the fiber, while retaining all the nutrients in the juice, making it easier for your body to digest and absorb quickly, I stead of just passing through.
To juice your fruits and veggies, you need a juicer, not a blender. Blender will only grind up the fiber in your fruits and veggies, but does not remove them. While a juicer removes the fiber, separating and depositing it in a separate container from the juice.
If you wish to eat veggies and fruits, they should be cooked very well until soft, even mushy, but juicing is the better route to go.