Lower abd pain/discomfort.....

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Well - been having a pretty good weekend, except yesterday afternoon started to get bloated, and had lower abd pain/discomfort. Felt a bit better after passing wind, but still didn't feel right this morning - if I pressed along my lower abd. it hurts - esp. toward the right side - I have already had my appendix out.....

This is not normal for me - any thoughts on the cuase of pain down there - like hip bones and across - centered more toward my bladder, centered under the belly button.

Feeling a bit better today/this afternoon - will see how I feel after dinne...haven't eaten much today at all so far, don't really feel like it.
That's where I would always feel the pain just around hip bone up to belly button and sometime round to my back, I have crohns in TI hopefully yours will settle down again and it's just a grumble. It's usually a low level pain wouldn't stop u in your tracks and occasionally gets a bit sharper. Get it checked though if it persists or you start to get other symptoms.
I def agree. That is where my pain resides also. Last colonoscopy showed ulcers and inflammation in the ileum. Only hurts in the lower right quadrant.
Same here with Matt. Lower right quadrant and extending to around the navel and down to the bladder area. His was due to inflammation in the TI. He also had an abscess but the pain associated with that presented differently.

Dusty. xxx
HI there,
i have had crohn's for 21 years now and recently having a flare up. it's in my lower right hand side of by stomach, just across my belly button. i have went to the doctor two weeks ago and he said it might be my crohn's acting up again, it's always been on my right hand side, so now i am on preds for a little while till this clears up. i only feel the pain, a bit of gas, bloating, and nausea. but you should go to the doctor if things get worse. Hopefully it's nothing and it will clear up soon. best wishes.
Yes, that's where most of my pain is too and it's quite a long stretch of my TI that has 'cobblestoning'. You're not having any bladder frequency problems?
Helen - no, no bladder issues out of hte ordinary....things have calmed down, but I didn't eat a whole lot yesterday .....will be keeping an eye on things....I'm also under a bit of additional stress (marital stuff) so I'm sure that isn't helping!
ok - posted this in another thread, but figured I'd post it here too - all morning I've had pain in the RIGHT side of my chest - kind of up under my arm pit.....it has eased a bit, then comes back.....I can feel it more when I breathe in too....

I'm wondering if maybe something to do with my gallbladder - and of course I'm one who will wait to call/see the doctor - regular doc is about 30 minutes away, not sure when they could check for htere.....GI doc is about 5 minutes away right at the hospital.....wondering if I should maybe make a call?.......
Yes, make the call :) This is new pain for you and it's obviously worrying you. Added stress won't be helping. God forbid it's a complication, but if it is, better to try to nip it in the bud.
I hope it is not Crohn's, your gallbladder or anything at all serious, but best get it looked at.

Keep us posted!
grumble grumble grumble.....yes MOM(s)! lol.....just chatting with hubby on the Blackberry Messenger and when done I'll make a call...need to find some privacy to do it.....feel really tired today too for some reason.....wasn't THAT busy a weekend!
I have been getting some pain in that general area also. More like a burning sensation in one exact spot under my right armpit. It only happens when I move a certain way. Comes and goes, but when it happens it feels like fire. Strange......
hi joe, my diet consists of fresh fruit and veggies. i boil or steam my veggies. i also stay away from anything that says whole wheat and oats, corn, and other foods that are hard to digest.Especially dairy products. I eat activa and bio-best yogurt look for anything that is probotic. i mostly boil all my foods like meats and poultry. we do have a section on diets and exericise progams here on this site you can probably look into this section and ask more questions and maybe you can good get more answers there. This is only my diet, but it's all trial and error, you will find the foods that make you miserable or not the foods that don't make you miserable is the foods to stick to.

hope this helps. best wishes.

my diet consists of, lots of protein such as ground turkey and chicken. i also drink musclemilks from GNC which are lactose free. rice,small amounts of quicks oats a few times a week with no butter. Lactaid milk or other lactose free milks. cereals i eat are rice crispys, cinnamon chex, cinnamon crunch. I also make sure its free of corn meal or corn flour. Bananas, apple sauce here and there, clear drinks such as propel. I handle refried beans well to lowfat. my methods of cooking are using a george foreman griller, boil, or bake. also i can handle ketchup, i eat 100% whole wheat bread that is smooth grain(no hard things in it LOL). i eat graham crackers too. I just hope this can help ppl because i no it can be hard finding sumthing to eat. i also never eat out, to much of a pain. i eat some steamed veggies sych as carrots(mushy)My only medication is humira EO week. Im doing great. iwork out 4 days a week and take multivitamins that have the basic stuff u need. also iron zinc and magnesium I hope this helps

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