Great news, Jill! I have also had this test to see the extent that my small intestine is involved. The best results I seem to get, though, are from a colonoscopy because of where my Crohn's is located.
This is a pretty gross story, so please skip it, if you'd rather not read nastiness.
I was going to tell you this story when you first opened this post, but decided to save the details until you were finished.
Everyone seemed to have you covered on the important things.
When I was yet to be diagnosed and had my barium follow through (at Abington, which you probably know where that is), I had spent days up to my test vomiting anything I ate. I didn't know what to expect, but when I showed up for my test, they shoved two cups into my hands and told me to drink them down as quickly as I could.
Well, it goes without saying that the taste is less than desirable, but whatever inflammation was causing my troubles was starting to gurgle as I drank that stuff. I started to sweat and feel faint and I just knew I was going to chuck it. The nurse popped in to take the cups from me and saw that I had just downed only half of one of cups so far, so I used the opportunity to ask "what happens if I vomit?" She replied, "don't do that if you can help it... you'd have to start all over." I think she thought I just didn't like the taste of it.
Defeated and frightened that I was entering a perpetual loop of tossing that nasty thick stuff, I renewed my efforts to get this over with. I had one cup finished and was half way through the second, when it hit me. I caught the vomit in my cheeks, hands clamped tightly over my mouth and white barium solution spewing out my nostrils. I looked up and the nurse was standing in the doorway long enough to see me (re)swallow all the second-hand barium in my cheeks and she promptly walked over and took the remaining cup from me.
I know that's terribly disgusting, but I've always wondered what kind of stories are told there about it. She didn't think I just disliked the taste after that though... I'm sure of that! I've had to drink it a number of times since, with no problems, knock on wood.