Lump on right side of abdomen

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 31, 2011
Hi all! I am writing yet again with another question...Thankfully everyone here is always so kind and helpful!

I have been having some back/abdominal pain lately (I get frequent kidney stones, and have been just figuring I have another one brewing...). Just tonight, i noticed that I have a lump on the right side of my abdomen that is painful, it is also painful in my back, behind it (It's as if I have an arrow through my body and it hurts in just those two places) The lump itself is about 1 inch x 1/2 inch. Any thoughts?
Is it high or low on your abdomin? If it's high it could be your gullbadder, low it could be your appendix.
When you were just dx last month did they do a CAT scan or x-rays of your abdomin at all?
It's a few inches to the right of my belly button. I don't have an appendix, so I know it's not that.

I didn't have any CAT scan or X-rays done with the Gastro doc, but I did go to my urologist the other day b/c I suspected kidney stones and they did an xray at that point. (it did show I have stones, which could explain the pain, but not the lump)

I just feel like screaming!!! I feel like I'm becoming such a complainer these seems like every few days there is something new going on.
The pain is probably the stone. The lump could be just a small hernia. It's possible that "baring down" while doing number 2 or just from dealing with stones could have caused an umbilical or inguinal hernia.
Don't feel like a complainer... this is all new to you. You're not going to know everything and the worst thing to do is not asking questions about your health.

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