Major back pain!

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Aug 11, 2011
I have been having really really bad back pain in my central/left side. Feels very stiff on the good days, to spiking pain and near-inability to maneuver (sp?) on other days. I was off work for almost two weeks, felt like it was getting better, did one very light work out on my legs and now right back to square one. They gave me tylenol 3 which didn't touch the pain and then moved me to tramadol. This helped, but now I am nearly out and don't want to go back asking for more. Xrays were done, came back negative....

Was diagnosed with Crohn's 1.5 yrs ago. Been noticing some discomfort in my right abdominal area and the usual stool imbalances associated to a flare.

What the heck?! :frown:
Your GP should be helping you with the back pain. No harm in asking for another prescription if that's what works for you (plus you only take it as needed). Tramadol was too strong for me and made me throw up so I'm taking Tylenol 3 for my back and hips. I had x-rays done and it only showed arthritis and the MRI showed nothing so for now I'm getting a referral to a specialist, trying out physical therapy and taking pain meds as needed.

Also x-rays don't show everything and if you truly feel that there's some sort of back issue/injury you had then an MRI would show more of what's going on say like a protruding disk etc. Gotta ask your GP to get an MRI done on that area.

Your back pain could be Crohn's related (abdominal pain does radiate to your back) but we'll never know without some tests being done. You should really contact your GI and let them know what's going on so you can get the right treatment for what's happening now if you haven't already.

Also what medications are you currently taking? Some have been known to cause back pain as a side effect.
Thanks Crabby (love the name).... on Azathioprine at the moment. Going for my second colonoscopy next wednesday and then and MRI on the pelvic area at the end of May. My GI is trying to avoid surgery. I've been on the Aza for over a year now, but things aren't much better, although I've read that typically Aza takes 4-5 years to really do its work.

I have had back pain before, but this is unreal! The tramadol does bother my stomach a touch, but nothing like the T3's did. I find the only bad side effect to tramadol is that it makes me a bit dizzy/drowzy and it can be hard to focus... not good for the job!

Thanks for the advice! Will make a GP appt tomorrow. I just hate being on meds....
4-5 years doesn't quite sound right. I mean if things were really bad, you'd be dead by then. :p Maybe you could talk to others who also take Aza in the subforum here: and see if they had any long term side effects from it, what other meds they're on etc.

Ya Tylenol 3 makes me a bit tired but Tramadol made me feel like I had been drinking alcohol and was tipsy (almost drunk). Crazy how people react so differently to the same meds. :p
Well i took your advice and went to the doc today (3rd one in three weeks). He thinks it is NOT Crohn's related, but the other two did.

I have my colonscopy in 2 days. I hope this gives me something...some answer. I guess I'll talk to my GI about the b/p when I see him then...

Thanks for the help crabby!!! :)
I was diagnosed when i was 16 and since my diagnosis i have had intense back pain, sounds just like the pain you have. I have noticed that whenever i am stressed out, or not eating perfectly, the pain comes back. I don't take any medication for my crohn's or back pain, but my GI dr, holistic dr. and chiropractor both linked it to the prednisone i had to take for so long. Did you happen to take that at all? Or any other steroid for that matter. It definitely eats away at you're muscles and bones, as a result the disc's in my lower back have shifted and it gives me sharp immobilizing pain. Just wondering because maybe it will help me understand it a little better.
Well i took your advice and went to the doc today (3rd one in three weeks). He thinks it is NOT Crohn's related, but the other two did.

What did he think it was? Did he suggest any tests to find the cause or give you an idea what it could be?
To Angielgonzalez

Yes, I did take steroids - entocort for about a month, then had a flare so was on a huge dose of prednisone (horrible stuff) for a week and had some serious side effects (insomnia, weight gain) so was put back on entocort for 2 weeks. Haven't had it since and that was approximately 4-5 months ago. Interesting because my back pain is totally immobilizing too... I mentioned it my GI right before the nurse plugged me with anesthetic and knocked me out during my colonscopy- so I didn't get his response....LOL

To Crabby

GP said he thought it was a muscle issue and told me I should go to my chiropractor. I go regularly to my chiro and I know what it feels to have muscle pain in conjunction with mal-adjustment. This isn't the same. (I told my GP this too). I will go tomorrow to the chiro, but I don't think he is right (and that sucks because I really like him). However, I am going to go through the hoops though to say that I did it all, and who knows - maybe he's right. But this doesn't feel like a muscle issue although it's affecting them now. My symptoms specifically:

- always in the same area (left lumbar area)
- radiates into/from the gut area
- almost feels like bad mentral cramps at times
- can't straighten my back
- walking with small steps so as not to utilize the affected area to much
- can't stay in one spot for too long (laying down vs standing up vs sitting)
- heat feels good for a while (muscles), but affects the pain inside the joint area
- cold feels good, but also affects same
- when I am sitting, my back constantly "pops"
- T3's didn't even touch the pain, however my doc said 15% of the population are Codeine resistant and maybe I am one of them
- am on tramacet (tramadol + acetominiphen) and the pain is finally dulled, however, I feel a little buzzed half the time

This is no good for my work. I tried to work, but find it really hard to concentrate on what people are saying. So my doc put me off work, but the tramacet and off work aren't a fix.

there is a form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis that effects the spine of people with crohn's esspecially if stiffness is involded. bring it up to your doctor and ask about seeing a rhematoglist
How long have u had the pain and is it constant? What makes it worse / better. Any pins and needles into the legs? Could it be the kidney? And bladder leaking difficulty with bowel / bladder ( not crohns related) is it worse when u bend back or forward how do u feel generally any fever? Sorry for all questions but as I Physio I want to help!! Could be bad spasms protecting underlying condition of soft tissue damage or discs. Havebu tried diazepam ?

I had read about the different back issues caused by Crohn's and the first two doctors thought it was Crohn's related. I mentioned it to my GI so we'll se what he says when I have my check up. I have another appt with my usual GP in 1.5 weeks.... wait until then I guess and if its the same, then I'll request the rheumatologist. I hope its not ankylosing spondylitis ... but I definitely have stiffness and a problem bending.


I have had the pain since mid-March. It was constant until I finally went on the tramacet. When I am coming off the pain meds, the stiffness and pain slowly start to show up again. Heat/cold make it worse. I thought the heat was helping the muscles, which it did, but something else hurts into the bone/intramuscle more when I use heat. If I try to work out AT ALL it makes it worse. I have an inversion table (which I just bought becuz I was so fed up with the pain) and that makes it worse. Only thing that seems to help is lying down with a pillow under/in between my knees. No pins and needles in the legs. I think my kidneys are fine, becuz it isn't that far up and there are no issues and never have been with urination. It hurts to bend forward. I have to help myself straighten up from a sitting/lying position when the pain meds have worn off. Don't feel feverish.

Appreciate the curiosity!!! :ycool:I would prefer a fix rather than bandaid solution.... I would like to get back to work.

And just on tramacet, havent tried diazapam.... is that a back med?
I'm sorry you're in so much pain :( I agree with outlier, I think being evaluated for ankylosing spondylitis and sacroiliitis would be a good idea.
Hi certainly unremitting back pain warrants further investigation.!
The fact that meds help and heat make it worse suggest it's inflammatory of some nature which would be in line with anky spon but you would need a rheumy to diagnose it, stiffness is also a classic sign of it. Anky spon is generally a more chronic condition which would show a bamboo effect on x-ray but it still needs ruled out in case in the very early stages as tests x-rays and blood tests might be negative at this stage as it usually needs to be established for years before changes are picked up on x-ray

Bending forward causing pain can suggest anky spon also but it can also suggest a disc problem but it doesn't sound prolapsed as your not having nerve root pain but this is not always the case. Are you shifted to one side when looking in a mirror (also suggests disc). Diazepam is good for muscle spasm which can be associated with any underlying prob of bone or disc pain and can help short term.

You've had it since mid march so 8 weeks which is still acute and most pain tends to subside within a 6-12 week period unless it is a condition like anky spon which like the crohns will go through periods of good and bad. It's impossible to say what it is without seeing you obviously.

R ur inflammatory markers elevated? Also can u rule out gynae? An ovarian cyst can mimic back pain I'm presuming your female? As can an intrabdominal abscess. Sorry not much help on the treatment side of things until you know whTs going on if it is a back problem then gentle exercise is better than rest if it's anything else it need treated first. Lying in the feral position should ease it if not get checked ASAP. If you have any questions please ask and I'll try to help.
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