To Angielgonzalez
Yes, I did take steroids - entocort for about a month, then had a flare so was on a huge dose of prednisone (horrible stuff) for a week and had some serious side effects (insomnia, weight gain) so was put back on entocort for 2 weeks. Haven't had it since and that was approximately 4-5 months ago. Interesting because my back pain is totally immobilizing too... I mentioned it my GI right before the nurse plugged me with anesthetic and knocked me out during my colonscopy- so I didn't get his response....LOL
To Crabby
GP said he thought it was a muscle issue and told me I should go to my chiropractor. I go regularly to my chiro and I know what it feels to have muscle pain in conjunction with mal-adjustment. This isn't the same. (I told my GP this too). I will go tomorrow to the chiro, but I don't think he is right (and that sucks because I really like him). However, I am going to go through the hoops though to say that I did it all, and who knows - maybe he's right. But this doesn't feel like a muscle issue although it's affecting them now. My symptoms specifically:
- always in the same area (left lumbar area)
- radiates into/from the gut area
- almost feels like bad mentral cramps at times
- can't straighten my back
- walking with small steps so as not to utilize the affected area to much
- can't stay in one spot for too long (laying down vs standing up vs sitting)
- heat feels good for a while (muscles), but affects the pain inside the joint area
- cold feels good, but also affects same
- when I am sitting, my back constantly "pops"
- T3's didn't even touch the pain, however my doc said 15% of the population are Codeine resistant and maybe I am one of them
- am on tramacet (tramadol + acetominiphen) and the pain is finally dulled, however, I feel a little buzzed half the time
This is no good for my work. I tried to work, but find it really hard to concentrate on what people are saying. So my doc put me off work, but the tramacet and off work aren't a fix.